Saman the Karkadann

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Female Reader x Male Monster (Reader works as a surrogate)

The cravings strike at the same time they do every night. Just when everything is closing and the lights are being shut off the insatiable hunger kicks in and you head out onto the dark street. You stalk around until you come to the familiar glowing sign. The brightly lit neon of pink and yellow with a smattering of blue letters. It's familiar and warm and you feel satisfied just seeing it.

Walking into the bakery the smell makes you feel at home. There is the usual sparse crowd. People coming in from long shifts or getting ready to start them. You walk up to the counter, mouth watering as you gaze through the pristine glass case trying to decide what you want.

"Back already?" The baker asks.

Your eyes lift up, meeting his dark ones. You smile and place your hand on your protruding belly. "Same time every night, Saman," you chuckle. "It just hits me and nothing can stop me."

Saman's already preparing the strawberry shake you love. He's been your saving grace since you started this job being an incubator. You enjoyed this job, this weird and amazing service. You loved making families happy and being able to help them bring their babies into the world. Carrying eggs for certain species who needed a human host was hard and exhausting work, but you loved it more than anything.

"Seeing anything you like?" Saman was almost a craving for you as well. He was always so kind and welcoming. About two years ago, when you were first starting this job as an incubator, he saved your life. You were wandering down the street and suddenly a wave of crippling nausea hit you. Your vision went blurry and you started to go down. He came out of nowhere, saving you and bringing you into his bakery. He got you to eat something, after not having eaten all day due to nausea and repulsion. Ever since then, you've craved his bake goods like clockwork.

Saman was a massive man, tall and with armor like gray skin. He had big tree-trunk arms and massive hands. From the center of his head was a great big horn, jet black with glimmering golden streaks hidden within. He had told you his kind was called Karkadann.

"How are you feeling with this new clutch?" He asks.

"I'm doing well," you point at the glass, never touching it, to a tray full of shimmering pastries filled with some sort of berry. "I'll have two of those please.'

He smiles, a sort of knowing look in his eye. He wraps the pastries up and places them on a tray for you.

"What's that smile about?" You ask. Your fingers touch his as you take the tray.

"Nothing," he replies. "I had a feeling today, that's all."

You smirk and take the tray, going to sit down and enjoy your treat. You sit so you can both look out the window, but also watch him. You like to watch him work. Behind the counter, he continues to make pastries and treats. He keeps the coffee pots fresh and never lets them sit on the heat for too long. For such a big guy, he was able to make such amazingly delicate confections.

Back when he was just starting out, not long after rescuing you, the two of you had a really long conversation. He told you how he enjoyed cooking from a young age. He loved working with his grandmother in her kitchen, making cookies and bread. His interest grew so much he started making pies, doing designs with the crusts. He would then take the extra pastry to make tarts and anything else he possibly could. He went to a culinary school at a young age, graduated top of his class. He worked in several prestigious restaurants and kitchens. He had ever worked as a personal chef for a celebrity for a short time.

"But I was slowly forgetting why I loved cooking in the first place," he told you as he turned his coffee cup around in his hand. "So I quit for a while. I started working some construction jobs and some of my coworkers didn't exactly have great lunches. I felt bad. Some of them could barely afford to feed themselves. So, I started cooking for the entire crew. I made lunch sometimes well into the night." He then laughs. "Yeah, staying up all night them going to work on a construction site wasn't probably the best thing in the world," he shakes his head but still smiles. "It was cooking for them I remembered how much I loved it. I was gaining my passion back. So, after a while, I decided to open up my own shop. A few years ago it was a deli, but I was soon able to build the bakery I had always dreamed about with my grandmother."

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