Chapter 121

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Lucien's P.O.V.

When my father leaves with Bella, I knock out the man I am holding with one superhuman punch. Then I walk over to the dog who cowers in fear. "It's okay," I whisper gently to it, "I'm not going to hurt you." It shakes in terror when I remove the long lead tying it to the trailer, but comes willingly when I break open the door to one of the trailers, and usher the dog inside it. I then use the lead and tie the man I knocked out to Skylar, who is still blubbering on the ground. When I am confident my knots are secure, I stand up and look into the woods. I shake my head. People are so stupid. Those two idiots think sticking together is a better option than running in different directions. Well, they've just made my job easier. I walk into the woods, whistling, with my hands shoved into my pockets. When I get close to where they are hiding (under a fallen log where an indentation in the Earth is camouflaged by shrubbery), I start to taunt them. "Come out, come out where ever you are," I sing song in my demonic voice. Actually, this is quite fun. I can smell their fear and can hear their rough breathing and shuffling noises as they try to make themselves as small as possible to avoid my detection. I purposefully stand in front of their cozy little enclosure, whistling and humming to myself until I see my father's large form emerge on the other side of the log. Just to scare them a little more, I tell him, in our demonic tongue, that I knocked out one asshole and tied him to Skylar back at the clearing. He tells me he noticed I put the dog in one of the trailers, and asks what I want to do. Still speaking in our demon tongue I tell him. We count to three and then lift the log from it's resting place, exposing the two men who look up at us in complete terror. I grab one of them, my father, the other. We treat them the same way Skylar and John were treated, walking casually back to the clearing, dragging them by the ankles so they can feel every bump on the ground, every stinging nettle, twig, pine needle and rock that we pass by. By the time we emerge from the woods dragging Skylar's friends behind us, they're not looking too good.

I sit the guy I've been dragging on the bench they erected near their fire ring. "What's your name?" I growl at him.

"N...N...Nate," he stutters, blood dripping down his face.

"Well, Nate, I'm afraid you've found yourself in quite a pickle. You're biggest mistake was hanging out with that asshole," I tell him, pointing to Skylar over my shoulder. He looks at Skylar, still in a heap on the ground crying, and nods. "Unfortunately for you, this is an instance of guilt by association." He begins shaking his head violently. "No, no, no, please!" he cries, but his weeping falls on deaf ears. I grab him on either side of his face and twist his head quickly, listening with satisfaction to the crack of his neck as it breaks. He falls into a lifeless heap on the bench. I wait a few moments and smile when a Grimm materializes. It stands next to Nate, waiting patiently, it's eight foot tall frame is draped in a black hooded robe, the scythe it carries in it's skeletal grasp glimmers in the late afternoon sun. When Nate's soul appears, he looks at his corporeal form in bewilderment, then slowly glances over his shoulder at the Grimm he can sense standing behind him. He starts screaming, stepping backwards and shaking his head in horror when the Grimm begins to reach for him.

"Wait!" my father demands, and the Grimm stops, turning it's hooded head in my father's direction. "There are three more coming your way, be patient and you can take them all at the same time." The creature slowly looks around the clearing and nods it's head. Nate continues to wail and plead, immobile and helpless in the Grimm's grasp.

Satisfied with the development, I get up and start walking toward the man my father is holding, grinning evilly at him. The man barely acknowledges my leer because he's looking at my father, then to the space my father is staring at, then back to my father. "What's the matter?" I sneer at him. "Can't see the Grimm waiting patiently to take you and your friends to Hell?"

He looks at me with absolute terror in his eyes, glancing every so often at Nate's crumpled form on the bench. I decide to scare him even more and turn toward the fire pit, igniting it into a roaring inferno with my powers. The man had already pissed himself, and now he's struggling to get out of my father's grasp. Dad looks at him with scorn and doesn't budge against the man's futile movements.

