Chapter 17

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Minho pov
I laid on my bed feeling embarrassed, those two idiots I would have been laying if I say I did not think of agreeing to their proposal...
"no minho" I said shaking my head.
Oh, my God I totally forgot... Chan hyung told me that Kim jungi was killed earlier by our killer, I forgot to inform han that we need to go to the station early tomorrow.

Should I go and tell him now?
No they must be...
Argh why did my life became like this, I am here while my boyfriend is sleeping with another person.

I sight laying back on the bed, I decided to tell him tomorrow...

Next morning
I groaned getting up from my bed, I check the time it is 7 am...I took a quick shower before I went to hyunjin's room.
Should I knock or just enter?
I stood confused in front of the door, debating if I should enter or not.
Damn it, he is my boyfriend too.
I twisted the knob before I entered.
"han, wake..."I was cut midway in my sentence when I saw hyunjin standing in front of his closet naked, he turned to look at me with wide eyes.
Don't look minho... Don't...but I did.
"like what you see kitten?" he said with his famous teasing tone.
I locked eyes with him making sure to not look down...
"you wish..."I said well clearly lied."put something on for god sake" I added walking toward han who was sleeping, I heard hyunjin chuckle at what I said.

"baby...wake up" I said caressing han's hair.
"5 more minutes"he answered burying his face in the pillow.
"it is 7:40 hanie, you need to get ready for work....the body of Kim jungi was found is our killer"I explained.
"fine..." I stood up sleepily rubbing his eyes."why are you naked?" he added looking at Hyunjin making me look back too,bad decision.
"I told you to put something on" I said looking away.
"nope" he answered
"okay, han get ready. I will prepare breakfast in the main time" I pecked han cheeks before I left not daring to glance at hyunjin...i heard him laugh after I this a challenge hwang. game on.

I walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, after 10 minutes both of the boys entered the room.
"hey" han said smiling before he took a seat next to me."why didn't chan tell us to come last night?" he asked siping his coffee while hyunjin took his seat silently.
"well, there was no need for us to go...the other forensic scientist was was chan hyung...they didn't find anything again" I explained .
"but it is my case, why did he call soobin?" han said pouting.
"as far as I know, he helps with it sometimes and he was is better he did not ask you to need to rest too" I said ruffling his hair "come on we need to leave soon, soobin will update you about his founding don't worry" I added putting my cup and plate in the washing machine.

"do you have surgery today jin?" han asked.
"of course I do..."he sight " my schedule is always busy" he added with a pout.
"as far as I know you are always here.. Are you sure you are a surgeon?" I said laughing.
"well I do my paperwork from home, and when I joined SEO hospital one of my conditions was that my official working hours will be from 8:30 to 13:30 then from 14:30 to 8 pm.of course it depends on the day but I won't stay late unless it is a difficult surgery...they have another surgeons you know...and I am the chief so I have less surgery "he explained making me nod.
"look at you ... My two babies are having a civil conversation" han said with a smile.
"come on we are getting late" I said pushing him from the kitchen.
"let's take your car I don't feel like driving " han said when we entered the garage.
"sure" I replied opening my car...

Han pov.
The ride to the station was as usual, I went to my lab as soon as I arrived.
"han, you are here" soobin said entering my lab.
"oh, hey...did you find something useful?" I asked him. He just shook his head "unfortunately no" he answered.
"I see" I hummed.
"how is he doing this? He is always one step ahead of us" soobin questioned.
"how do you know, they are a he" I answered with a raised brow making him freeze.
"I... I figured they are a he... I mean they killed men that belong to a strong Mafia...he must be trained too... Do you think a woman will be capable of doing that" he said stretching his head.
"yes, they are... Everything is possible" I paused scanning his body language, he is heading something "soobin... Do you..." i was cut off by minho hyung entering .
" han, any updates" he asked looking at us .

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