Chapter 22

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Felix pov
"come on hyung. Do it" i said squeezing changbin's shoulder.
"do you think it is our best option lix?" he asked sitting on his bed frame, he was discharged from the hospital but he needs to rest at home before he goes back back to work.
"it is what chan hyung told you to have to pay them just as a temporary solution until we figure out how to stop them....believe me hyung it is for the best" I explained making him nod.
He took his phone out dialing a phone number.
"put it on speaker," I said he looked skeptical for a second before he did as I told him.
The phone starts ringing until a voice answered" oh, MR SEO for whom do I owe this pleasure" his tone was filled with mockery making me clench my hands in anger.
"I will send you your money" changbin answered.
"you learned your lesson I see...i hope that the police doesn't know about our agreement do they?" he said yet his words sounded like he already knew about the police involvement.

Changbin looked at me with wide eyes, I shook my head at him.
" don't" he shuttered I cursed under my breath.
"I will take your words for that then SEO , send the money for the bank account that I will send you now....i don't trust you enough to meet up" the man said making me bite my lips, shit...
"I...a bank account, is it safe?" changbin asked.
"we are no stupid of course it is....send the money boy....have fun with your princess" he chuckled ending the call.
"I hope they will leave me in peace now....i am scared lix....what if they continue with the blackmail or hurt you or my mom" changbin started panicking.

"Hyung, relax please.....I am fine I promise, they won't hurt me....they want money as long as you pay we are safe" I said pulling him into a hug.
"I can't lose you or my mom lix....promise me will stay safe" he hugged me tighter.
"I promise" I pulled back ruffling his hair." you know what annoys me?" I asked.
"what?" he asked with a raised brow.
"why do they always assume that I am the bottom in the relationship...I mean me a princess come on " I said with a sigh,He looked at with for a couple of seconds before he burst into laughs" really lix....i am talking about a life and death situation and that's what is on your mind"he said.

I chuckled " well it made laugh right....i missed it" I said laying next to him pulling him closer to me.
"it did " I said burying his head into my neck.
"but really why?" I asked.
"because I am buffer and older and you look cute " he answered.
"if they are going to follow the stereotypes I am taller....and come on you are cutter...maybe for an outsider you look intimidating but you are a cinnamon roll" I answered making him hit my shoulder playfully.
"they don't need to know that" he said.
"Okay princess" I murmured next to his ear making him whimper.
"good night hyung" I said kissing his head.

Han pov
"where the hell are you?" I yelled through the phone, we went back home after a long day at work it is 11 pm yet there is no sign of hyunjin. He ignored my calls all day, I was worried sick for him but when he answered I just got angry.
"why are you this loud?" he asked.
" have been missing for the whole day hyunjin I thought you...."
"I am fine" he said giggling.
"are you drank? Where are you?" I asked jumping from my bed making minho get up rubbing his eyes sleeply.
"oh, no idea" he laughed.
"hyunjin" I yelled.
"I don't know okay it is dark" he said as I heard movement "ouch" he added.
"what happened?" I asked.
"God, han I am okay I hit my toes in the table....i am home apparently" he said.

"should I come ?" I asked.
"no...i am okay...i drunk too much that's it...i was working on a present for Minho for our date...don't make it obvious if he is near you" he explained.
"did you finish it?" I asked looking away from minho.
"no...i am staying here for the night and tomorrow....tell minho I will pick him at 6 pm tomorrow. Good night I love you" he said.
"I love you" I answered hanging up.
"where is he?" minho asked.
"his house...he told you he will pick you at 6 pm tomorrow " I said laying back.
"I can go alone no need for him to do that" he said rolling his eyes.
"good night hyung" I said chuckling.
"you woke me up and now I can't sleep" he told me.

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