Chapter 28

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Chan pov
I was pacing back and forth inside the living room all the guys were sitting down on the couch....they were so calmed for my liking.... I know some of them are scared deep down but they need to show it.
I locked eyes with jeongin but he bite his lips before he looked down his lap.
"inie" I crunched taking both his hands on mine" I know you have your doubts about if you should tell us or not....but I need to know....i need the truth so I can protect you" I said making him look up.
"I don't need your protection" he forcibly took his hands out of my grip making me frown.
"baby, the matters are now life were nearly killed...." seungmin said.
"I know and I am capable of protecting myself " jeongin insisted .
"really, if I didn't wake up you would have been dead right now" I yelled making everyone look at me...i tried to stay calm but It is serious....i can't risk him getting hurt.
He stayed silent ignoring me" do you know the attacker?" I asked.
"I may have an idea about who they are?"the boy mumured making all the room jump from their seats

"who are they? Tell me their names now, I will put a...." I took my phone about to call the station but jeongin cut me off.
"I don't know them exactly....i know who they might be not their identity"jeongin
"this is getting confusing honestly"felix pointed.
"inie, baby....i am begging you at this point I promise you. I won't leave you nor will seungmin tell us who attacked you and why?" I said looking at the boy who was holding back his tears.
" you promise?" he asked making seungmin and I take his hands.
"we promise"seungmin said looking at me.
"before I say anything I need you to know that I am the boy you always knew...i am not a bad person..." he said talking a deep breath" I think the serial killer who is killing silver stone members is the one who tried to get rid of me" he added making me freeze.
"why, do you have something on him that can expose his identity?" han asked.
"or he is relates to the mafia" hyunjin said making the rest gasp, I glared at him"jeongin will never..."
"he is right" jeongin said with a small voice that I barely heard.
"come again" I said confused.
"he us right....hyunjin hyung is right...i am related to the silver stone mafia" jeongin explained.
"you are joking right" felix yelled making us flinch.
"I am not " the younger said.
"how exactly, are you a member?..."
"I am tired of hiding the truth, I am tired for lying to my loved ones...i am the leader's secret son and the heir to the silver stone mafia" jeongin admitted making my heart crash into pieces.
"you what?" han yelled.
"you..." felix was about to attack IN but changbin didn't let him.
"felix stop" changbin said
"you heard him he is...." felix stop anger washing over him again trying to get away from his boyfriend but changbin was stronger.
"let me go" felix yelled.
"Felix stop" han said making everyone look at him."let's hear him out" he added looking at jeongin.
"felix please" han said letting a breath out.

Jeongin pov
I can feel my heart beating too fast that I was scared it will stop any moment.
"my that monster cheated on his wife with my mother didn't know who he was at that time or that he was married when she found out she left him surprisingly he let her...for years I didn't know anything about him that's why I have my mom's last name...but my mom was always depressed maybe she was feeling guilty she got with a married man or who he was I don't know" I start talking when no one spook I continued "until one day when my mom took her own life I was put in my aunt's care but he came....he came for me and threatened her if I didn't go with him he will kill us both of us....after my mom's death I lived with him and his family they made my life a living hell you don't know how happy I am for the death my so-called brother I know it sounds bad but they did things to break me...." I stopped trying to calm myself chan squeezed my hand with seungmin .
"he was the reason my mom killed herself...he is the reason for all the bad things that his children did to me...he kept me a secret....he thought he can use me.."
"as a spy in the police force" seungmin said making me nod.
"baby" seungmin said hugging me.
"hyung, I hate him....i hate him so much...he destroyed my life made me break my promises and lie to each one i care about...i am tired of being his puppet but I can't run from him, he will hurt anyone I care about if I did.... Especially now that his older son was killed and I became his heir...i am stuck with him for life....i so scared what if he made me kill someone or steal some serious information....what should I do" I said, I couldn't hold my  tears back as they start falling down my cheeks.

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