Chapter 23

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Minho's pov
"so where are you taking me again?" I asked leaning against his car seat.
"patience detective lee...patience" he chuckled .
" patience my..."
" just relax" he cut me off.
"relax, I don't know you...and I don't know your intention with me...i don't trust you so don't tell me to relax hwang" I growled at him.
"if I wanted to kill I won't use my car and bring you to a place full of people believe me" he said pointing at people moving around us.
"where are you taking me?" I asked.
"to a restaurant for good's sake" he said
"let me guess a five stars restaurant, a basic date from a rich boy" I said
He ignored me and kept driving until we reached a big building, we parked outside before a boy come taking the key's from hyunjin.

"mr hwang, from here please " an older man said bowing.
We followed the man inside until we reached a big hall, it was empty.
"this is your table, Enjoy" he said leaving.
Silence filled the place until a waitress came putting plates in front of us and left.
I removed the cover on mine, "lasagna " I said.
"i...I know you love it so I brought you to an Italian restaurant ... The lasagna they make is the best in the country " he said clearing his throat.
"I see " I hummed taking a bite I was surprised at the taste.
"you like it" I looked up to see hyunjin looking at me with wide eyes.
"it is okay," I said.
"just okay," he pouted cutely.
"it is amazing...happy" I replied.
"very" he smiled his eyes turning into crescents.
"so do you have a personality disorder too?" i asked making him blink at me.
"I don't understand" he answered.

"Sometimes you are acting cute the other like a narcissist and sometimes like I don't know it is like you have a demon possessing you" I said making him chuckle.
"can't I be cute and hot at the same time?" he asked amused at my words.
"it is not hotness hyunjin...."
"look, that's me...i don't have any disorders believe is called a duality han's words not mine....he said the same for you too" he said as he start eating.
"so why are we really here?" I asked crossing my arms.
"to get to know each other...and maybe get together " he said nodding at his words.
"i don't like you, why will i ever date you" i answered
"are you sure? You were pretty much eating me with your eyes feel something for least physically " he smirked
"maybe I do but I am not stupid hyunjin...I can't read you, you are like a puzzle to are hiding something and I will find out about it" I replied glaring at him.

He looked at me for a couple of seconds before he start laughing" look, kitten..." I glared at him " hyung" he corrected himself " I am not some case you need to solve, so don't go all detective on me...we are both dating first I was doing it for him...but now I am not...i will admit it hyung....i like you...a lot... I am willing to get to know give us a chance...i will be happy to answer your questions if you wish....if you are not interested in me I can understand what you say?" he said, I scanned his face looking for a lie....i am just confused, he is so perfect why I am trying to find a bad thing about I doing this to run from my feelings or what?
"fine, let's do. Let's get to know each other" I said breaking the silence.

"I am hwang hyunjin a suregon, it is nice to meet you" he said giving me his hand.
" really" he nodded eagerly.
"lee minho, a detective" I said shaking his hand.
We chatted more to get to know each others, he told me how he meet han and felix when they were young. Their parents were childhood friends apparently but they didn't meet until they were 4, han was living in Malaysia while felix was in Australia .
He showed some videos of his dancing in some competitions and I showed him mine, he is an amazing dancer I must say. The little time I spend with him made me regret judging him without knowing the real him but can you blame me he doesn't exactly give friendly vibes for people he doesn't care about he is colder than ice.

" did you like the date?" hyunjjn asked as we entered the car.
"well it is alright...i can see you don't have any experience regarding date planning" I chuckled at his pouty face.
"I am sorry...i am not the best " he laughed.
"it is okay, I want to go home and sleep" I said closing my eyes.
"who said we are going home?" he told me making my eyes open.
"is this where you try to kill me? I just showed you a little trust and you already trying to kill me...i can't believe you hwang" I said.
"dramatic was supposed to be my specialties" he murmured with a chuckle.

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