Chapter 7

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Han pov
I woke up in my room, I blinked in confusing when did I get here?
I glanced up to the wall it is already 8 am I am late for work, I jumped from my bed about to run to the bathroom.
"hanie, you are awake" minho said entering the room.
"hyung, it is my first day back to work why didn't you wake me.and how did get back here?" I asked looking for clothes .
"hanie, you slept in the car last night and I called chan hyung we have a free day today we don't need to go to work" minho said taking the shirt from my hand .
" what why?"I questioned.
He took my hand leading me to the bed before he sit together.
"hyunjin told me about your disorder last night" he replied, damn you hyunjin I told you to tell him and you just did it right after.
"you didn't tell me because you thought I will leave you?" he added looking inside my eyes, I nodded silently at him.
"hanie, I love you i won't leave because you are sick. When hyunjin told me I thought you didn't trust me, it hurts me that you are not comfortable with me. Please don't hide anything from me anymore, I promised I will be with you until you tell me to go,Didn't I?" he hugged me.

"I am sorry, hyung." I hugged him back.
"anything else you want to tell me" he asked, I stayed silent for a moment debating If I should tell him or not.
"about hyunjin? I have been with him for the last 4 months ... I am sorry hyung, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I swear I care about you. It is doesn't mean that I don't want you... You are my family... You felix and hyunjin are the most important persons in my life" I explained afraid that he will leave after this.
"hyunjin told me about it I forgive you but don't tell me that you love felix too" he said laughing, is he making fun of me?
"of course I love him" I replied making his mouth fall open from shock" as my best friend " I added with a smirk.
"you scared me"he said clenching his heart .
"why if we add felix we can add changbin your ex?" I joked.
"what next chan seungmin and jeongin" he said laughing.

I laughed along before I stopped "wait  understand chan why the other two?" I aske confused.
"our chief has a crush on them" he blurted out making me laugh.
"oh, I will have fun teasing him about it. I still didn't forgive him about your kiss, he didn't even call or visit for the last 2 weeks " I said acting hurt
"he just feels guilty, he always asks about you plus he told me he wanted to get close to you but you refused .It is not like you are friends too, you just talk about work" minho said
"because he is your ex..."
"that's what I feel about hyunjin honey...not an ex now but you got my point " he replied .

"okay, I will try to know him for you" I answered pecking his lips.
"so what is our plan today since we don't have work" I added leaning in to kiss him.
"hanie,you are still recovering" he said pulling back.
"no i feel better" i said pouting
"well, we can go to a date since you are better now" he replied .
"oh, no my arms and head hurts minie" I said pouting.
"you just trying to avoid the date are you?" he said laughing.
"what never " I said gasping. " it is not like I hate dates I hate busy places, we can have a date here if you want " I added .
"I don't believe you were the popular kid in school " I teased .
"of course I was I just had enough of people and parties I had fun then .. I grew up now" I said.
"okay, now stop lying I know you want to stay here because you want to seduce me mister.... He says he hates parties" he said shaking his head.
"guilty "I laughed .
"we are going out let's have a brunch. Get ready" he said leaving before he start changing, I just watched him from afar.
"stop drooling and get ready" he said making me sight before I start changing as well.

Hyunjin pov
I was inside my office with felix who was whining about how he misses his boyfriend since his business trip got extended ,I just nodded at him the whole time thinking about han.
"hyunjin are listening ?" felix said shaking me.
"yes" I replied with a raised brow.
"what did I say ?" he asked.
"you miss changbin hyung" I said unsure.
"you idiot I was taking about the patient I stopped taking about binie ten minutes ago" he said shaking his head.
"sorry, I was thinking about hanie" I replied .
"I figured... Do you think it is a good idea for him to be with minho hyung" he asked .
"I don't lix, but he makes him happy. that 's all I want " I replied
"be careful not to get hurt, you suffered a lot too" he murmured.
"don't worry about me lix I am good" I smiled at him.

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