Chapter 8

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Han pov
"it is the same way of killing ... Nothing different" I explained as I was standing in my lab with minho and the rest examining the body.when something caught my eyes there was something inside the cut.
"there is something "I took the forceps getting inside the cut trying to get the thing out.
"I am going to throw up" minho said holding his stomach" how can you do it " he asked.
" it is my job ... got you " I pulling a piece of paper that was wrapped with a transparent cover to protect it from blood. I cleaned it with some tissues, I froze when I saw the message.
"it is form the killer" I said looking at them.
"what does it say?" chan asked.
I cleared my throat " good job detective lee for your discovery...took you long enough though... I am happy that there are some smart cops but unfortunately you are not that smart love 3" I read.
"why is he obsessed with this number"seungmin asked.
"he knows that he found out about his killing locations ... He is going to change them we are back to point zero" chan sight.

"he won't" minho said making me look at him."he is challenging us... He is smart...he is enjoy seeing us run after him" he added .
"I hope you are right" chan said.
"han, thank you. I think we can leave for lunch break " chan announced leaving with seungmin and IN
"han" minho said.
"hanie" he yelled making me jump in surprise
"what's wrong?" I asked.
"we can leave for the break " minho said
"oh, okay. I am hungry" I smiled.
" I am not"he looked at the corpse making me chuckle.
"I will clean up then we can go" I replied fixing my things.

We walked together to the cafeteria for lunch.
"so do you think that the crimsons are responsible the kills"I asked minho as we start eating.
"I don't know actually, I have a lot of questions. Like if this is them why they are using only one way to kill? Why are they obsessed with number 3? Plus I Don't think that they are stupid enough to go for the silver stone. And there is the other possible that someone is trying to make silver stone think that the crimsons are after the killings or the killer is just having grudges against silver stone that's why they are killing their members" he paused " or he is killing them to take revenge and in the same time make the two mafia go to a war against each other" he added.
"wow, I never thought you are this smart"I said laughing making him roll his eyes.

"we need to catch him as soon as possible. If a war starts no one can stop it even the government" he said thinking.
"why do you think that he is not going to change the location of his next kill?" I asked him.
"because he wants a chase if he planned to change the location why bother give the clue for us to find.. He is smart I bet he is watching us right now while laughing at our faces " he said looking around.
"stop hyung. You won't find the killer in the cafeteria of the police department " I said shaking my head .
"why everything is possible ... I can be him for all you know" he said with a poker face sending shivers down my spine.
"hyung, you almost throw up seeing a corpse ... Imaging you as a serial killer" I said laughing .
"true" he pouted before he smiled.
"come on, we have work to do" I said taking my plate before I went to my lab.

Hyunjin pov
I heard a knock on the door, I opened it to find felix smiling at me.
"what are doing here?" I asked him confused.
"I woke up early so I thought I came by so we go to work together " he replied entering the kitchen " i bought croissants too" he added
"why did you wake up early, aren't you tired from last night?" I went after him to continue my coffee.
"I slept around 8 pm last night that's why" he explained .
"I slept early too" I said eating a croissant" these really good" I said taking an other bite.
"yes, han recommend the place ." he said taking one .
"I thought they were for me" I pouted
"I didn't have breakfast, give me a cup of coffee too" he said rolling his eyes.

"here you go" I handed him the coffee .
"did you just shower, your hair is dripping wet you need to dry it or you will get sick" he said shaking his head .
"okay mom"I replied .
"you have to be careful you are a surgeon after all" he said crossing his arms.
"it is summer ...." he glared at me this ...
"okay, I am going " I threw my hands in the air heading to my room .
I dried my hair and wear my clothes before he went back to the kitchen .
"guess what?" felix said with wide smile.
"what" I replied.
"binie is coming tomorrow, his work ended sooner then he thought"  he jumped from his seat.

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