Chapter 24

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Hyunjin pov
I opened my eyes to find myself cuddling with minho hyung. I scanned this face, he is so perfect even in his sleep he looks like an angel. I gently caressed his hair making him groan.
"wake up, we need to go home" I murmured.
"five more minutes I am tired" he said burying my face into the pillow.
I checked my phone, it is 10 am in the next day, God we were just resting.
"hyung, wake up it is 10 am han must be worried " I yelled jumping from the bed.
I woke up fast but he fall into the ground as fast as his legs met with the floor.
"shit" he winced.
"are you okay?" I asked running to check him.
"no, you broke my back you idiot" he said glaring at me.
"sorry" I said stretching my head.
"wait until I get my hands on you hwang " he answered.

"I heared a yell what happened?" the door was opened revealing han with a concerned face.
"he woke up so fast but his legs gave up" I replied winking at han who chuckled.
"hyung, why would you do that?" han asked hugging him.
"this idiot yelled that it is 10 am and we didn't tell you we are spending the night here " minho said pointing at me.
"wait a second han....when did you get here?" I asked.
"you just noticed...i came earlier....when you didn't come back I figured that you were here, when I came I found you sleeping so I prepared breakfast for you...shit I lost my bet with Felix" he said with a sigh
"what bet?" minho asked making me nod.
"he said you will sleep together but I told him you won't. I have to pay him 100" han said making me chuckle.

"I can't believe you han, you bet on us" minho said.
"typical felix and han behavior believe me" I said chuckling.
"I always lose" han pouted.
"it is just 100 dollars hanie, you will live" minho said standing up, han and I shared a look before he start laughing.
"what?" minho asked with wide eyes.
"he meant 100 thousands dollars kitten" I said patting his head.
"excuse me what?"he yelled more like screamed." are you out of your mind?" he looked at han who laughed.
"don't worry hyung it is nothing" han said.
"what do you mean nothing how could you waste a lot of money in bets like these?"minho said
"they had these bets form a very young age hyung...don't worry about it " I said "or you know what worry because for years I think felix won more if han continues he is going bankrupt" I added laughing at han pouty face.

"at least you are not participating in this nonsense " minho said.
"of course I won't kitten, I have more important matters to invest my money on" I said pulling him into my chest.he hummed burying his head into my neck
"don't touch me I am soft" han said drying his fake tears" I am not imaging are finally together" he added back hugging minho.
"yes we are." I said smiling at them.
"for a very long time I hope" han said making me look at him.

Time skip ( at han's and minho's house)
"so how do you think about visiting felix and changbin later?" minho said sitting on the counter.
"why?" han asked.
"they invited us plus we need to check on binie" minho said grabbing an apple.
"he is okay why should we?" han said rolling his eyes.
"oh, I get it he is still jealous of changbin because you dated him" I said laughing.
"I am not" han said crossing his hands like a kid.
"you are" minho and I said at the same time.
"look hanie, chan and changbin are a big part of my life.... I love them as my friends no more like you love felix... So please stop with the jealousy I only have eyes for you" minho explained hugging him

"hey traitor, how about me?" I gasped.
"what about you?" he looked at me still hugging han.
"you two never going to change I see" han said chuckling.
"you are guess it right" I said with a small smile.
"hwang" minho hung said with a serious tone making us look at him surprised by the change.
"I need to tell you, I am opening my heart for you don't make me regret it....if you hurt me I won't forgive you do you understand?" he said glaring at me, I felt a shiver run down my spine from the intensity of his stares.
"I...yes....i understand hyung" I gulped looking at han.
"good, I will go get ready. Chan and the rest are going too"minho said leaving toward his room.

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