chpater 6

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Hyunjin pov

We start eating in silence, until han start making a small conversation here and there.
"so minie did you know that hyunjin is a dancer ?, minho hyung is a professional dancer too, he dances in his free time"han said looking at me.
Minho looked from his plate locking eyes with me for the first time today .
"really" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"well, I used to dance. I stopped when I broke up with han 3 years ago and move to the United States" I replied, I just got back here 5 months ago when I got a job offer from SEO hospital felix was working there already so  I accepted it.
My affair with han start right after I come back by a few days, according to han he didn't tell minho that he was cheating for the last 4 months.
Minho frown when I mentioned my previous relationship with han.
"why did you break up?" minho said curiosity mixed with anger filling his voice.

Han and I shared a look before han replied" he wanted to continue some of his studies aboard" I raised my brow at him as I start eating.
"thank you for choosing lasagne"I said out of nowhere trying to change the topic.
"it is minho's favorite too" han answered smiling at us" you have a lot of common" han added.
"no way" minho replied shaking his head.
"okay I will show you, I will ask you questions that I already know their answers it is a better opportunity to try to know each other" han said excitedly.
"han I am not interested on knowing him" minho replied .
"as if I am " I said glaring at him.
"guys, please for me" he took our hands pouting.
"fine" minho and I said at the same time glaring at each other. Well I wondered for how long we are going to keep the act of being civil.

"so... Favorite color?" han asked.
"dark blue" we said at the same time making han smile.
"favorite TV show?"
"supernatural " we answered again making me glare at him.
"favorite anime?"
"death note " we said the same for the 3rd time.
"I told you, both of you are dancers too" han announced .
"it is just a coincidence han" minho replied .
"is this why you are dating him, trying to fill the void of my departure " I said with a chuckle.
Both of them looked at me with wide eyes, I slightly felt bad about what I said.
"hyunjin" han said with a small disappointed voice.
"get out " minho said getting up from his chair making it fall back.
"why would i, it is han's house after all" I replied cleaning my mouth with a napkin smirking at him.

"hyunjin stop" han yelled at me.
"I am wrong, you bought it with your own money and he is just living here" I said leaning in the chair.
"fine, I will " minho said storming out the house, closing the door with a loud bang.
"what the hell is wrong with you ?" han said taking me by my collar with one hand.
"oh, come on hanie. I know you are just using him drop the act, we can get rid of him " I said smiling at him.
"I am not using him idiot, I love him as much as I love you" he replied .
"ops"I said laughing, he let go of me clenching his hair.
"I need to find him" he murmured looking unfocused.
"han, did you take your med..."
"shut the fuck up"he growled at me making me jump for a moment.
"I am trying to get you close and you keep pushing him away" he added.

"get out" he murmured.
"I am not leaving without making sure you took your meds" I said crossing my arms.
"I am not taking them" he shook his.
"you will fucking do as I said, don't let me lost my patience with you" I yelled at him before I regretted what I did, without his meds he is unpredictable, he can get angry, emotional or even lose control over his actions.
His eyes were filled with tears before he start sobbing hard" why are you doing this to me... I found happiness in both of you yet you are insisting on taking that away from why?" he cried dramatically falling on the ground, I know he is exaggerating a bit since he didn't take the pills but still seeing him broke like this made me regret my actions .

"sh, baby. I am sorry I didn't mean to yell at you like that. How about this take your meds and I will apologize to minho" I said rubbing his back. I didn't want to apologize but he needs to take them.
"promise" he asked with rounded eyes.
"yes"I nodded.
He start walking to his room I went after his to make sure he is going to take them I can not trust him when he is like this.
He went to the closet taking a box from under a pile of clothes before he opened it with a password.
"han wtf?" I asked.
"what, I can not let minho hyung see them" he replied pulling a tablet of pills before he took one.
"open your mouth" I said
"happy" I replied making me nod.
"how have been dating him for 2 years and you didn't tell were off your meds before the accident how he didn't find out the change in your personaliy"I asked .

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