Chapter 15

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Minho pov
"hyung, let me down" han said trying to get out of my grip.
"stay still or I will throw you on the ground"I said making him stop moving.
Earlier when I saw hyunjin and him making out...i felt jealous but I knew that it is my life now and I need to accept that hyunjin is a part of his now....and mine,but it made me remember my conversation with han when he told me how he let hyunjin listen to our.... You know what. I promised that I will make him pay for it and here we are now.
I entered our room throwing him on the bed.
"hyung... What..." before he could continue I smashed our lips together he was shocked at first before he kissed back.
I pulled back making him whine,
"eager"I hummed with a smirk.
"what was that for?" he pouted.
"did you think I would forget about what you did?" I  asked with a raised brow .
"what...oh" he said realizing what I meant.
"you made him listen to me moaning...let him now listen to you pretty boy"I said kissing him again, I fought with me for dominance before he submitted, good boy......

Next morning,
I woke up with han laying his head on my chest, I carefully caressed his hair making sure I won't wake him, I glanced at the is 6:30 am, I gently stood up to prepare breakfast before we head to work.
I entered the kitchen taking the ingredients out, I smiled to myself remembering last night...i am happy that he still feels the same as me...he always tells me that he does but sometimes I get scared.
I start humming a song while cooking the pancakes.
"someone is happy " I looked back to find hyunjin with just a towel around his waist while the other was in his hand drying his hair, i gluped.

"of course I am" I said shifting my eyes back to the pancakes.
"yeah, I heard all of it last night" he said chuckling.
"well pay back"I replied putting the cooked pancakes on a plate before I looked back in Hyunjin's direction to be surprised that he was standing right behind me.
"move" I glared at him making him take a step back which he did.
"can you put somthing on?" I added heading toward the fridge getting some fruits.
"no, I like eating like this" he said with a teasing tone, I glared at him my eyes widened when he was going to eat from hanie's plate.
I ran to him hitting his hand making him look at me shocked"that's for han... Take some from the other plate" I said .

"they are the same" he said rolling his eyes.
"no yours have poison " I said with a smirk.
He looked at me with wide eyes"you know I am joking right" I said chuckling.
"not so sure about that"he said sniffing the pancake taking a little bite before he pouted."if I die I will haunt you down" he added
"oh, believe me if I planned to kill you I will not leave any traces that can lead to me being the killer"I said leaning toward him ears"I will kill you in an abandoned place than burn everything with your corpse than throw your ashes in the sea" I murmured pulling back as i felt him tense.

"you are a psychopath"he said shaking his head.
"no... I catch them" I said putting the final touch on han's plate.
"you are really something minho" he said chuckling.
"that I am honey"I froze of what I said, hyunjin had a small smirk on his lips but thankfully han entered the kitchen saving me... I fall for him even more.
"oh, morning" he said rubbing his sleepy eyes before he glanced at hyunjin."well at least he is wearing a towel "he chuckled before he pecked my lips than his.
"enjoy, your breakfast ... I will take a shower than come back" I said ruffling his hair before I left.

Hyunjin pov
"are you trying to seduce my boyfriend ?" han asked after minho left.
"maybe, maybe not you will never know" I said chuckling.
He hummed taking a seat he winced making me chuckle.
"meanie" he pouted before he start eating."so you like it here so far" he added.
"I literally just moved" I said rolling my eyes.
"what do you think of minho?" he asked ignoring my question.
"why are you trying to set us together again?" I asked amused
"maybe maybe not you will never know"he repeated my sentence with a smirk.

I sight " well, I don't love or like him... But sure I want to know more about him...let's say he is interesting"I said with a smirk.
"oh, don't tell me you ate all the pancakes" minho said entering the room.
"of course not baby come" han said opening his arms for minho who took a seat on his lap.
"hyung, I think it is better if we change our position " han said with red face.
"I am that heavy" minho said with a giggle.
"no... Not exactly I am... You know last night... Stand up please" minho eyes winded jumping from his lap.
"oh, sorry baby I forgot" I said shocked.
"no, it is okay I forgot too" han said standing up to change seats with minho.

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