chapter 1

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Minho pov

"Baby, I am home..." I opened the door of my apartment happily to find han with hyunjin in the couch cuddling while watching a movie.
"Baby, hi. Look who is here." My boyfriend said smiling.
"Hey, hyunjin" I said coldly.i don't like this boy, he just gives me off vibes adding the fact that he dated han once made me hate him more. He is always here.
"Hi" he said indifferently "hanie, I should go. I have work at the hospital" he said looking at han, making me bite my inner cheek in annoyance.
"Jinie, it is 8 pm you should go rest" han said gasping.
"This is the life of a surgeon honey, you are lucky you didn't become one like me and Felix, at least I can make time to meet you " he said raffling my boyfriend's hair before he left.
"At least I can make time to meet you" I said mockingly

han raised a brow at me "what now?" he said with a sight.
"Jisung, he is always here and I hated it when he call you hanie or touch you" I said throwing my hands in the air.
"Again with this hyung, he is my friend why can't you understand" he said jumping from his seat.
"Because you used to date" I yelled at him.
"And you used to date chan and changbin hyung, yet you are still friends with them. Hell you even work with chan" he glared at me.
"I barely see changbin these days and for chan what do you want me to do leave my job" I answered him moving to the kitchen.

I heard footsteps coming behind me"hyung, I am going to say this once and for all, Felix and hyunjin are not just my friends they are my childhood friends, you need to get over your insecurities not because you think that hyunjin is richer smarter than you we are going to have this conversation everyday, if this going to continue it is better to break up"he yelled at me making me shocked, even him looks shocked at what he said.
"No, hyung. I am sick of your jealousy. I trust you why don't you trust me".he answered with teary eyes.

i looked at the ground clenching my fists" I don't trust your friend, he still has feelings for you han. I can see the way he looks at you"i said glaring at him now.
"You are unbelievable, you are sleeping in the guest room tonight, I don't want to see your face" he said storming out from the kitchen.
Tears start running down my cheeks, fucking hwang hyunjin, I will never let you take my boyfriend from me.i sight heading to the guest room

Next morning
I woke up early heading to the police station not wanting to see han yet. I mean I know that I am going to see him at work later but still.
I can't believe he said that to me, he knows I always told him that I feel that he will leave me one day for hyunjin. I mean the boy is perfect he is taller smarter richer. And I am just a government worker, who wouldn't be insecure because of this. And the fact that he dated han in the past making me question why did jisung choose to date me after he dated a person like hyunjin.

"Good morning minho"chan hyung said pulling me from my thoughts.
" good morning hyung, how have you been?"i asked him with a forced smile.
He sights"not good, an other victim was found, last night it is the same killer And again no witnesses no fingerprints.... Nothing".
He answered shaking him head before he stepped into his office me behind him.
We have been after this killer, for 2 months now. He killed 5 people so far, all of the bodies had number 3 carved on their neck they belonged to the same mafia. Even the Mafia has no idea who is killing their members yet they didn't want to corporate with us.
The killer is so perfect, he never left any lead to track him. It is always the perfect crime.
"Wait a second last night, does this mean han is here?" I asked him standing in his office.
"Yes, he is here from 6 am, he is working on the body for any leads, it is our only hope since the crime scene is clean, you must notice he is not sleeping next to you " he said laughing ,making me frown.
"What happened minie"he said getting closer to me.

"We fought again because of hyunjin, hyung" I said.
"Minho, they are just friends. You need to trust han he loves you" chan hyung said now standing in front of me.
"Hyung, they once dated. And did you look at the boy he is perfect. Why will han choose me over him, I love han so much I don't want to lose him hyung" I said tears streaming down me face
"Minie, you are perfect too" he said drying my tears.
" am I?"i said with a small voice.
"Of course you are. You are handsome talented, and a smart detective. Han would be stupid of he let you go, like I did" he murmured the last part.

A moment of silence filled the room before he start leaning in, my brain screamed at me to move but I just froze in my place. His lips met mine he start kissing me slowly.
"Chan hyung..." The door opened making us jump from each other.
"I can't fucking believe you, you are lecturing me about hyunjin while you are here kissing your ex" han yelled glaring at both of us.
"Han, it is not what It looks like" I said trying to reach him.
"Don't" he said with a sad voice.
"Chan, it is about the body. I wanted to tell you that I have been tracing a pattern in the kills. Our killer is not just an amateur. All 5 past victims were killed by cutting their throat, he is also left handed .he knows what he is doing,he is an expert" han explained." I am disappointed in both of you" he added leaving the room.

"Minho, I am sorry" chan hyung apologised.
"If you didn't...." I paused letting a breath, I didn't stop him it was my fault too.
I fall on my knees"it is my fault too hyung, now he will never forgive me. I am done."i said crying hard
"I will talk to him, you didn't even kiss me back. I am sorry I made things worse I didn't mean it" chan said patting my back.

Han pov

"Hello, hyunjin. Meet me in front of the police department" I said in the phone.
"I will be there in 5" he answered hanging up. Thankfully the hospital and the police department are close.

I entered the black car which stopped in front of me.
"Aaa" I screamed hitting my head on the seat.
"Hey, don't hurt my baby and What happened to you?" Hyunjin asked.
"Minho kissed chan" I said looking at him.
He laughed at me" and you are angry because..." He said with a smirk.
"He cheated" I said simply.
"And you are cheating too baby, stop being a hypocrite " he said caressing my thighs.
"No, you don't understand. Minho is mine ." I replied clenching me jaw.
"One you sound like a psychopath two what am I to you. Your dirty secret" he frown.
"You are my soulmate jinie, and I want both of you " I replied sitting on his legs.
"It doesn't matter if you want us both, if he doesn't know it is cheating too" he said with a smirk"and I don't think he will agree to enter a relationship with me the boy hates my guts"he added.

"True, but he loves me. And now since he screwed up it will be easier to convince him to be with us" I said a laugh.
"And who told you I want to be with that man" I said rolling my eyes.
"Because I want to be with both of you, would you do that for me jinie?" I said blinking at him innocently.
"The things I do for you han jisung"he replied shaking his head.
"Han, do you really love minho" he added seriously.
"You both are my everything" I answered pecking his cheeks.
"But why did you choose to cheat on him like this, why didn't you tell him about your feelings for me" he asked
" shut up and kiss me"i said
"You should be thankful for the windows that no one can see us" he replied hungrily kissing me...

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