Chapter 26

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Minho pov
"how did our date turn into a high school trip again?" hyunjin said looking at the others, chan was sitting between his boyfriends awkwardly you can feel the tension coming for the two younger boys while felix laid on changbin's shoulder sleeping.
We are taking han and I private jet well it is our company's.
"did you use to go on high school trips using a private jet?" I said rolling my eyes.
"actually we have never went to one" han replied instead.
"oh, forgave me I forgot about the rich boys" I joked chuckling but I stopped when I saw them with a frown covering their faces.
"did I say something wrong? I am..."
"hey, guys" chan said cutting me off.
"hey, hyung" I said looking at him.
"it is nice of you to rent a private jet for us hyunjin thank you I didn't think that surgeons can afford it" he said with a chuckle.
"it is..."
"he meant to say it is not a big deal" han cut hyunjin with a glare.

"what happened there?"I mentioned to the two boys.
Chan let a breath sitting next to me"yestderday, I told jeongin to go home but he didn't.. We tried calling him but he didn't answer his phone was dead, seungmin got angry at him so they argued and here I am stuck between both" he sight.
"there is something off with jeongin, I can feel it" I said making han nod.
"I know, he is acting different yet he is refusing to talk...i don't know what to do" chan answered.
"try giving him time maybe whatever he is hiding, he is hiding it for a reason" han said.
"I guess you are right, I will go back to my seat and take a nap see you later" he got up heading to his seat.
"see you old man" I said making he stick his tongue at me, forget what I said.

"jeongin is a sweet boy I knew him for years now, he grew up with his aunt after his mom died and he said he doesn't know his father,I wonder what happened to him" I said looking at the boy who looked skinner than usual with dark circles below his eyes.
"yes, he is....i hope he opens up to someone soon before he let whatever bothering him consume him" han said hugging hyunjin.
"why are silent jinie?" I asked the boy who looked at me with wide eyes.
"what happened?" I said blinking at him.
"omg, you called me jinie for the first time" he said clenching his heart dramatically, I swear when you get to know this boy he is different.when I first met him I always saw him as this hot arrogant rich guy but now he is all of that don't get me wrong but he is a total mess...a hot mess.
" can I throw him of the jet, please " I looked at han with puppy eyes.

"no, you can't throw my baby" he said hugging hyunjin who hugged him back teasing me.
I chuckled shaking my head at the duo, they are so much alike honestly.
"I have to use the restroom " I said getting up without waiting for an answer, I didn't see jeongin in his seat I thought he went for a drink or something so I continued my way to the toilet.
"come on jeongin get yourself together you look like a mess" I stop myself from opening the door when I heard the boy say in a low voice.
" can't tell them they will hate me " my hand hovered over the door debating whether I should knock or not.but suddenly I heard soft sobs coming from inside, I immediately left toward his boyfriends's seats. Chan was sleepy so I patted seungmin's shoulder

"seungmin go check on jeongin...he is crying in the bathroom" I said making the boy jump and run toward his boyfriend .
"you came back fast" han said smiling at me.
I took a seat silently getting lost inside my thoughts.
"kitten, are you okay?" hyunjin said squeezing my hand.
I hummed looking at him"it is jeongin....i think he is in a big trouble...he was crying and talking to himself inside the bathroom I am worried about him" I said.
"should we try and talk to him?" hyunjin replied
"I don't know....i will take a rest, wake me when we reach" I said laying on my seat.

Seungmin pov
I ran toward the toilets as soon as mimho hyung told me about jeongin, I knocked on the door.
"give me a second" he answered
"inie, it is me open up" I said.
"hyung, go .....go away please " he said fighting a sob.
"I want not going anywhere, open the door yang jeongin" I yelled whispered not wanting to wake chan or disturb the others.
The door was gently opened revealing jeongin with red buffy eyes making my heart swallow at the sight.
"baby what happened talk to me" I said pulling him into my chest.

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