Chapter 33

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Minho pov

"hyung" hyunjin said , we were sitting on the bed. Han was sleeping between us .
"yes" I hummed caressing han's hair
"I love you" he said looking at him" I want you to know that I love you and no matter what happens" he added.
"no let me continue....things are going to become messy.....some or one of us will get hurt in the process and I want to make sure that it is not you or han....or even the rest of guys" he said talking a deep breath "the answer is behind us kitten just know that" he  added kissing my cheek.
"hyunjin, I will not let anything bad happens to you" I answered.
He smiled at me" let's sleep" he replied.
Why are doing this hyunjin? What are you hiding from me? After you made me fall for you....
I watched him as he closed his eyes with a smile covering his lips

Next morning

I could sleep last night, I was thinking about a way to stop all of this. And I made my decision....i am going to hand myself to the sliver stone mafia....this is my only option.
I put the note at the night stand before,I looked at my sleeping boyfriends for one last time.
"stay safe, I love you"I whispered, this a sacrifice I need to do....i brought this on them.
I carefully left the room not wanting to wake them, now I need to sneak out without being discovered by the guards.
This place is like a fort....i took my an hour to leave...
"goodbye, my loves" I said looking at the house before I start running, it is the middle of nowhere I need to go back to the city.

Suddenly a car stopped in front of me
"look who we have here....boss is going to be thrilled to see you" a man said smirking, they were watching the house, shit.
"I am here to surrender myself" I said putting my hands in the air.
"Good to know" he said hitting my head with his gun making me fall unconscious.
When I woke up, I found myself in a room I was handcuffed to the ceiling.
"you are awake I see, jinseok...nice to meet you detective" a man said who I recognized him to be choi's young daughter husband.
"where is he.....i want to talk to him"I said fighting the chains.
He looked at some guard nodding, after some time an old man...very close to my father's age entered the room, he was wearing a black suit.
"well, welcome detective lee" he said venom dripping out of his mouth.

"you have me....leave the others alone" I said glaring at him.
He started laughing, his laughs echoing throughout the room" you are not in any position to make demands boy"he said with a low voice.
"they have nothing to do with this....leave them alone or I swear I will kill you" I said trying to attack him.
"I would be happy to get rid of my enemy's son....but you are not who we are looking for" he answered going back and forth inside the room.
"what do you mean?" I asked confused"the killer you are looking for him" I added after the realization hit me.
"bingo" he said clapping his hands "and we will use you to lure him" he added, I have no idea why the bad guys tell their victims about their plans is it confidence or stupidity.
"whoever they are why would they risk their lives for me" I said chuckling at what he said.
"I am disappointed in you detective " he said shaking his head " I thought you are the smartest officer in your department yet you didn't know you were sleeping with a killer" he said smirking, my heart stopped beating at what I heard.
"what are you talking about ?" I gulped hard.

He walked toward me looking into my eyes.
"your boyfriend.....hwang hyunjin" he said.
" are lying....he would never...." I shuttered
"you meet him months much do you really know about the boy" he hummed making me look down.
No, he is lying...hyunjin is not a killer....he is trying to turn me against them....but it is useless... He already have me....making me hate hyunjin won't serve him anything....he is lying.....but the lies...the secrets....the realization hit me....han knows about it....that's what they are hiding....i can't believe it....i was looking for the killer when he was right under my nose.
"are you too traumatized to speak ?" jinseok said with a teasing voice.
"fuck you" I said glaring at him, suddenly a punch was thrown on my face opening the old wounds that did not heal yet.
"father, can I?" jinseok said removing his jacket.
"just keep him alive for now....we still need him" he replied before he left .

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