Chapter 20

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Han pov

"hyung" I said caressing his hair, we were laying on our bed cuddling. He just hummed as a response.
" didn't tell me why did they murder your brother, you stop after you told me about the story" I asked not only from curiousity...
"I...i am sorry baby but I can't talk about it...i don't want you to hate me" he answered hugging me tighter.
"min, I would never hate you...but I understand if you are not ready" I said with a smile .
"i liked how you treated the kid will make a great father one day" i said, i felt him tensing in my arms " what you don't want kids?" i asked.
"i...i don't think i will be good with them...but i will go with whatever you want... I am neutral toward them, i decided that if my partner want them. We will have kids if not i am okay without them...yet there is always this idea that i will disppoint them somehow" he confessed.

"so you will have kids with me" i teased him
"where is hyunjin?" he asked getting up, i decided to let go of the topic
"he said he is with his mom" I answered" he will be here soon...let's go prepare dinner " I added pulling him from the room.
"lasagne" he said with a wide smile.
"you and your love for lasagne" I laughed at his pouty lips.
"not only said it is hyunjin's favorite too....i want to cook it as an apology " he said as we entered the room.
"I see" I smirked helping him getting the ingredients " so hyung how do you feel about him?" I asked.
"who? Hyunjin" he replied .
"no my brother" I said hitting my forehead.

" I am teasing relax..." he laughed before he paused " I know you meant hyunjin...i just feel bad about hitting him...sure I don't like him but that didn't give me the right to hit him, he has nothing to do about my anger...i am mad about my family and the serial killer" he murmured the last part.
"so you still hate him" I said disappointed hoping that he will have a change of heart.
"hate is a strong word maybe dislike is more like it..."
"does he have a chance with you?" I asked biting my lips.
He put the pot on the table locking eyes with me" why are you so invested in getting us together han?" he asked with a raised brow.
I sight " I mean if we all date it will become easier...i would not have to worry about leaving one of you when I am with the other...think about it" I said getting closet to him putting my arm on his shoulders " wouldn't it be easier if we when to dates together have dinner together... Give him a chance" I added.

"hanie, I don't think that him and I can work....he is an arrogant handsome..."
"so you think I am handsome ... I am flattered kitten" hyunjin cut him, it turned back to find him leaning on the wall with a smirk decorating his face.
"see...arrogant" minho said shaking his head.
"a handsome one...your words not mine" hyunjin said laughing.
"shut up mcdreamy or I will cut your tongue and feed it to my cats" minho said pointing his finger at hyunjin.
"hyung..." I said laughing.
"what ?"
"you don't have cats" I said amused.
" I do, I have three of them actually...they live with my mom" he answered making my jaw drop.
"why didn't you tell me?" I said with a gasp.
"you have never asked" he said.
"bring them..."
"absolutely not" hyunjin cut me." did you forgot about my allergy?" he added making me pout.
"oh, an other reason to not date him.he can't even meet my children " minho said as he finished putting the lasagne at the oven.

"who said I want to date you" hyunjin asked amused.
"oh, you can't even if you want..." minho said winking at him.
"is that a challenge detective?" hyunjin said marching toward him minho doing the same until they stood in front of each other, you can feel the tension inside the room, I leaned on the counter with a small smile, I wish I had some popcorn...
"what if it is" minho answered leaning in, I was shocked about his actions even hyunjin seemed surprised for a moment .
"I think you forgot about this morning in the kitchen " hyunjin said laughing while minho took a step back with red cheeks.
"oh, you are not going anywhere hyung" hyunjin said pulling him from his waist.

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