Gael the Rakshasa

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Female Reader x Male Monster

Recently, you've started seeing someone you met on a dating app. He's a Rakshasa, charming, sweet, and very handsome, and he has a good career. It's a surprise to you that someone like Gael is so interested in you. He co-owns a wellness center where he works as a yoga instructor. For a while now, Gael has been asking you to attend his class on the weekends. You've had excuses for each one - you're visiting friends or your mother, you're shopping. But this weekend you have nothing going on except for laundry, so you can't exactly turn him down.

"I just don't wanna embarrass you in the class. I've never done yoga before," you tell him.

"I see beginners all the time, so it's not embarrassing," he chuckles. He has on a bright smile, seemingly excited just to have you there. "That's my job as an instructor!"

"But still..." There are other things weighing a little heavy on your mind. After all, Gael is fit, and you are, well, not.

Gael steals a kiss as he brings your dishes to the sink. "I can even sign you up for a massage after the class. You'll be in heaven. Once that's done, if you can still walk, I'll take you to that tea place you like."

You smile shyly and touch his face. His bright orange fur is so soft against your palm. "You don't have to do all that. I'll come to the class regardless."

Gael kisses you again. "I'll help you. Don't worry. I'm a good teacher."

"I'm sure you are." You return the kiss, then have to stop. Both you and Gael agreed to take things slow and not to rush anything. That is getting harder as you two grow closer, not to mention that Gael is incredibly sexy. Each time you're alone together, it's a struggle to keep your hands to yourself. Soon though, you and Gael are planning a trip together.

One day after work, you go out and buy some clothes for the class. Gael gave you a yoga mat ages ago, back when he first asked you to try coming. You don't really have any workout clothes, even though over half your wardrobe consists of leggings. You want to wear something cute and new for your boyfriend.

On Saturday, you're a bit excited for the class. Walking into the building and towards the back, you see quite a few people are already there. You choose a spot towards the back of the room, as the front is already taken up, and begin setting up your mat. As you do, you notice the front of the class is mostly occupied by very beautiful women.

"New here?" A woman takes the spot beside you. "Gael is a wonderful teacher. You'll enjoy his classes."

"I hope so," you sigh.

"How did you hear about it?" she asks.

You suddenly grow nervous and feel your face flush.

"Gael's really popular." She points to the front. "Usually draws a crowd like that all the time. Don't be frightened of them, though. They just know about the rumors."

You furrow your brow and frown deeply. "Rumors? What rumors?"

She gives you a look and sighs. "Just rumors, mind you. I don't even think they're true anymore. But - keep this under your hat - some says that Gael is a master of Tantric sex."

Your eyes almost pop out of your head, but you try to contain your reaction.

"Used to practice, so to speak, on his favorites in class." She shakes her head. "Gael is charming, but I don't know about all that. These days he doesn't seem to have eyes for anyone."

You're a bit bothered by this. You know that Gael asked to take things slow, but could this be a factor in it? Your mind is racing, and when Gael finally comes into the classroom you're slightly alarmed. He smiles around the room, but his face lights up when he sees you in the back.

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