Chapter 9

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Hyunjin pov
"why is he calling me?" I said as I saw han's number showing up.
"hello" I answered waiting for response .
"han" I heard voice more like a moan
Did he call me during.... He did it in purpose .
I kept listening to them, feeling myself hard already.
" idiot" I smirked...............

Next morning
I woke up looking around ... I fall asleep after well...
I took a shower before heading for work
"hey, hyunjin" I was going to enter my office when a voice cut me.
"changbin hyung, you are back" I said.
"yes, I am. I saw you and I wanted to say hi " he patted my shoulder .
"thank you hyung" he nodded he was about to leave but I took his hand, he glanced back at me confused.
"is that blood" I pointed at his collar letting go of his hand.
"oh, I cut myself while shaving this morning not a big deal thanks hyunjin I have an other shirt in my office"he said

"wait a minute I thought you are coming back today when did you arrive?" i asked .
"yesterday, I wanted to surprise lixie" he glanced at his watch" sorry jin I have a meeting I need to go" he added before he left.
"weird" I murmured entering my office.
So no scheduled surgery for today, thank god. I opened my laptop doing some reports by the time I finished it was lunchtime but lucky me and emergent surgery just came.i should have taken the position of ceo when my mom offered .

Jeongin pov
"are going to stare at him all day " seungmin hyung said making me jump
"who?" I asked looking around
"our boss" he teased.
"I am not" he shook my head .
"I know you inie... You like him so do I" he answered making me shocked the only reason why I did confess to chan hyung was that I didn't know about seungmin feelings ... Well other than he is our boss.
"he is hot" I glanced back at chan hyung who was talking to some officers .
"so am I" seungmin said .
"sh, you are cute not hot. I am hotter" I rolled my eyes.
"Little devil... You are both" he said pinching my cheeks.

"you should talk to him" we looked back to find han hyung leaning against the wall sipping his coffee.
"hyung, who long have you been here for?" I said shocked .
"for the whole think", he said laughing "but seriously make a move maybe he feels the same" he added.
" and if he doesn't we are done. He is our boss" seungmin said making me nod in agreement .
"oh, believe me he does. He is looking at you at this moment " han said making us look back to find chan hyung watching us he smiled when he saw us before he want back to work.
"told you. Men up and get your man I guess " he said laughing before he left .

Minho pov
"so he knows that we know about his killing locations what now?" chan hyung asked.
"we need to put more officers in the next location" I said.
A knock was heard revealing an officer
"sir, we have a homicide" he said bowing
"let's get to work" chan said heading to the police car.
We entered the room to find han already there examining the body, he smiled at me before he went back to his work 
" a middle aged man, he was stabbed in the back 3 times killing him in the spot." an officer said.

"who found the body? Any witnesses?" I asked.
"his wife and daughter did... We think it was a thieft looking at the house statue " I glanced around, the house was a mess but It was kind of exaggerated
I walked toward the two women
"sorry for your lose, but we need to ask you some questions?" I said taking my notebook.
"you were the ones to discover the body right" they nodded silently while they cried "if you don't mind me asking, where were before" I added carefully examining their body language.
"we went shopping... We..." the daughter said sobbing.
"I see" I hummed.
"I can't believe it.... Why did the thief have to kill him..." the mom said hugging her daughter.
"assuming that the thief is the murder is what it is assumption madame... If there is a thief in the first place" I murmured the last part, the whole house is a mess, as if someone did it on purpose to make it seem like a break in for theft.
"what... What do you mean ?" the girl asked " someone killed my father on purpose" she added with wide eyes.

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