Chapter 131

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Lucien's P.O.V.

It's been a great day. I like the house I put an offer on, and the real estate agent said a full value offer would probably guarantee the sale. I can see us there...Bella studying and going to school, JoJo and I fooling around until she comes home. I feel like celebrating, so I ask Ms. Hillmer what a good local restaurant is and she suggested Conner's Steak and Seafood. The meal was delicious, Bella's company phenomenal, and all I can think of is getting her home so I can make love to her all night.

I tell her I need to stay at her house tonight since my parents want to fornicate like rabbits, and would prefer to be alone while they do it. Just one more reason to move to my own place now that my mother is back. Bella doesn't object, but I can see the doubt in her eyes that her father will allow it. I reassure her her father will be amenable because my Dad will use his powers of persuasion to make Garrett agree if he wants any privacy with my Mom tonight. Bella smiles at me and tells me she's got it under control, she knows just what to say to her father. We get back to Pigeon Forge around ten o'clock, and enter Bella's house. Her brother is out, but her father is quietly watching TV. He looks up when we enter.

"You guys are going to get sick of each other if you're together all the time," he says good naturedly.

"Dad, Lucien needs a place to crash tonight because his parents are out of town and don't want him hosting any parties in their absense," she lies smoothly.

It works like a charm. Her father nods and says, "That's smart thinking. Of course you are welcome Lucien."

"Thank you sir," I tell him. "I'd be happy to help you with all the animals in the morning when Bella goes off to take her math final," I offer congenially since he's not putting up resistance about me staying.

"I appreciate it, and I'll take you up on that offer." He's quiet for a moment, then turns the TV off. "Sorry I can't sit around and socialize with you guys tonight. I'm beat and need to go to bed. See you both bright and early," he says, getting up and heading toward his room, squeezing my shoulder as he walks by.

"Goodnight," Bella and I say at the same time.

Once he's gone, I turn to Bella and grin. "What shall we do, hmm? It's too early to go to bed unless you're ready for me to fuck you senseless."

"As appealing as that sounds," she says, grabbing my ass through my jeans and pulling me against her, "why don't we watch a little TV right now? I haven't had a moment of down time in quite a while."

Snuggle on the couch? I can get on board with that. I lay with my back against the cushions, and arrange her so she's laying next to me, the remote in her hands. She's idly sifting through channels while I skim the outline of her hip and thigh with my hands. "Have I told you how beautiful you are today?" I murmur against the side of her head. She glances at me and shakes her head. I'm not exactly sure what that look was for. I guess she doesn't believe me. "Bella Parker," I tell her, "you are the most gorgeous creature I have ever laid eyes upon. Your flawless skin, luscious lips, and your unbelievably enchanting eyes had me captivated from the moment I saw you." I stop for a minute and recall a love poem I read once. At the time, I scoffed at it, thought it was completely absurd, but now I understand it, so I recite it to her.

"Until you came into my world, there was nothing but darkness and gloom.
My world was missing the clouds and the sun, but also the stars and the moon.
I never believed in magic, but you just appeared from thin air.
I thought I would only be lonely in life, but now I am a part of a pair.
You make me who I am at this point, mold me in every way.
There is not a precious moment where I do not want to give you my day.
The passion between us is strong, ferocious to those that see.
The feelings that are shared between us, me for you and you for me."

She turns and looks at me, her eyes shinning. "Before you ask, no, I did not make that up," I tell her. "When I read it, I thought it was sentimental foolishness, but now that I found you, I understand what the author is trying to convey."

"I never pictured you liking poetry. When did you come across that one?"

I shrug. I know exactly when I read it. I was seducing a farmers daughter into their barn where I could take her innocence back in 1846, but Bella doesn't need to hear about all my exploits. "A long time ago," I tell her cryptically.

She turns to look at me. "Wait, do you have a photographic memory?"

I smile at her. "Actually, it's called hyperthymesia," I tell her. "I have an excellent autobiographical memory, so don't be surprised when I recall everything you say to me," I warn with a smile in my voice.

"Wow, that's so cool. Every time I learn something new about you, I am completely floored. Is there anything you can't do?"

I shake my head and laugh. "I cannot imagine a day without you by my side, and I cannot love another woman the way I love you."

A tear wanders slowly down the side of her face when I admit this to her. "I love you too, Lucien, so very much," she whispers, placing her soft mouth over mine.

When we break apart, it takes me a moment to find my equilibrium. "And here I though you only wanted me for my money," I tease.

She scoffs, "I wasn't aware you had any money until you told me."

"Okay, my body then."

She flips over on the couch so she is facing me. "Not that might be true, you do have an amazing body," she says with a sultry lilt in her voice. I lean down to kiss her again, and before things go too far, I turn off the TV and carry her to her bedroom. We spend a very boisterous and satisfying night pleasuring each other, trying to be quiet enough so we don't alert Garrett to the fact his daughter is getting ravished under his nose. We both prefer to be able to scream out in ecstasy, but trying to be quiet was fun too, and more than a little hilarious.

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