Chapter 32

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Minho pov
"so you are telling me that your father kidnapped you... to use you against me" I asked jeongin who was sitting in front of me.
"yes, someone saved me....i don't know who ?" he replied.
"maybe the same one who saved me" I said biting my lips.
"I wanted to ask you if we could stay here all of us" jeongin asked looking at hyunjin.
"yes you can...maybe we should call felix and changbin too...they are in danger too" hyunjin replied.
"that's a good idea" han nodded"tell changbin to bring his mom ....we need to protect everyone " han added, I hummed agreeing with him.
"guys, I know how powerful the sliver stone are but we work for the government maybe we should try and make a plan to arrest them" chan said frowning.
"it won't work hyung, he has spies all over....we can't trust anyone" jeongin answered rubbing his forehead.
"for now we need to stay here until we come up with a plan...."
"how about work?" seungmin cut han off.
"I don't know fill for a vacation" han yelled out of nowhere taking his head between his hands.
"han are you okay?" hyunjin said running to his side checking.
"I am " han replied pushing him off.
"hanie" I said confused.
"I am sorry, I had a bad headache out of nowhere" he answered looking down.
I glanced at hyunjin and murmured his meds.
"baby, come with me I will give you some pain killers" hyunjin said dragging him with him.

"I will call binie" I said taking my phone out.
"hey bin" I said putting my phone on speaker.
"yes hyung" he answered.
"could you bring felix and your mom over ?it is urgent we will explain later" I said .
"on my way" he answered without another word.
"this is not a solution...are we going to hid from them forever?" chan asked clenching his hands, I can see veins popping from his forehead.
"this is not permanent hyung, it is just temporary " I answered, they are after me...if I hand myself over to them maybe they will leave the rest... The question now how will I get out of here? This place is filled with guards.... And the guys won't leave me even for a second....
"hyung" I looked up to see jeongin next to me he was looking down.
"what's wrong?" I asked him patting the empty place on the bed
He sat down playing with his fingers " I ....i wanted to apologize " he said with a small voice, I glanced at chan and seungmin who stopped their conversation at looked toward us.

"inie, I was never angry at you to be honest"I said squeezing his hand.
"jeongin, I don't think that you realize but we are in the same position....we didn't choose who our parents are ....i totally understand how pressured you were.... Don't worry" I smiled ruffling his hair.
"why did you want us to come?" changbin entered alongside with felix who scanned the room as he was looking for someone.
" if you are looking for han and hyunjin...they went outside han had a headache, jin is giving him some meds" I said making his eyes go wide for a second.
"I will go check on them" he said leaving.
"so?" changbin asked.
"where is your mom?" chan asked.
"with Mrs hwang...apparently hyunjin informed her about our arrival so they went together," changbin said.
" so bin....." chan started to explain everything to changbin who looked angry.

" I am paying them to leave me alone...yet I need to hide" he said standing up.
"changbin, please" chan replied stopping him.
"no, hyung. You told me to pay them and I did.... That's enough to keep them away from my family and felix" he shook his head.
"it won't believe me...they have no morals....he used me his own son...he won't keep his words" jeongin said.
"you are his son, why should we trust you...maybe this is all a plan to get us in the same will make it easier to get rid of us like this" changbin yelled trying to attack jeongin.
"changbin" chan yelled at him making the boy freeze on his spot." I trust should too" he added
"you are his boyfriend you are blinded with your feelings...."
"maybe I am...but I can guarantee you that he has nothing to do with his father " chan said.
"hyung" jeongin looked at his boyfriend with teary eyes.
"changbin I trust him too..."
"of course you are the son of a criminal just like him.....all of these years you hide it from chan and are a liar..." he yelled before he stopped covering his mouth with his hand.

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