chapter 3

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Minho pov
I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar room, wait it is a hospital room. I stood up to find an IV line attached to my arm.
"What happened... Han" I yelled removing the IV.
"Oh, minho hyung you are awake..... You can't remove the IV like that it will cause bleeding" he sight, seeing the blood running down my hand.
"I don't care , Felix where is han... Is he okay?" I asked.
"Yes, he just woke up. They are moving him to a room. I came here to take you to him" he said.
"Why didn't you say, let's go" I said running from the room before I remembered that I don't know where han's room is.i looked back at Felix who shook his head before he start walking me following him silently.

We reach the room to find hyunjin checking on him, he looked up at me and rolled his eyes.
"Han, do you know. Who is he?" He asked han who was looking at me with wide eyes?
"No baby, is he a friend of yours?" he asked blinking at me.i felt a shiver run down my spin
"Hanie, it is me" I said as tears start streaming down my face.
"Han, stop it" hyunjin yelled making me flinch at the tone.
"You are no fun" han said rolling his eyes."of course I remember you minie,I was just teasing "he added.
" are you serious right now, I almost had a heart attack because of you?"i said disappointed.
"He is okay, everything looks normal, he will be out within a month" hyunjin said leaving, I glanced at han who was following him with his eyes.

"Please, don't do that again. I thought I lost you" I said taking his hand.
"You are not going to get rid of me that easily" he said laughing.
"I love you," I said looking into his eyes.
"I love you too. Does this mean you forgive me" he asked with hopeful eyes. I nodded at him.
"What about hyu..."
"Not now han" I cut him.
"Focus on getting better" I said pecking his lips."i need to go to the police station, I will ask for  a month leave until you get better"i added.
"Hyung, you don't need to do that. They need you there you have a serial killer to catch" he said squeezing my hand.
"You need me more" I told him.
"I am fine here, I have lix and hyunjinie with me don't worry" he said with a smile making me cringe at the hyunjin nickname.
"Okay" I said.
"Now, go and catch that killer detective. Make me proud" he said making me laugh.
"I promise, I will" I said waving goodbye to him.

Han pov
After minho hyung left, I waited for hyunjin to come. I knew he will come back.the door opened revealing hyunjin who was glaring at me.
"Why didn't you stick to the plan?" I glared at him.
"I told you,I won't. I don't care about your boyfriend but lying to him that you lost your memory and you still remembering me as your boyfriend is not fair for him. I won't lie like that not even for you" he yelled making me flinch.

"Jinie, it was a perfect opportunity to spend time with him and you. And then I would have told him I got my memories back" I said.
"Han, this is becoming too much.this is not you, if you love us both just do it like a normal person" he answered shaking his head"don't you care if minho suffers, he is blaming himself for the accident. Wake the fuck up"he added.
I sight biting my lips, he is right. What have I done?
"I am sorry Jinie" I said with a small voice.

"Put yourself together, or we will end this" he said pointing at both of us.
"No, no I am sorry" I said panicking
"Tell me something han, was it really an accident or did you do it to make minho forgive you," he said his gaze burning holes in me.
"What of course it was an accident" I said shaking my head.
"Han, are taking you your medicines?" he asked taking my hand.
I looked at my lap, shaking my head in shame.
"Omg, han why?" He said shocked.
"Because, I am better now all I need is you and minho" I said rubbing my thumb on his hand.
"Your medicines are for life han you have a personality disorder, you can't stop taking them. I will tell minho if  you don't start taking them again" he said.
"Hwang, don't you dare" I growled at him.
"See, anger. You can't control yourself han." He paused"baby, I love you. I just don't want anything to happen to you understand"he added with a soft voice
"Okay, I will take them again" I announced, if taking them would make me stable again then I will.

Chan pov
I was in my office examing the file for the serial killer, I sight. We don't have anything.
Okay relax chan, i thought taking a pen.
What do we know:
-he is left handed
-he killed just members of one mafia.
-a clean cut to the throat with number 3 carved on their neck
-he killed 6 people so far
-no fingerprints, no camera footage.
-all victims killed in abandoned  place so there is no witnesses.
-victims 1, 3 and 4 killed in a dark ally of bars. Well it is a hidden place he is good.
- victim two was killed at an abandoned  warehouse.
-the last two victims bodies were found in a trash bin in a place without surveillance cameras
"He is smart" I murmured.why are you doing this?

I heard a knock on my door"come in"i said.
"Hyung, it is me. Anything new about the case" minho said entering the room.
"Min, what are doing here?" I said shocked to see him.
"Han, told me to go and catch the killer so here am I" he replied chuckling
"Is he okay?" I asked concerned about him, I am not really close to han but I always tried to become friends with him. He just kept ignoring me I think maybe because I used to date minho.
"Yes, McDreamy said he needs to stay 2 weeks before he can be discharged" he answered examining the file.
"Who is McDreamy?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"The sexy hot arrogant neurosurgeon from grey's anatomy" he replied.
"What does a tv show doctor have to do with han" I asked getting confused.
"God, hyung. How did you became the chief again.i meant hyunjin he is a neurosurgeon" he said.
"So hyunjin is the sexy hot arrogant neurosurgeon" I asked making him nod.
"I didn't mean I find him hot" minho said gasping.
"I didn't say anything" I said laughing at him.
"I hate you" he said with a glare.
"So what happened between you and han?" I asked leaning on the chair.

"Well where do I began, he cheated on me with hyunjin after our kiss and he told me he still loves him. He wants us to date him" he told me making my jaw drop.
"Damn, what kind of drama are you living in my friend" I asked.
"I have no idea" he replied
"What are going to do?" I said.
"For now, I will focus on our killer and han well being" he answered
"Are going to give hyunjin a chance, I mean you find him hot" I teased.
"Hyung, stop. It is not the time for teasing. And I honestly don't know. I am angry and disappointed with han but after the accident it made me more sure that I can't lose him. For hyunjin I don't know. Now to the case please " he replied shaking his head.

"Okay, okay.sit down" I told him before he took a seat next to me examining the file
"I have been through them hundreds of times" I added.
"Me too, but I am sure we missed something. If he is really smart I am sure he left leads and just laughing at us while it is just in front of us. Killers like him love making people confused" he said focusing on the papers.
Time passed none of us said a word, I glanced at the clock.
"Minho, you should go is getting late" I told him there is no need for us to stay here.
"Sh, hyung"he said.
" excuse me"i said in disbelief.
He ignored me heading the board a cross the room where a map of the city is located.
He start putting circles accord the board.
"Minho" I asked
"Hyung,I got it I know who he chooses his killing places" he said smiling at me...

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