Rafi the Orc

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Female Reader x Male Monster (both cis)


Cornerstone Used Books was one of those places you wished everyone knew about, but at the same time wanted to keep a closely guarded secret. Ever since discovering it, it has become your safe haven and refuge. Traveling down the aisles made you feel like a kid again, pretending to be wandering down labyrinths to find your prince.

Every shelf was tall, almost ceiling height, and packed so full of books it was like counting stars in the sky; near impossible for the human eye, but so funny to try. You had discovered the shop on a half day from work. You and some friends had a long lunch and then went shopping around the corner. There you saw it, like the gods had parted the clouds for you to see the oasis in the desert.

The small brick building was mundane enough to be passed over, and the fact it was next to a vape shop would have deterred you at first glance. But then you saw it, the sign featuring a stack of books held up by a knight in shining armor and a dragon sleeping underneath. It was your siren's call.

Ever since that day, you've made a point to visit as often as possible. New stock was brought in daily, but even at the prospect of drowning yourself in books at home, the shop had become a stress relief after long days at the office. There was also Enzo, the bookstore cat.

After a particularly long, grueling day at the office you went into the bookstore with no other intent than to just roam until you felt like you could eat something. The front desk was empty, which was odd. Usually there was someone there. You wandered back, going towards the romance section where the store descriptors usually boosted your mood.

"Let's see here." You tapped the sides of your glasses, making sure they were on properly so you could seek out the best titles. You hummed to yourself as you searched the spines. Some were pristine, others were cracked and well loved in time.

"What's this?" You stood on tiptoe trying to reach a book. The spine was pitch black with holographic lettering so you couldn't quite read it. But it called to you, it begged you to get it. And since it was so high up, that meant it was a particularly spicy book.

Your fingers swipe and pass through it like a ghost. Huffing, you look around for a step ladder. You see Enzo dart passed the aisle like another ghost.

"Hello kitty," you called after him. "Can you find me a stool?"

"Here," a gravelly voice trickled down your spine.

You turned around to see the shadowy outline of a very tall man behind you. He extended the book you had been trying to reach towards you.

"Oh! Thank you!" You took the book from him then watched as he put more upon the shelves. He had long hair tied into a braid, and you could see tusks jutting from his full, bottom lip. He was an orc!

"I thought I had met everyone who worked here," you chuckled.

"Well, technically, I don't work here." His voice was so deep and rumbly it started to make you feel embarrassed. "My usual workers got sick, so I took over for the day. I own this shop."

You felt starstruck. "You're my hero!"

He turned and looked at you, his shadowed face giving way to his puckered brow.

"That sounded weird!" You had to laugh. "I love your shop so much. It's become like a safety blanket for me as of late. It's wonderful."

"Oh, thank you," he grumbled. He continued stacking the romance shelf. "I'm glad people have become so taken with it." He stepped a little into the light and you saw he was wearing a very fine sweater that hugged tight to his chest.

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