The End

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3rd pov

A young man sat in the bar beach watching people chatting among each other,He smiled sipping his drink.
A faint noise made him look at his hand, it was handcuffed into another one.
"does this mean that I am under arrest detective lee?" the boy said with a smirk running his free hand through his now short black hair.
"yes, you are and you are sentenced to life in prison" minho said glaring at him.
"I hope that prison is inside your heart" the taller said standing up.
"you became cheesy I thankful that I resigned from my job or I would have throw you in prison for real hyunjin" minho said.
"oh, kitten you won't" hyunjin said leaning closer.
" I won't" minho leaned in too" but I am going to kick your ass" he added hitting hyunjin, the other tried to cover himself laughing " how could you do that to us you narcissistic tall idiot" minho yelled before he threw himself in hyunjin's arm.
"I thought I lost you....i didn't know what to do han....was a mess" minho added burying his head in his boyfriend neck.
"I know.....i am sorry I need it my death to look real if I told you about my plan it would have failed....honestly I am still young and I am too handsome to spend my life in prison" hyunjin said.
"so, you come here to Cuba to check other people out while enjoying the beach...leaving us..." minho rolled his eyes.

"I would never"hyunjin fake gasped" so do you forgive me" he added.
"yes I do" minho opened the cuffs " but you should run" minho said with a smirk.
"HYUNJIN COME HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT" han came out of nowhere wearing a murderous look.
"hyung, please help me" he pleaded glancing at minho who shook his head looking amused.
The younger man starts running for his life" don't you dare run....come here" han went after him.
Minho leaned on the counter watching as han tackled hyunjim on the sand hitting his chest.
"I thought I lost you....i thought you die" han sobbed hard hitting hyunjin who yet him let his anger out. The oldest man watched with a sad smile..
"baby" hyunjin said to han to laid on his chest without moving.
"I hate you" han looked at him with teary eyes.
"how? How did you survive?" han asked.

"not here....let's get out of here" han stood up offering his hand to hyunjin who accepted, the two boys followed hyunjin to a nearby house.
"so"  hyunjin said taking a seat on the living room.
"it all started after han lost his memory....i was surprised at first but I thought maybe it was an opportunity to correct things" hyunjin said.
"it didn't sacrificing yourself wouldn't have fixed let me believe that you killed them....i called you monster.....i blamed you and I told you to move on....i thought I was the one who was protecting your secret, let me believe that hyunjin......why?" han said tears falling down his cheeks.
"it is easy because I love and care about you....i killed people too han it started with that was supposed to be did have to do it if I accepted my task..."
"my grandpa was selfish hyunjin.....i love him but he was......i blame my disorder and my weak state for what I did then but my grandfather is to be blamed too" han said shaking his head.

"I know but it had to be done....i prepared this whole plan....i collected evidence and handed them to jeongin before I left.....soobin helped me too...felix.....the only thing I kept secret was faking my death....i was wearing a bulletproof vast....i choose the place that I will fall from too....but hyung it took you too long to find what I meant by behind us" hyunjin said looking at the older.
"I fried my brain thinking about what I could be.....i have never thought that you will hide your location behind our painting....." minho said chuckling.
"well, I had to be done...." hyunjin said looking at his lap" my mom how is she?"he added.
"we told her about what happened she said she knew " han answered.
"what?" jin asked surprised.
"she knew from the start about me and how you made your plan, faked your death" han explained.
"but how....i was careful...."
"I guess that's where you inherited your brain " minho cut him off.
"what about the others....did you tell them?" hyunjin asked hugging han closer.
"we did, they were glad that you are alive....chan said since everyone think that you are gone there is no need to arrest you" minho said.
"as if I let them" hyunjin said rolling his eyes " I was waiting for you to find you remember when I said I have better things to put my money in minho" hyunkin added making the older nod.
"well, I brought an island for us with couple of other things.....i brought them in secret no one knows that they are mine....we will be safe there....of course if you want to come with me" he looked at his boyfriend with pleading eyes.

"of course we will you idiot" han jumped on him hungrily kissing him.
"I missed you so much" hyunjin hummed kissing him back before he looked at minho who leaned in kissing him too.
"it is over now we are safe" minho said caressing the younger cheeks.
"we are.....i love you....forever" hyunjin murmured hugging them both.

                            The end

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