Chapter 31

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Minho pov
Now that my secret is out I feel better than I felt all these friends my lovers know about my identity yet they accepted me. Yes I am the son of the crimson mafia, his younger big brother was murdered by the silver stone when I was young to protect me or to protect his heir my father faked my death, that's why I was safe from them all these years and that's how a mafia leader's son joined the police.i didn't want to have anything to do with him or his mafia so I joined the police force.
I tried to warn them when the killing began, I was not worried about him or his members I was worried about my mother.
For the past months they called me and tried to tell me that the silver stone knows about my existence yet I didn't care.
"hyung" han said cutting my thoughts.
"we are ready to go" he added I was sitting on my bed while hyunjin and him packed, we were leaving to hyunjin's house.
I nodded before I stood up, I looked at my room for one last time.
"we will come back" han said.
"I know...i will missed " I replied with a smile" let's go" I added leading the way to the car.
Hyunjin who was already in the driver's seat smiled at me before he started driving.

"this is your house" I said with a wide mouth....this is not a house this is a place.
"my family house....yes" hyunjin said taking my bag.
"I can take it" I said.
"you need to heal....come on follow me....i told my mom to prepare my house for us" he explained.
"the mansion has small houses...hyunjin has one alone" han explained making me nod.
"I see" I hummed following them.
"hyunjin" his mom said, she was standing in front of the door waiting.
"hey mom" hyunjin replied.
"I heard of what happened I hope you will feel good soon" she said smiling at me.
"thank you madam" I said bowing.
"call me mom...I know I was not nice with you at first but now you are dating my son....take care of him"she smiled, her smile reminds me of hyunjin.
"okay, mom thank you...we need to go and rest now" hyunjin said.
"yeah sure " she said" come later" she added making hyunjin nod.
"I will " he answered before she left.

"what was that about?" han asked.
"nothing, she wants to see me I guess" hyunjin said entering the house.
"this will be our room" he said as we entered, it was a big room with a giant bed for the there of us.
"you want us to sleep together ,the there of us "I asked making him nod eagerly.
"I want to spend as much time as I can with my boyfriends" he said putting the bags down he took me by my waist.
"I want to tell you something hyung" he sounded serious he glanced at han who looked confused as I was .
"what happened?" I asked.
"I made a mistake....i used you" he said making my heart stop beating" at first I tried to get close to you for my own gain....i was wrong.....i know you must be angry and disappointed but as soon as I realized my feelings for you I stopped I was not fast...i...." he paused
"for how long you pretended," I said pushing him away, I knew this would happen.

"no...i swear it was not after we got to together, I realized my feelings before we went on our date....i wanted to get close to you for a reason but I am not faking it now hyung" he explained.
"why would you do that?" I asked looking at him.
"I.....i....i wanted to get rid of you and have han for myself " he said, he is not telling the truth, I can feel it.
"are you still trying to do that now?" I asked.
"God no, I would never I care about you hyung a lot...that's why I wanted to tell you about it .....i can't hide it" he said taking a step closer.
"we were not together but your reasons to get close to me were wrong..." I said looking at him.
"I know...i am asking you for a second chance, please forgive me" he stood in front of me.
"what if you do it again...are you one hundreds percent sure about me?" I asked, I don't want to get hurt again.
"There is nothing I am sure about other than my feelings for you and han" he said."I love you hyung " he confessed making my eyes go wide, I looked toward han who has a sad smile on his face.
"I love you so much" hyunjin's added with teary eyes, I pulled him closer by his waist as he laid his head on my shoulder.
"I love you and I am sorry" he sobbed.
"I forgive you just promise you won't try something like that again " I replied rubbing his back.
"I promise" he replied.
"and hyunjin" I said making him hum" I love you too " I added feeling my heart's beat speed .

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