Chapter 21

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Hyunjin pov
"I need your help" I said as we entered my room, I am in big trouble...i have no idea how to make a perfect date...why did I have to be so full of myself.
"sorry, I am not going to help you" han said chuckling.
"are you enjoying my misery or what?" I asked in disbelief.
"yes, I am actually...i want to see what kind of a date you are going to plan...on your own" he nodded.
"are you aware that if he does like the date he is going to reject me...what are going to do then" I said shaking my head while he looked at me with his mouth wide open.
"I totally forgot that" he chuckled.

"oh God, what now?" I said clenching my hair before I laid on the bed.
"relax jin, just be yourself... Do you like him or...?" he asked with a frown.
"I...maybe I do....i don't know I am trying to figure it...." I sigh, I am not sure how I feel about minho...but I need to get close to him.
"listen, I am going to say this once and for all. If you have some hidden agenda and that's why you are getting close to minho. don't" he said glaring at me, I rolled my eyes.
"let's see how the date goes first" I replied.
"you see minho hyung loves when people show that they really care about try to do something normal but special" han said laying down next to me, I nodded pulling him closer.
"now, let's sleep...i will figure it out I am a genius after all" I said with a smirk.
"weren't you panicking just a few seconds before?" he said.
"whatever" I replied rolling my eyes.

Next morning
I opened my eyes confused with my surroundings for a second, then I remembered I moved in with han i think I am still not used to it .i sigh looking for him to find his side of the bed empty.
"where is he, it is 7 am " I murmured checking the time on my phone.
I start slowly getting up from the bed, I took a quick shower before I went toward the kitchen. I heard someone singing.
"nice voice kitten" I said leaning on the wall.
"hwang" he looked at me with wide eyes surprised for a second.
"the one and only" I replied with a chuckle."but honestly, you have a nice voice" I added heading toward the counter.
"I don't...where is han?" he asked putting the plates on the table.
"no idea" I said shaking my head.
"what do you mean no idea, he slept with you" he said glaring at me.

"I didn't find him when I woke, he is not in the bathroom either... Don't worry kitten maybe he went for a run" I simply replied.
Suddenly, he took my hand twisting it behind my back before he pinned me on the counter.
"for the last time hwang stop calling me that" he whispered next to my ears.
"call you what kitten?" I asked teasing him but he twisted my hand more making me groan in pain.
"If we were on other circumstances I would have loved this position but you are breaking my arms, I am a surgeon I need it you know"I said chuckling.
"what is happening here?" han said making minho let go of me before we looked at him, he was wearing some sports clothes with a bag in his hand.
"God are you fighting again, no croissants for you then" he said putting the bag on the counter.
"what does fighting have to do with that?" minho sigh

I ran toward the bag before han could react to take it  I snatched it first.
I opened it happily eating a piece.
"these are the best, I swear"I said biting into it.
"hey, give me one" minho said.
"why should I?" I said sticking my tongue at him.
"what are a kid?"he answered getting close.
"yes I am, and if you want some try and get them," I said running toward the living room.
"hwang come back here" minho said running after me. I heard han laughing at our behavior.
I hid behind the couch"give me the bag"he said glaring at me from the other side.
"or what?" I replied .
"I will shoot you how about that?" he answered crossing his arms.
"ouch, are they worth more than me? And aren't you an officer of the law killing a person is illegal" I said gasping.

"come on want me to give a chance to him" he looked at han pointing at me.han just laughed shaking his head.we start running again until he had me cornered.
"got you" he smirked walking toward me.
"if you can reach it shortie" I said putting the bag above my head.
"you are not that tall " he said standing in front of me.
"take it then" I said, he tried getting the bag but failed miserably, he let a sight pouting his lips."what gave up already," I said but he shoots me a death glare before he jumped on me locking his legs around my waist before he pecked my cheeks, I was so shocked that I lowered the bag he took it before he jumped down
"thank you" he smirked , I blinked at him as he start eating.
"they are really the best....come on baby breakfast is ready" he said to han leaving like nothing had happened

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