Chapter 29

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Han pov
"where the hell is he ?" I yelled throwing the phone on the bed, minho left 6 hours ago and he not picking his phone.
I glanced at hyunjin who was looking at the floor not bothering to answer me.
"hyunjin" I yelled making him stare at me, he had an unreadable expressions " you know something" I added walking toward him.
"God damn it, open your mouth" I said taking him by his collar.
He just started at me with lifeless eyes" that's why you wanted to go with are hiding something from me....i swear hyunjin of you don't speak now I will kick your ass" I said again.
"I don't know anything" he replied.
"hyunjin, if you know something and you didn't tell me like you hid .....".

"I am not" he said standing up.
"we are in this together remember that" I said pointing my finger at him.
"we are not han...." he shook his head" you should call chan...i will go look for him" he added.
"are you crazy? I don't even know where he is" I replied.
"I will manage" he answered leaving without another word.
I quickly got my phone out dialing chan is 2 am....i hope he is not sleeping.
"han what happened?" chan answered.
" is minho he left 6 hours ago for groceries and he is not back...he is not picking up his phone too....i tried not to panic but it is late...what of some criminal got him you know ... He has too many enemies..." I said barely breathing as I felt my vision getting dark.
"han, breath with me....i will call the station and start a search for him...normally we need to wait for 24 hours but you are right....i am coming with the boys to get you....we will look together " he said too me.
" fast" I hang up as my hands start to shiver....what if I lost him like my parents...i can't even imagine.

I changed my clothes and went outside to wait for chan...after a couple of minutes he stopped in front of me with his car.
"get in" he opened the passenger seat for me.i jumped in to find jeongin and seungmin sitting on the back seat.
"where does he got when he needs a time for himself" chan asked.
"drive I will show you" I replied leaning on my chair.
The car stopped behind minho's car, I jumped outside looking inside.
"hyung" I said opening the door but there was no sign of him" minho hyung" I yelled looking around but there was no answer.
"damn it" I punched the car.
"han, relax we have officers looking for him all over....we will find him I promise" chan said trying to calm me.
"they took him...someone took him chan" I said pulling my hair strings out of frustration.

"I may have an idea who took him?" jeongin said making all of us look at him.
"who?" I asked walking toward him" tell me" I added shaking him.
"han, please..."
"don't fucking tell me to calm down" I yelled punching chan into his jaw making him fall into the ground he was just trying to help jeongin out.
I looked at him with wide eyes, shit I lost it again.
"hyung, I am sorry" I said offering him a hand.
"it is okay.... You are worried I totally understand....we will find him you need to get yourself together before " he took my hand standing up.

"inie, tell us...who do think took him?" chan asked his boyfriend who was looking at us as his soul had left him body.
" father" he answered making the three of us freeze.
"what why? " I asked as far as I know, minho never had a direct connection to the silver stone mafia.
"I can't tell you why" jeongin replied.
"are you kidding me ?" I yelled trying to attack him but seungmin stopped me.
"it is not my place to tell you why....minho hyung should do it....but my father asked me to keep an eye on him...he was watching him for a while now" he explained
"do you know where they may took him?" chan asked.
"they have many hides out it will take forever to find the place....and if my father took him without telling me that means he doesn't trust me...asking him will be useless" the young boy explained .

"you knew all this time and didn't tell think that minho and I forgive you" I said glaring at the boy who looked at me with wide eyes.
"you did" he murmured.
"I swear if your mafia hurt my boyfriend I will kill you with my bare hand jeongin" I growled at the boy who looked at me with terrified expressions
"han, watch your words you are an officer" chan said with a serious voice.
"officer" I said laughing "if something happens to minho i will burn this whole country....i " I added before my vision start to darken again.
"han...." chan run to me before I hit the ground.
"call felix" I murmured....i don't believe it, it is not the right time to lose consciousness but I forget my pills and all these emotions are too much right now.

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