chapter 5

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Minho pov

A month passed in a blink of an eye, every time han tries to talk about the hyunjin topic I just ignore him. The past days were like hell, no new murders I mean I am happy for that but I want to catch him. Plus I am tried of han and Hyunjin flirting shamelessly in front of me. Hyunjin lived on han's room the past days, whenever I come to visit him after work I found them either cuddling or chatting happily.
Today is the last day for han in the hospital, I was relieved that I won't have to see hyunjin that much or so I thought....

We entered our Appartement, han is a bit better but he still recovering.
"Hyung, jinie is coming for dinner later," he said sitting on the couch.
I let a sight, I am not going to get rid of him.
"You just saw him hanie, why is he coming?" I asked trying not to sound rude.
"Well, I thought since I am out of the hospital. It is time to talk about us" he said putting his arms around my neck.
"Han, you still recovering."i answered caressing his cheeks.
" well, I am ready." He said taking a step back.

"But I am not,  I don't even consider him as a friend and you want me to date him. " I yelled at him making him flinch.
"Why.... I just want you to give him a chance... Please hyung for me" he said with teary eyes. My Detective instincts told me he is manipulating I know he is, yet I am weak against him.
"Okay... He can come" I murmured, how are you doing this to me han jisung?
"Seriously, thank you hyung" he said jumping around.
"Stop, you still recovering" I said shaking my head at the big baby.
"What should we order for dinner" he said checking his phone.
"What is prince hyunjin's favourite food?, a salad" I said rolling my eyes.
"Hyung, stop it" he answered playfully hitting my arm"well, his favourite dish is lasagne like you"he added giggling.
"Well, not after today I suddenly hate it" I said humming.

"He also likes pasta, pizza, burgers..."
"Some of those are fast foods, how is he a surgeon again. I know doctors are picky of what they eat" I said laughing.
"Not hyunjin, he eats everything and still have a great body" he answered checking some restaurants on his phone.
"I have a great body too you know" I replied feeling jealous of him complimenting hyunjin he chuckled at me not leaving his phone.
I felt hurt from his response, he doesn't like my body. I looked at my legs, do I look fat. I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice han who was calling my name until he start shaking me.

Han pov
We were talking when suddenly he went quiet, I called him but he just looked blankly at his legs.
"Hyung" I said shaking him, he looked at me with wide eyes filled with tears.
"Hyung, what happened " I said panicking throwing the phone.
"I.. Nothing " he replied looking at the floor.
"Minie, please. Did I do something?" I asked trying to remember what I did.
"Do you.... Do you think that I don't have a good body" he said still not looking at me.
"What, why would you think that?" I asked caressing his arm.
"You... You laughed when I told you I have a nice body too" he murmured, shit han. You are stupid.

I moved to sit on his lap, he looked at me with doe eyes.
"Hyung, Felix send me a meme .that's why I laughed" I said showing him the message.he looked at it before humming, looking everywhere but at me.
"Look at me" I said grabbing his chin, making him look at me"you are perfect hyung, please don't you ever question that. I don't care about physical appearance, I care about your soul. And I will always love you for who you are not how you look. Do you understand"i said looking into his eyes.
"I love you too hanie" he said hugging me.
"Hyung, we dated for 2 years now. But you never told me why you feel insecure about yourself" I said hugging back.
He sights"i... When I was a kid was a little chubby... Kids always made fun of me. Even in highschool, I was the nerd kid with no friends or lovers.... Until I met chan hyung and changbinie... They helped me a lot to overcome my insecurities"he said looking at his fingers."yet when I see hyunjin.... All those feelings and insecurities come back to me... I know it is stupid I am a grown up man now... But I can't help it... When I see him, I see the perfect popular guy from high school who everyone loved.... I see my bully.and i feel like someday you will leave me for him "he explained, I never knew how he felt before. It made me feel guilty,I never knew what my boyfriend felt before yet all I did is hurt him.

" hyung, I am sorry for hurting you. I didn't know, I hope you forgive me. But know this the only way that you are going to get rid of me is if you tell me to go. Other than that you are stuck with me"i said hugging him.
"Well, I am not planning on leaving you too, so you are stuck with me too" he said pecking my lips.
"Btw, why would you think that hyunjin was the perfect boy on high school" I said taking a seat next to him.
"Well, he looks like he was" he replied making me giggle.
"Oh, hyung. You have no idea" I said remembering the nerdy hyunjin making me burst into laughs.

"Why are laughing?" he said poking my arm.
"Just remembered something" I replied teasing him.
"Ya, tell me" he said glaring at me.
"Hyunjin was the nerdiest nerd I knew. He never talked to anyone but me and lix. Never even date anyone before me. He was like a ghost with his hoddies hiding from people. He used to hide on the roof to read books, ever since he was a child he always been distant" I told him.
"Well, that was not expected" he laughed.
"Me on the other hand, I was popular" I said flipping my none existing long hair making him laugh.
I smiled at him seeing him happy is all I want, sorry for hurting you hyung.
"So lasagne" I asked smiling at him.
"Yes sure, I will go to take a shower" he  said standing up.

Hyunjin pov
I was sitting on the car outside han's house, I looked at the passenger seat at the bouquet of roses.
"Breath, hyunjin. You are doing this for han" I said trying to calm down.
I exited the car heading toward the entrance,i rang the door waiting .
The door opened "you are early" minho opened the door scanning me.
"Yes, I thought it is better to come early" I said looking at him,he mentioned for me to enter.
He glanced at my hand to see the roses.
"Are those for han?" He asked.
"No, for you" I replied giving him the bouquet.
He blinked in confusion before taking it
"I will put it in the vase," he said leaving me in the living room.

"So roses hmmm" said han out of nowhere entering the room
"Well you said that he liked them, I am trying to be nice for your sake"i replied rolling my eyes.
" are trying to impress him? Do you like him already"han said gasping.
"For God sake han, shut up or I will kick your ass" I said throwing myself on the couch.
"And I will help you" said minho entering the room"why did you move the boxes I told you not to carry them you still injured "he added glaring at han.
" but baby, they are not that heavy, I am okay I promise. " han said pouting.
"Han, he is right. Don't put extra effort into your body for the next month. You need to heal fully" I explained.
"I feel betrayed, taking his side already" he said playful shaking his head.
"Okay, dinner is ready let's go" minho said heading toward the kitchen...

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