Chapter 18

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Hyunjin pov

"yes, mom" I answered my phone as I entered the house after a long data at work.
'hello son...i am just checking on you' she replied making me sight.
"I am fine mom...anything else?" I asked heading to my room.
"how are things with the other boy making troubles for you what was his name min something..."
"minho and no... We are fine" I said getting my clothes from the closet" I have to shower I will call you later" I added.
"before you go...tell han to come to the company we need his signature on some papers" she said humming
"yeah...sure...bye," I hang up on her before she could say anything else.
I took a deep breath heading toward the bathroom.
After a long relaxing shower, I wore my clothes leaving my room.

The loud sound of the door opening took me by surprise, Minho entered the room. I scanned him...he looks angry yet terrified.
"what happened kitten?" I said with a chuckle.
"not now hwang" he replied glaring at me he was about to leave but I took his hand." let go" he added calmly.
"nope...why are you mad...did you fight with han?" I smirked.
He took his hand with force out of my grip " you would like that...if I fight with him you will have him all to yourself that's what you want right" he said pushing me.
"maybe...maybe not" I said with a smile.
Suddenly out of nowhere I felt a hard punch toward my jaw...i was surprised since I didn't think that he will hit me.
I felt my blood boil from anger, I glanced up at him. He was clenching his hand " I told you to stop..." he locked eyes with me.
I don't know what come over me when i hit him hard in the face too making fall back

Han pov
When I entered the house the last thing in my mind was to see hyunjin fighting with minho my eyes widened as they kept throwing punches toward each other
"hyunjin....hyung stop both of you"my voice made minho look at me that give hyunjin an opportunity to throw him off him, but when he was going to hit him I blocked him, coming between them.
"I said stop" I glared at hyunjin who had red eyes from anger.
"move out of my way han or I swear..."
"what are going to do...are you going to hit me too..." I crossed my arms, his eyes softened looking at me.
"I would never do know how important you are to me... How could you ever assume that..."
"well, minho hung is important to me too...i will not tolerate this behavior toward him" I answered making him shake his head in disbelief.

"he fucking hit me first" he yelled.
"I highly doubt that.he is not a violent person you on the other hand..." I said instantly regretting my words when saw his face, I hesitantly looked at minho hyung who looked shocked at my words.
"save it han...after today I know who will come first if you have to choose between us" he said with betrayal in his voice.
"no.. Listen...i didn't mean..."
"what am I to you?" he yelled gripping my shoulders" why did you said you still have feelings for me...clearly you don't....this is what is going to be like...taking his side...if you love both of us you need to stay neutral and listen first but clearly you don't...." he added his grip getting stronger making hiss in pain.
He suddenly pulled back with wide eyes.
" are overreacting," I told him.
"overreacting" he hummed" after everything have done for you...after all these years... You chose him and you say I am overreacting" he laughed.

"fuck you ....both of you" he pointed his finger at us.
"Hyunjin your hand..." I gasped seeing how bruised it was"you are a surgeon what's wrong with you...", I was about take it in my hand but he yanked it back.
"go check on your boyfriend I don't need your help"he said leaving toward his room.
I clenched my hair glancing at minho who was looking at the floor.
I took his hand checking it, they looked as bad as hyunjin's.
"hanie...i..." he looked at me with teary eyes.
"let's get your hand treated " I hummed dragging him toward the bathroom.
I took the first aid kit before I went closer to minho gently treating his hands.
"han...i hit him first I am sorry" he confused making look at him.i wanted to get angry at him for making me yell at hyunjin but I knew I was as guilty at him for not listening to the boy....i think all of us as are to blame in this situation maybe minho threw the first punch but hyunjin hit him back.

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