Chapter 13

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Hyunjin pov
I came back to han's house.... Well mine too now. They didn't come back yet.i laid on the couch waiting...han didn' tell
Which room to use not containing his and minho's there is two other rooms here.
"I am bored" I sight getting up to explore the house I have been here many times I mean to explore minho's stuff... He specifically told me not to do that...but where is fun in that.
I went to their room, I opened the closet door looking at his clothes.
"well at least he has a good taste in clothes" I said shaking my head."well, a pretty normal boring room"I added about to leave, but a square shiny thing in the floor next to the bed catched my attention. I took it in my hand....

"what were you doing there?" I heard minho voice say as I was about to turn the object
"relax kitten, I just came back to wanted to check if han is home" I lied rolling my eyes.
"don't call me that" he said glaring at me."and don't touch my stuff, I  thought i told you about that" he said taking it from my hand
"why not?and what is that?" I asked since he took it before i can see what it is...but i think it is a lighter...
"none of your business" i said putting it in his pocket.
"okay, boys cut is 4 pm and we didn't't eat anything yet jin did you eat lunch?" han asked with a smile.
"no" I replied shaking my head.
"let's order pizza then" han said going to the living room.
" a large one please" I said crushing on the sofa.
"of course a large one we are three people" minho rolled his eyes taking a seat in the other couch.
"I meant for me" I said chuckling
"what are you a monster," he said raising his brow.
"you can say that.... The usual han a large one extra cheese too" I said looking at han.

"so.... What should we do?" han asked as he placed the pizza on the table.
"eat..." I raised my brow.
"with that I mean .... How about a movie?" han asked clapping his hand.
"as you wish I am going to enjoy my pizza" I said as I start digging into my food.
"not Annabelle again jisung...." minho whined.
"oh, is detective lee scared" I said chuckling.
"I am not..." he yelled crossing his arms "we watched it 4 times..." he added with a pout, cute...i felt myself stare at him before he shook my head glancing at han who had a smirk on his lips.
"what?" I said glaring at him.
"nothing" he bit into the pizza leaning his head on minho's shoulder.

"this is boring" minho said 15 minutes in the movie..... Well I agree.
"do you want to go out for a drink then" han asked.
"sure..." my phone start ringing cutting me off " give me a minute " I added taking the call.
"yes, felix" I said to the other.
"okay felix I am coming... Just calm down" I said getting up.
"what happened?" han asked "did something happened to felix?" he added jumping from his seat.
"no.. Not him.... It is changbin hyung" I said looking at minho who looked terrified.
"what happened to him?" he asked.
"felix found him in front of his apartment beaten up...they are in the hospital...he may need a brain surgery the hits were strong" I said getting my keys .
"omg... I knew he is going to get in trouble that idiot" minho said" i am coming too" he added making me shook my head in no.
"we are coming too....felix may need someone to calm him" han said as we start heading to the car.

Felix pov
"Let me in I want to check on him" I said pushing the intern that didn't let me enter the operating room while they prepared changbin hyung for surgery.
"sir, please you know we can't.... It is against the rules..."
"it is not like I am going to operate on him I just want to make sure he is well cared of" I yelled.
"of course he is... He is our boss after all" doctor choi an other neurosurgeon said as he entered the hall, he hates hyunjin because when changbin offered him the job as a surgeon here, he offered him the postion of chief of the neuro departement.... Choi has worked here for 20 years yet he didn't get the position. If you ask me he doesn't deserve it....
" what are you doing here?" I asked with a glare.
"getting ready to operate of course" he said with a chuckle.
"you are not... I called hyunjin he is coming. You can leave now" I said mentioning for him to leave.

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