chapter 4

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Minho pov
"So since every detective on the case is here let me explain" I said after we called for detective Kim and yang.
"We know that our killer is obsessed with number 3, he always chooses abandoned places with no surveillance cameras" I said
"We already know that hyung" jeongin said.
"Look at the map. The place were the victims were found are pointed at. If you look deeper. The distance between them is always 3 km. It made me think what if he also trying to make number 3 across the map. If we follow the pattern the next kill would be around this area" I said circling the map.

"Minho, you are a genius" said chan hyung clapping his hands.
"And if we focus on abandoned places with no cameras it will become easier" seumgin said fixing his glasses
"Bingo" I said with smirk.
"Jeongin, seungmin look for places that match the description we don't know when  he would kill again so put some officers near the area. " chan commanded.
"Yes sir" both boys said leaving.
"Minho, go home and rest. You deserve it buddy" he said hugging me.
"Okay, hyung. Good night." I said leaving the office.

I checked the time, visiting hours must be over. But my ex is the owner, I should use that
"Hello, changbin"i said pulling me phone.
" hyung, how are doing.i heard from Felix about han. I am sorry"he said
"Thank you, I was wondering if you could pull some strings so I can spend the night at han's. I know visiting hours. ..."
"Done, you can go they will let you in " he cut me off.
"Thanks binie,I owe you," I said getting out of my car
"Hyung, you will always be an important person in my life please don't say things like that again" he replied,
"Thank you binie" I said.
"Thank me with a drink, it is been forever since we last met" I can imagine him pouting.
"Okay, I promise after han's recovery we can meet" I said getting near the room"wait a second why are you not in the hospital?"i added
"I am in a business trip, it is for a month. So I still have 3 more weeks to go " he answered laughing.
I cringed at the number, I start hating it.
"Okay, good night binie, see you. Take care" I told him entering the room.
"Good Night" he answered.

"Hyung, how did you get here" han asked  confused to see me.
"I asked for changbin to let me stay here" I answered.
"Well, luckily it is a big bed. Come here" he said patting the space next to him.
"What if I hurt you while sleeping. I will sleep on the couch" I said removing my jacket.
"You won't ,you sleep like a dead corpse" he said laughing.
"Maybe next time try and be more cute. Like you sleep like a baby" I said playfully glaring at him.
"This is what you get when you dated a forensic scientist" he laughed.
I laid next to him carefully trying not to hurt him he chuckled at me.

"So how did It go at work" he asked.
"We finally have a lead," I said proudly.
"Really, omg. What did you find" he said excitedly
"Not important now, you should rest" I told him caressing his hair.
"But hyung, I want to know too. He didn't have any lead for 2 months. I work with you too" he said pouting.
"I know baby, but you are sick now focus on recovering" I answered the big baby.
"Yes, you are right sorry"he laughed.
" good night sungie" I told him kissing his head
"Good night hyung" he replied.

Next morning
Hyunjin pov

I went to han's room first think in the morning,I need to make sure he is taking his medicines. Even if it means I will have to feed it to him myself.
I entered the room, to find his boyfriend laying next to him.
This idiot, if he moves in his sleep he could hurt han.
I got closer to the bed examine minho's face, what does han sees in you? Okay you are good looking but I am more handsome, I am richer smarter. I am better than you at everything is it your personality. Well you act rudely toward me how will I know? I am not nice toward you too.
Why would han want me to date him too? I told him he can date me and him and there is no need for us to date but he is insisting.

"I know I am handsome but stop starting" he said pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Handsome you wish" I rolled my eyes, making him glare at me
"What do you want?" He asked slowly leaving the bed.
"Just looking for something to know why han likes you... I don't see why" I replied coldly.he looked hurt for a second.
"Well, that's for him to know. I don't like you hwang"he said
" and I am not a big fan too. Why are you here? You could have injured him while sleeping"I asked.
"I spend last night here, and i will never hurt him" he replied still glaring at me.
"Stop with the look" I said with poker face

"God, both of you shut up. I want to sleep" han said groaning.
"Baby, it is 8 am. You need to take you medicines" I told him getting closer.
"Shit" I heard minho say"hanie, I need to go I am late for work. Love you "he said pecking his lips before he left.
I rolled my eyes, preparing the pills.
" are you perhaps jealous jinie?"he teased.
"I am not" I said ignoring him"open your mouth"i added 
"Are those.."
"Yes now, take then" I told him with a glare
"Give me a kiss first" he said with a pout
"No" I replied
"Han jisung, open your mouth right now" I yelled at him
"Come jinie, just a peck" he said frowning.
I leaned in pecking his lips when the door opened
"I forgot my phone "minho said taking the phone.
" hyung..."
"I am late see you later" he said running from the room. I let a laugh.
"Hwang, shut up" he said glaring at me.
"Okay, sorry now your pills" I said handing them to him with a cup of water.
He took them from me before he drink the water swallowing them.
"Good boy,I will make sure you take them in time everyday" I told him taking
The cup.
"Yes whatever" he replied rolling his eyes.
"I love you hanie. I love you so much" I holding his hands.
"I love you too " he smiled.

Minho pov

I arrived at the station, still angry at what I saw. I mean he cheated and he told me he still loves him but is he going to kiss him before I even agree to date him.
"Oi, min. How is han?" Chan asked
"Chan go visit him if you are worried about him" I said rolling my eyes.
"What is with the mood" I replied.
"I am sorry hyung, he is fine. I just saw him kiss hyunjin they are acting like they are dating now and i didn't even say yes" I said with a frown.
"What are you waiting for then?" He asked
"Hyung, I don't like hyunjin. I hate him" I replied entering the office behind chan.
"You admitted that you find him attractive, you don't even know him yet you decided that you hate him because he used to date han.look min, either you refuse and risk lossing han or you agree it is time to choose. " he replied taking his seat.

"I know but his rude behavior makes me forgot that attractive face" i murmured.
"Hyung, we put undercover officers in everything place we found suspicious" jeongin said entering the room.
"Good job , inie" chan said smiling at the boy
"Thank you sir" the boy said with red cheeks before he left.
"What was that for?" I asked with a smirk.
"What was what?" I said confused.
"He was just blushing and you smiled from ear to ear after seeing him do you have a crush" I asked teasingly.
"Oh, come on he is dating seungmin" he replied
"They don't look like they would date a 3rd person plus I only find them cute. I don't know if I like them" he replied.
"I asked you if you have a crush on jeongin yet you are talking about dating both of them. Of course you like them" I said laughing at him.
"Shut up and leave" he glared at me.
"Okay, okay I am leaving " I said between my laughs...

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