Chapter 12

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Minho pov
I woke up to an empty bed groaning in annoyance, I glanced at the time 11 am,it is Sunday what should I do? yesterday he spend the whole morning with him...he slept in his too. And I am laying here all alone,I knew this will happen in the end without realizing tears start streaming down my cheeks, hugging my knees to my chest...he is going to leave me.
"baby" han entered the room making me jump from surprise.
His eyes widened seeing my state "what's wrong?" he said walking closer.
"I just had a worries" I smiled at him getting up.... Me and my insecure self.

"you are back?" I asked.
"did you miss me?" he said raising his brow.
"no... Why would I?" I replied rolling my eyes.
"but I missssssed you" he pouted clinging into me.
"okay, okay. Let go" I said chuckling "you came back earlier than expected"I added.
"I told you I just wanted to check on jinie" he answered.
I hummed before I said" he okay?" I asked curiously.
"are you worried about him?" he teased, I just gave him the 'are you serious look' making him burst into laughs.
"I just wanted to make sure that it won't happen again....i mean spending the night at his" I said as I start heading to the kitchen.
"about that...."
"good morning minho" I looked at the kitchen table to find hyunjin smirking at me.
"it is minho hyung for you" I glared at him making him giggle" what is he doing here?" I looked back at han who was standing awkwardly behind me.
We walked closer to where hyunjin was sitting.
"so....i know you didn't like the idea of me spending the night at hyunjin's " he said looking at me with big eyes.

"of course I didn't" I said crossing my arms.
"I was know..."
"just say it han" I said from frustration.
"hyunjin should move in with us" he said making me drop my arms to the side from shock staring at him with wide eyes.
He didn't just take my boyfriend from me now i have to live with him.
"hyung, say something" han said looking at me with anticipation.
"it is your house,does my opinion really matters?" I asked,
"of course it does hyung" he replied nodding.
"so if I say no....would you agree with that?" I said making him glance at hyunjin then back to me.
"yes, as you like hyung...i don't want to make you uncomfortable....i made you suffer a lot already "he said "I just wanted him to move in so we can spend more time together .... I don't want to leave you when I sleep at his or the other way around" he explained.

I stood in my place glaring at the floor, he has a point.... I am sure that last night will happen again but living with hyunjin in the same house is too the other hand I know I can't stop han from sleeping at his.....i didn't like it when he did and I don't want him to do it again....i guess I have my answer... I have you hwang.
"fine" I suddenly said looking at them, han ran to me pulling me into a hug. I hugged back glaring at hyunjin who had a small smirk on his lips.... Oh, you don't know how much I want to punch that smirk from that beautiful face you have .... Beautiful what I am saying .
I pulled back from han"thank you minie" I said smiling .
"they will be rules of course" I said glancing at hyunjin who raised his brow.
"one,don't annoy me two, respect my boundaries three ,don't touch my things" I said.
"for the third one I already did" he glanced at han who had a disapproving look on his face.
"hyunjin, stop it please " han said"don't worry baby... He won't I will make sure of that"he added pecking my cheeks.

"so, I will go and grab my things" hyunjin said standing up making my eyes go wide.
"he is moving in now" I looked at han in disbelief.
"it is better now when he has a free time" han said.
"I...." suddenly my phone start ringing revealing chan's number. Oh, not again.... Sometimes I hate my job it is Sunday but if a murder or an accident happens I need to go.
"hey hyung" I said answering.
"okay... I understand ... Yes he will be there too"I replied glancing at han who sight, I hang up the phone.
"let me guess... A murder" he asked rolling his eyes.
"yup.... But not our killer.... They found a thirty five man stabbed in the back in his apartment and we need to go," I explained.
"I thought you will help me with moving in" hyunjin said out of nowhere... I forgot he was here.
"well he has a job to do" he said shaking my head.
"I give you the key jin...sorry" han said.
"fine" hyunjin said with a pout before he winked at me leaving the apartment .

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