Chapter 10

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Han pov
"I am outside " I said hanging the phone.
I locked at the mirror fixing my hair, I am waiting for hyunjin to come down.
"nice car"hyunjin said scanning my new car" don't you think it would draw attention to you. no forensic scientist can afforded this" he added making me roll my eyes .
"I don't care, I will say my rich doctor boyfriend bought it for me. I need to spoil myself a little " I replied .
"sure, you should accept my mom offer to be the next ceo" he said.
"I am not ready" I answered driving off.

"so where are we going?" he asked.
"sorry, I suck in romance minie is the romantic one he always take care of the dates. Sorry if you will find it boring or cliche "I said laughing .
"han, we dated before if you have forgot for 8 years we both suck at romance"he laughed.
"true, I don't remember planning a proper date with you. They were casual hang outs that always ended with us..."
"sleeping together", he finishing laughing.
I stopped the car in a wide green landscape.
"a picnic?" he asked laughing.
"you hate it" I pouted .
"no, no. I love it" he pecked my lips before he left the car.
I took the basket from behind fixing everything in the ground, hyunjin watched me amused
"here you go monsieur" I said bowing.
He chuckled sitting down.
"I like the place it is calming" he said looking around.
"you need it" I said smiling."you work hard in the hospital " I added making him nod.

"so, what did you get?" he asked pointing at the basket.
"hmm, a lot of things... Strawberry juice, coffee, eggs, sandwiches...... And croissants " I said pulling them.
"no way, are those from the shop you recommended to felix" he said his eyes widening.
"yes" I replied chuckling .
"they are the best croissants that I have ever taste in my life" he said taking two piece. Before he took a big bite moaning at the taste .
"I can't believe it" I said laughing.
"what" he blinked confused.
"they are minho's favorite too", I said bursting into laughs seeing his face expressions .
"you know what, they are bad for heart " he said putting the second one down
"oh, come on. You need to at least get along " I said pouting .
"why are we similar ... It is because you right you have a type" he pointed his finger.

"what does my type have to do with your is not like I asked minho about his favorite things then said 'wow I should date him he has the same taste as hyunjin' " I said rolling.
"you didn't " he seriously asked
"of course not... It is just a coincidence and I am teasing you also have different tastes I only asked those particular questions that night because I know you will say the same thing and I wanted to tease you" I said " for example his favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate " i added making him make a disgust face .
"disgusting " he said
"see, he likes spicy food you don't and the list goes on"  I added .
"okay I get it" he said.

A silence filled the place before I remembered .
"did you enjoy yourself the other night?" I asked with a smirk.
He looked at me confused before he glared at me" you did it on purpose. I knew it" he said .
"so..."I teased
"fuck you " he replied making me laugh.
"minho will kill me if he finds out" I said shaking my head.
"oh, I will tell him then" he answered making me gasp.
"I just wanted you to like him too" I said .
"you made me lust over him" he murmured making me shocked, his eyes went wide in shock."I didn't mean ..."
"it is okay " I said laughing.

We started at each other eyes silence consuming us before we start leaning in until our lips touched.
I straddled him when our kiss start heating up.
"hyunjin" I pulled back catching my breathe .
"baby " he answered kissing my neck.
"I love you".......................

Minho pov
I woke up to an empty bed, when I remembered that han went to a date with mcdreamy .
I lazily walked to the kitchen for breakfast. I start preparing my coffee when a small bag catch my eyes.
There was a note with it.

Your favorite croissants, love hanie.
Ps check the fridge.

I opened the fridge to find a plate, he prepared breakfast for me, my lips turned into a small smile before I start phone start ringing, I took it to find changbin calling.
"hey hyung" he said.
"hey bin" I replied sipping my coffee .
"so I am back, how about the drink we promised. Me you and chan hyung at 7 pm" he said.
Tomorrow is Sunday so why not?
"cool, did you inform hyung" I asked.
"yes, see you" he hang up.
I looked around it is just 1 pm, I overslept since it a weekend day.
I went to lay on the couch, I opened the tv to find news.

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