"Are you beginning to realize how monumentally screwed you are?" I deride him, stalking toward him slowly. Before I get there, I hear snuffling and shifting, so I turn my attention to the man I tied up with Skylar. He's chosen to regain consciousness at the most inopportune time...for him. I walk over to him and untie him, leaving Skylar tied up with the dog lead. Before I do anything else, I sit Skylar up and demand he watch what is about to happen. Skylar starts moaning, begging and pleading for his life and the lives of his friends. "You should have considered the consequences before you manhandled and abducted Bella Parker," I tell him, ignoring his apologies. When he starts to pray, I laugh a terrifying demonic laugh. "Your prayers are falling on deaf ears Skylar. God wants nothing to do with you."

I shove the guy I untied from the dog lead toward his friend who is rooted next to my father. What to do, what to do. "There are literally millions of ways I can kill you, I'm just having a hard time deciding which way I want to do it," I sneer at them. I can see my father smile and can tell his grip just got stronger by the way the man is wincing in his grasp. "What's your name?" I ask him as the look of pain on his face gets more pronounced. "Tim...Timothy...please...please don't..." he gasps.

"Hmm....Timothy, would you have listened to Bella when she pleaded for her life? Begged you to not rape her?" I see my my Dad shake his head when he releases Timothy into my grasp. "Yeah...I don't think so either," I say as I punch into Timothy's chest to wrap my hand around his heart. I know Skylar and his other friend can barely hear me over Timothy's screams, but I announce anyway, "You've been heartless your whole life, now you will be in death too", and I yank his heart out of his body, throwing it into the fire. While I wait for his soul to materialize, I use his clothes to clean the blood off my hands. Soon enough, he is there, standing immobile in the Grimm's presence, looking in horror at his lifeless body. "That's two," I tell the Grimm who nods in understanding.

I turn back to the man my father has has taken a hold of. "Your turn," I say, as silkily as my demon will allow. "Evisceration or exsanguination, which do you prefer?" I ask him congenially. He looks at me with his mouth open, his yellow, crooked teeth expose themselves in an unattractive grimace of fear. When he doesn't reply, I ask him again. No response. "Hello?" I say sarcastically, "do you speak English?" I repeat my question in a dozen other languages, but he does't react to any of them. "Okay, my choice then? Neither is a fast death...Hmm, let's see, I think I will exsanguinate you, and eviscerate Skylar," I say, conversationally.

"No, no, wait, wait! I didn't do nothin!" he yells, struggling against the hold my father has on him. He looks over his shoulder in terror as my Dad sneers down at him, his red eyes blazing.

"See? That's where you're wrong my dear chap. I saw you grabbing your crotch in anticipation of raping my girl friend," I tell him, stalking towards him in an attempt to ratchet up his fear. "I asked my Grandfather, God, for permission to torture and kill all of you. He gave it, so regardless what you believe, you've done enough in your life that God has forsaken you." I roughly grab his shoulder and propel him towards the fire. He tries to struggle, pulling away from me and digging his feet into the ground, but his attempt is futile...I keep pushing him forward.

"What's your name?" I ask him, stepping menacingly close to him.

"Rich...Richard," he says, staring at the flames.

"Well, Dick," I say insultingly, "I'm afraid this is it for you. Your next adventure will be in Hell, I'll come visit." With that, I propel him into the fire and ignite it into a towering inferno. He screams for about six seconds, then his soul appears next to his friends in the company of the Grimm.

Before I take care of Skylar, I throw Nate and Timothy's bodies into the fire, igniting it to a incendiary temperature to cook through their bones. By the time I've walked over to a penitent Skylar, my father has him standing up facing me. "Listen up, you insolent prick. This is all your fault," I seethe at him. "We told you to serve your sentence in jail, and when you got released, to never harm another living being on this planet. Did you? No. I'm not a fan of violence, I don't enjoy killing, but knowing the Earth will now be rid of someone like you makes me happy." I'm quiet for a few minutes as I make the connection with Bella again. When she answers, tentatively, I ask her if she has any final words for Mr. Skylar Schmidt and I smile at her answer.

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