Chapter 25

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Minho pov
" so our victim is choi jake, he is the sliver stone mafia leader's son in law"seungmin said as we looked at the dead body in front of us, the first couple of days of this week were normal we encountered three homicides typical cases. But today we were informed of the murder of choi's son in law, the husband of his oldest daughter and maybe his next heir.
"did he take his wife surname?" han asked confused.
"according to our records yes" Sungmin said.
"the sliver stone are losing too much and they are not making a move...why are they so calm?" chan said humming
"I know scares me more" seungmin agreed with him.

"well, he was killed like the other victims except he has a fresh gun wound on his leg" han said.
"he must got injured during some Mafia activities" chan said.
"sir, we have a witness " an officer said pulling a boy with him.
My eyes widened, we have never had a witness. Did they finally mess up?
"what did you see?" I run to the boy shaking him.
"I work for the bar over there, last night was a busy one....i didn't see much but he was flirting with a woman with long black hair before they left together " the boy explained.
"a woman" my eyes widened " did you see her face?" I added.

"no, I told you it was a busy night...i didn't get to see her face but she was shorter than him" he explained.
"he is 190 cm, a giant everyone is shorter than him "I said clenching my hair from frustration.
"do you think someone from the customers saw them?" seungmin said.
"even if they did I don't think they would have noticed bars like that are filled with drugs ... And believe me they won't talk to the police" chan said with a sight" you can go" he told the boy who left.
"back to square zero," I said kicking the car next to me.

"easy, Minho we are not....we knew it is a woman that's a progress" chan said.
"but what if she is working with the killer " seungmin pointed
"we need to find her" I announced.
"he is married yet he is flirting with other people" han said rolling his eyes
"jeongin, I need to do as much as you can to find some info about this woman..."
"jeongin" I yelled cutting chan hyung.
"what?" the boy asked with wide eyes.
"you were not listening" I said with a raised brow.
"I am sorry, I didn't sleep well last night" he said bowing.
"get yourself .... We need you to be on your full mind" chan said " go get some rest, seungmin will take over" he added.

"I can..."
"clearly you can't.... Go home it is an order " chan said making the boy leave in silence.
"that was a little too hard hyung" I told chan .
"he is having these nightmares whenever I spend the night with them the last few days he didn't sleep at all....seungmin and I tried to talk to him but he said he is fine but clearly is not" chan said .
"I am worried about him, he have never acted like this before " seungmin added.
"he needs rest, give him some time he will come around" I answered.
"come on let's go back to the station" chan said as the team start leaving after cleaning the scene.

We did everything we could to catch this killer, but they are like a ghost....from their killing locations to their killing techniques they are perfect not a signal lead...i was kind of surprise when the bartender saw the woman, is she our killer?
I took a seat next to han as he start driving back to the station.

Jeongin pov

I walked toward our mafia base, the members were whispering among each others.i mean who could blame them they lost their next leader and important member within a week, the powerful ones are not safe let alone the low ones.
"jeongin" my father stood up from his seat hitting the table with eyes filled with rage."who the hell is killing them, they even killed Kim's daughter my best friend, my son and now my son in law" he added
"do something, you work for the something you useless piece of shit" my old sister said hitting my chest before she burst into tears falling into the ground.
"you know he was cheating on you right," I asked looking down at her.
"you are....lying....they are lying....jake would never...."
"a witness saw him flirting with a woman in a bar before they left" I can't her off.

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