Chapter 30

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Minho pov
Voices filled the place, I slowly opened my eyes...all of the boys were inside my room.
"hyung" han said taking my hand " how are you feeling?" he asked with a concerned tone.
"I am okay" I murmured, " I was shot in the chest how am I alive?" I added with wide eyes.
"you were shot by a tranquilizer....whoever saved you used it" chan said.
" where is hyunjin?" I looked around the room to find him missing. No one said a word though.
I stood up to lean on the bed frame.
"what happened?" I asked groaning in pain my whole body hurts....
"are you okay?" han asked.
"I am fine....where is hyunjin?" I asked again.
"he is not here...."
Han was cut by the door opening revealing hyunjin...who smiled at me.
"you are awake....i am glad you are feeling good" I said closing the door.

"I am" I looked at han but he was shooting daggers at hyunjin.
"I talked to your doctor you can leave today....just make sure you clean your wounds everyday" hyunjin said speaking my forehead.
"I live with a surgeon lucky me" I replied.
"I am sorry to cut you but I don't think my father will stop going after minho hyung"jeongin said making all of us look at him.
"he is right minho....why did he even take you?" chan said raising his brow.

Suddenly the  room's door was opened as my parents entered my eyes went wide at that....i am done everyone knows the crimson mafia identity is going to be exposed.
"I am sorry, guys" I said making the boys frown.
"minho my baby" my mom said pulling me into a hug.
"what the hell is he doing here?" my father yelled glaring at did he know who he is?
"lower your voice sir, you are in a hospital....why are you even here?" chan glares at my father.oh, no it is coming
"do I need your permission to meet your son now?" he said glaring at chan.

"what are you...hyung what is he saying?" han asked with a wide mouth.
"I....he is....i told you hundreds of times you are no father of mine....leave" I said looking at my dad.
"honey, please come with are not safe" my mom begged.
"I am not safe" I laughed" guess who is fault is that... your son died because of you and you still living like a piece of shit" I yelled at my father trying to stand up but my body gave up.
"don't talk to me like that or I swear..."
"do what?" I raised my brow challenging him.

"why is the choi boy here?" he asked again.
"he is my friend brother if you or his father have a problem with it...go fu..."
" your language....he is your father" my mom cut me off.
The whole room was watching our secret got exposed and I am fighting with my parents in front of them, this is embarrassing.
"you are coming with us that's it" my father took my hand pulling me with him.
"let go of me." I tried to get my hand out of his grip but I was to weak....i had drugs in my blood I am barely standing.

"he said let go of him" hyunjin said pushing my father away before he pulled me closer to him by my waist, I looked at his eyes he had this murderous look I have never saw on him.
"oh, the boyfriend" my dad said.
"listen his life is in danger....we need to protect our son" my mother said.
"I don't need your protection mom...i love you and respect you but I will never come with you to that hell" I replied clenching into hyunjin.
"you will die...his father will kill you"my father pointed at jeongin who looked down" or maybe he will kill you trust him but he is the enemy" he added.
"the only enemy I see here is you leave" I yelled.
"park,take him" he mentioned to his man to take me.

"take another step and I will arrest you" chan growled at the man who stopped.
"I need to keep my son..."
"I will keep my boyfriend can leave" hyunjin cut him off.
"you" my dad laughed " who the hell do you think you are....the sliver stone mafia is after him what can you do?"
"you said it his leave before I make you regret it"he said with low voice surprising me...i never saw him act protective like this before.
"let's go....we did our best..." my father said taking my mother's hand
"minho, please" she said with teary eyes.
"we will take care of him " han said standing next to me too, I took both their hands into mine glaring at my father who forcibly took my mom out with him.

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