The Cecaelia

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Female Reader x Male Monster

You've been working with a research team on the ocean. Your teacher selected you and your group by hand to carry out his research for him while he healed in the hospital after a bought with illness. The place is huge and it opens right up on the ocean. When you aren't carrying out his research projects or tending to labs and tests, you're out on the ocean.

Your teacher talked often about the research he acquired here while working, going on and on about his adopted son Levi and how the two of them would go out beyond the reef and dive.

"Back when I was a young man, of course, I used to go much further, dive much deeper. I see in you the kind of excitement for preserving the ocean and the life there I once had," he told you the day he selected you for the special team. "Just don't get carried away like I did. It took Levi to make me realize sometimes working enough, not harder, is all you need."

You've been keeping in touch with your teacher, sending him emails daily and keeping him up to date on what has been going on at the compound. You teammates often leave the diving missions to you and you're more than happy to oblige. In fact, the real chore of it all is having to leave the water. Every dive gets harder to leave and your teammates have taken to calling you the mermaid of the team.

Recently, you've started to find things laying on the beach, not that you never have. It just seems to you more things have been washing up. More shells, bigger shells. Sponges from the reef, large chunks of coral, even bones. You've started quite the collection.

One day when you go out to simply take a swim you find a pearl in the sand. As you walk further you find another and another. Soon you realize the whole beach is scattered with dozens upon dozens of pearls. This wasn't something that just 'happened' to wash up from the ocean. No, that was too impossible a probability to occur. Someone did this, perhaps even a something.

You collect the pearls, tucking them away in a bag that you hide between two stones. You then go back to the compound and you gather a few things. You leave at the beach a cheap bracelet you got at a tourist shop, a fork, and a toy ball filled with glitter and a light up mechanism. You leave them lying neatly on a stone away from the tide and water, but very visible if you were to come up from the ocean.

You go back home and return in the morning, finding that the things you left are gone but in their place is what looks like a stack of various shark teeth. You stare out into the ocean, your mind racing with the possibilities.

You decide to stay there, wondering if whatever has been leaving you the gifts will show themselves. As it grows dark and the sun is starting to sink into the water, you see bubbles on the horizon. They come closer and closer until something rises up on the surface. You see eyes glowing in the dim light, they scan the beach and then spot you sitting on the rock. They freeze then disappear back under the water.

You're frozen still, unsure what to do. Whatever it was it was obviously not human. You slip off the rock and walk down onto the beach, stepping into the lapping waves. Something then comes out of the water and hurdles at you, you gasp and catch it.

It's the ball you left as a gift. It's lighting up in your hands, flashing pink and green and blue and red. You throw it back out into the water where it sits on the surface for a moment and is then yanked back down. It resurfaces and is tossed back to you. You run to catch it, nearly tripping.You toss it back out.

This continues on for a few more throws. You fall and land in the wet sand, the ball clutched in your hand. As you sit up to throw it back you see the bubbles coming towards you and then the eyes pop back up out of the water. You hold your breath, biting your cheek as they look at you and then slowly rise up out of the water.

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