chapter 2

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Han pov
I ignored minho hyung for the rest of the day. But I knew I had to face him when we go back home.
I always went back home before him, being the deputy chief and a detective at that he has a lot of work.
I laid on my bed, thinking.

"Baby" I heard the door to the room opens
"Go away" I told him with a small voice.
"No, please hanie. Listen chan hyung kissed me and i just froze, I will never hurt you. I love you" he said with teary eyes.
"Hyung, I am sorry" I said standing up my eyes fixed at the ground.
"I.. Why are you sorry?" He asked a questioning tone in his voice.
"Because I cheated too" I said looking at him.
"I don't understand" he asked getting closer.
"I slept with hyunjin, in moment of anger. I am sorry" I said with tears streaming down my cheeks. Well he doesn't need to know that I have been cheating before, he will never forgive me.

"did you cheat on me before this" he yelled griping my shoulders
"Hyung, you are hurting me, stop" I told him as his grip on my shoulders got tighter he let go of me.
"Answer me jisung"he murmured.
" no I did not"i said confidently.
" you cheated too what makes you better"i added .
He start laughing "really, I told you chan was the one who kissed me.and you slept with hyunjin there is a difference" he said disappointed.
"Well, cheating is cheating you kissed someone else when you are in a relationship with someone. If you want me to forgive you give hyunjin a chance" I told him crossing my arms.

"What do you mean,?" He said with a raised brow.
"I want you to give him a chance with us as in our relationship " I answered
"What? Are you out of your mind?" He said in disbelief"do you still have feelings for him,that's why you cheated you are just using my accident with chan to cheat"he added shaking me by my shoulders.
"Hyung, I love both of you. You have been in a poly before why don't you accept hyunjin" I told him.

"Because I don't trust him. He is a narcissistic  who thinks the world revolve around him" he replied with a glare.
"You don't even know him, you just hated him after you found out he is my ex" I replied trying to push him.

"You are fucking sick, is it your way to try and force me to accept him" he yelled
"Yes, it is " I said.
"Fuck you " he said leaving the room.
"You will be back to me hyung, I know you will" I smirked.
Call me a manipulator but I will do anything on my power to have both minho and hyunjin.

Minho pov
I went to the guest room closing the door behind me in anger, I don't believe that he is comparing kissing to sleeping with someone else.and now he wants me to let hyunjin enter our relationship.
Suddenly my phone start ringing cutting my thoughts.
"Minho, sorry for calling you at this time. But we have an other murder"chan hyung said from the other side.
" I am coming"i said hunting up, I left the room to find han wearing his shoes.

"Chan hyung called.can I come with you?" He asked.
"No, take your bike" I said leaving him behind.
I entered my car rushing to the crime scene.
"Hyung, what do we have?"i asked wearing my gloves.
" a man, his throat is cut off. With the number 3 carved on his neck. It is our killer, where is han. We need him"he said.
"He must be behind me, he took his bike" I answered examining the body.
"Is he still angry?" He asked with a low voice.
"Hyung, we will talk later" I answered looking around, damn it I am sure han won't find anything again.

"Sir" a police officer said running toward us."there was a car accident near us, we went to check. A car hit a bike, it is han jisung" he added looking at me.
"What" I yelled when my phone start ringing.
"Yes" I answered.
"You are han jisung, emergency contact. I am sorry to inform you sir he was hit by a car. He is in SEO hospital" a female voice said from the other side.
My world had stopped, the phone slipped from my hand before I fell on my knees.
"No, it is my fault" I said in disbelief.
"Minho, I will take care of need to go to the hospital now" chan said but I didn't move.
"Lee minho, put yourself together" he yelled.
"Officer Kim, take him to the hospital he is in no shape to drive. Detective yang please call for the other forensic scientist" chan hung added.
I run to the car with the officer, please be okay han. I forgive just don't leave me. I did this to you, if you came with me this wouldn't happen.

I entered the hospital in a rush
"Han jisung, he was brought here in a car accident" I said to the boy in the front desk.
"And you are?" He asked.
"His boyfriend and a detective now where is he?" I asked showing my badge.
"He is getting ready for surgery, he suffering form head trauma so we are waiting for doctor hwang and doctor lee" he said.
"Where the hell are they?" I yelled.
"We are here" Felix's deep voice cut me from my thoughts.
I run to hyunjin taking him by his collar"you better save him hwang or I kill you with my bare hands"i growled at him.
"I see, he told you"he said with a poker face
" this is not the time for your drama, hyunjin let's go"felix said dragging hyunjin behind him.

It is been 3 hours and no one come from the operating room.
I was seating in the waiting room clenching my hair, I am not ready to lose han. I will die without him.
"Minho hyung" Felix said clearing his voice.
"Felix, what happened?" I looked up to find him and hyunjin staring at me.
"He had a couple of broken ribs, one of them caused internal bleeding. I took care of it, he also broke he left arm and dislocated his shoulder" Felix explained.
"Omg" I said tears streaming down my cheeks.
"For the head trauma, the effect of the crash damaged his brain. I did my best but.." Hyunjin said before he paused
"But what hyunjin, you are the best neurosurgeon in the country don't tell me would can't save your friend" I yelled at him.
"I did my best, we have to wait for him to wake up to assess the damage, just be ready for anything" he said looking at the ground.
"Like" i asked.
"He may not wake up, or he may experience memory loss, poor vision or trouble with speech" hyujin explained.

"No, no tell me you are lying" I said shaking him.
"Hyung, calm down" Felix said trying to calm me.
" is my fault .... If I let him take ....the car with me..." I said between my breaths.
"It is not your fault hyung,  it was bound to happen," he said trying to calm me down.
"I....i " I felt my vision getting blurry.
"Hyung.." I heard Felix say before darkness consumed me.

Hyunjin pov
I sight looking at minho's body
"Take him to a room and check him up " I said to the intern behind me before I left to my office.i sit on the chair.
"Damn it han" I said hitting the table.
My phone start ringing"Doctor hwang, you are needed in the operation room "
A voice said making me curse under my breath running to the OR.

(After 4 hours)
I took a deep breath ,washing my hands before I went to ICU to check on han.
"Hanie" I murmured caressing his hair.
"Please, wake up. I can't lose you too" I said with teary eyes.
"Hyun, he will wake up don't worry" felix said behind me.
"What if we lose him lix" I said looking at him.
"We won't, he is strong. He will get over this and come back to us" he said patting my back.
"I hope you are right" I murmured.
"Oh, and for minho hyung..."
"I don't care" I said with a monotone voice.
"As I was saying, he fainted because he didn't eat anything for the whole day and we the stress of han's accident it must be made it worse" he answered.
I hummed looking at my boy.
"Jin, you need to rest. You performed two surgery and you have another one tomorrow morning" Felix said.
"I don't want to leave him. I won't sleep either " I said knowing that it would be difficult to sleep thinking about him.
"You need to. Take some sleeping pills please jinie" he said hugging me.
"Okay" I said leaving the room toward my apartment....

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