Chapter 11

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Han pov
"it is hyunjin" I said as I saw my phone ringing.
"he couldn't stay away from you for a moment" minho said hugging me.
"yes hyun...hey hey relax we are coming" I said.
"what happened ?" minho asked confused.
"changbin and hyunjin found a dead body in the toilet...with their throat open " I said making the four detective jump running toward the bathroom .
Felix looked at me shocked before we start running.
When we entered changbin hyung was panicking felix ran to comfort his boyfriend I nodded at hyunjin who had blood on his hands before I entered the stall.

"it is our killer" minho said.
"the body is still hot...he was killed between 7 pm and 10 pm before they found the body" I said examining the body.
"what happened changbin?" chan asked him while the other was clinging into felix.
"I was leaving when hyunjin and I...had a little argument... I pushed him...he fall next to the body" he said with breaking voice making hyunjin nod.
"did you touch anything ?" minho asked.
"no shit Sherlock, I fall next to him....i am covered in his blood" hyunjin replied rolling his eyes.
"i meant did you touch the body?" minho added, hyunjin just shook his head
"call for the officer outside....control the scene now" chan said pointing at the people who start gathering outside .
"yes sir" jeongin and seungmin said leaving.

"can i leave now... This is disguting" hyunjin said looking at his clothes.
"yes..changbin hyunjin, we will need you to come to the police station after for your statement ... You can leave now" chan said
"no, they can't... They were the ones who found the body ... We need to question them" minho said
"hyung" I gasped.
"that's what we do if we don't know them ... They are not different" he answered.
"the killer can still be here" chan said.
"or maybe he used the window to escape...and let me guess... I am sure there is no cameras either , what the hell are the officers doing outside they should have catch him"minho said angrily checking the victim phone
"there is no need to keep you two... It is the serial killer you can leave excuse minho behavior " chan said glaring at him.

"changbin wait..." minho said."this is your number right" minho added making changbin freeze taking the rest of us by surprise
"I know it changbin... Why did you call him.... 10 times at that...his phone is on silence mode" minho asked.
" answer me now" he said taking him by his collar " do you know who he is?...he is a mafia member why do you have him number? " he added.
"minho, let him go... Changbin I am sorry you need come with us for questioning " chan said.
"hyung" Felix murmured looking at changbin who was taken away silently .
"you can leave now" minho said glaring at hyunjin who left right after with felix.
"let's secure the scene before leaving" he told me as I start working since the officers got me my tools.
Lucky me drunk and working.

Changbin pov

I sit in the interrogation room, my head between my hands.... How I am going to escape this.
The door was opened revealing minho and chan hyung....chan looked at me with sad face while minho held a poker one...
They took a seat in front of me, making me fell nervous...
" SEO changbin...why did you call the victim before we found him?" minho said glaring at me.
"minho stop is changbin..."
"I know it is changbin that's what makes me more angry...why the hell did he have the number of member of silver stone mafia?" minho yelled hitting the table.

"detective lee...if you are not going to control your emotions it is better to leave the instant" chan hyung said fixing his glasses.
"but..." minho stood up.
"this is your last warning minho ... Sit or leave" chan said before he looked at me"changbin... This is serious...why did you call him?" he asked.
"I..." I said looking at my lap...think changbin....think...
I looked up to find them waiting for me to talk.
"hyung.... I am sorry....i needed some drugs..." I said nervously.
"you fucking idiot are you out of your mind...when did you start using?" minho yelled.
"I didn't .... This was supposed to be my first time...i wanted to try it" I looked away .
"why is not good for your health... Are you having a bad can talk to me you know that right" chan hyung said with a sad smile.

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