Chapter 19

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Minho pov
I was in the kitchen drinking my coffee when hyunjin entered he stopped when he felt my presence yet he acted like I didn't exist going toward the fridge.
'come on minho you need to apologize you know that it was your fault'
I cleared my throat "hyunjin' I said making him look at me with a raised brow.
"I...i am..." he sight taking a deep breath.
"you what lee?" he said getting bored.
"I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night...i didn't'...i shouldn't let my anger cloud my judgment...sorry about your hands and face" I said looking at his bruised face.

"yeah, my poor beautiful face" he said dramatically making with frown.
Is he crazy or what?
He let a laugh walking toward me"do you think you deserve my forgiveness kitten" he said leaning in.
"don't push my patience hwang, I apologize because I was the one who start the fight but you hit me too"I pointed at my bruised cheek" and stop with the kitten thing for god's sake" he added.
"no you look like a kitten...i will call you that" he said with a smirk leaning even closer "sorry for hurting a pretty boy like you" he added caressing my bruised cheek making me hold my breath, my heart is beating too fast for my liking...what is her doing to me? Why does he make me nervous?
I gulped trying to calm down, he notice my state making him even more satisfied, suddenly he took me by my waist making our faces inches from each other.
"I forgive you...take care of yourself kitten" he peckd my cheek pulling back, before he left.
I just froze in my place, looking at his disappearing figure with wide eyes.

What the hell was that? I put my hand over my heart feeling the strong heart beats .
"morning hyung" han entered the kitchen with big smile.
"good...good morning " I said trying to calm myself.
"are you okay?" he asked with raised brow.
"oh, yes...i apologized to hyunjin too...he said we are fine...i am sorry again" I replied siping my coffee.
"great" he said rubbing my hands together.
"what?" I asked confused.
"felix called hyunjin last is about changbin hyung" he said making me frown.
"what happened to him now?" I said
He start telling me about the more and everything that felix told him.
"I knew it...i knew it is more than drugs"I said jumping from my seat.
"min, changbin hung doesn't know about the note yet..."
"we should tell him if we are going to protect him" I said with a sight" it is time to know the full truth about his relation with the silver stone once and for all...i will make him talk if I had too." I added.
"yeah, I will call chan hyung to meet us there "han said getting his phone.

Time skip

We are in changbin's room, he looked at us confused .
"what is going on here?" he asked.
"you tell us" I said showing him the note that felix gave us earlier, he read it with wide eyes before glancing at us gulping.
"I told you to say away from felix if you are going to get him in trouble " hyunjin said glaring at him.i have no idea why he came with us to question changbin but he came to the hospital to inform them about his injury then joined us without saying anything.
"no is putting you in danger ...I can't let anything happen to you" hyunjin yelled.
"I can protect my boyfriend" changbin said out of nowhere .
"you" hyunjin pointing at him before brusting into laughs" you think you can protect him from a mafia...i have better hope in Felix protecting himself then you protecting him" he added with a chuckle.
"hyunjin...enough" felix said with a heavy sight taking changbin's hand the boy was looking at his lap in shame.

"okay, keep your feelings in check ...changbin tell us everything what do they want with you?" chan said crossing his arms.
A heavy moment of silence filled the room " changbin" I said with a strict voice.
He looked at me with teary eyes" I am sorry I didn't tell you but they threatened to hurt my family felix and my friends if I tell anyone especially the police"he said drying his tears .
"binie, please tell us" felix said.
" know that after my father died inherited the hospital...apparently they had a deal with him...if he pays them regularly they will not hurt our family ...whe I took over...they tried doing that with me but I refused and you know the rest .... The threats, the attacks It is because I refused to pay them" he finally explained.

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