Chapter 34

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Hyunjin pov
( couple of years ago/the night of hyunsung break up)

" move faster hyunjin" Felix said we were training.
" I am moving fast, I'm just tired I had a long day in the hospital today" I said throwing my gloves away.
"it sucks to be a resident believe me I know " felix replied sitting next to me.
"you know grandpa han is dead why are we still training?" I asked with a pout.
"because he asked us to continue even after his death." he replied.
From a young age, han's grandfather start training us. He said we will need it someday to protect ourselves and loved ones, we took classes in different martial arts and self defense including how to use weapons.
"yeah, as if a war is coming "I said rolling my eyes.
"yeah winter is coming" felix said jumping on top of me.
"are you done making fun of my grandpa?" han asked, I looked up to find leaning on the door frame.
"baby" I pushed felix off me running toward han " I missed you, how was work?" i asked.
"It was good" he hummed pecking my lips.
"I feel so single " felix said.
"find a boyfriend then" han said chuckling.
"I will" felix repiled standing up.
"are you staying the night?" han asked, we were currently in han's family house, where we always train and spend time together, actually han and felix live here together so do I but I go home from time to time
"I need to go home for tonight, I didn't see my mom for a month" I replied checking the time"ops, I am late.....i will come back tomorrow I promise " I said pecking his cheek before I left.

I drove to my house, greeting my mom. We had dinner together before i went to my room.
"What is that?" I said looking at the big box on my bed, i walked closer to see a USB drive on it
I quickly took my PC plugging the drive in it, I frown seeing just one video. My eyes went wide when I opened it.
"grandpa han" I mumured feeling with eyes burn, I missed him.
"my dear hyunjin, I hope you are doing fine....if you are seeing this video that means I am dead....i waited so long to tell you this I wanted you to have a normal life as long as you can, but it is time for you to know the truth....why I trained the three of you.... Why me and your mom hide from everyone.....there is no easy way to say this my dear boy" he paused taking a deep breath" your father was killed hyunjin" he said making my heart stop beating" not just him but my son and daughter in law and my granddaughter....the accident they had was made by a person to kill them.....Felix's mom too....she killed herself because they blackmailed her.....they tricked her and caused her company to go bankrupt....and they said they will use it to corrupt her husband's reputation" he said before he stopped.
"no, no tell me you are lying " I shook my head not believing a word.

"hyunjin, you are the oldest out of all....maybe by just a couple of months but you are, keep this away from han and felix, it is selfish I know but.....i want you to take revenge for your family for mine and felix's.....destroy them as they did to us....sliver stone mafia....promise me hyunjin....promise me that you will kill the last single one of them" he said, tears start running down my face.
I start sobbing loud, what is he asking me to be a killer....i can't I hugged my leg closer to my chest.
"hyunjin" my mom said entering the room.
"you knew about knew my father was killed and han's parents....felix's.....i you hid it from me from us....all of you...." I sobbed.
"I am sorry hyunjin.....what did he tell you?" she asked, I frown she doesn't know what he asked me to do.
"nothing " I shook my head removing the drive.
"are you going to tell....."
"no, I am not telling them....i am leaving" I announced getting my bag.
"hyunjin, what are you talking about please...."
"I can't stay here...i need time away...i am going to the state" I cut her off.
"what about han?" she asked making me stop moving.
"I will talk to him" I replied getting my bag and everything that grandpa han left me running toward my car.
"hyunjin" my mom yelled after me but I drove away.

I was shaking with anger fear confusion.
I parked in front of han's house running inside.
"han" I yelled, he was sitting in the living room with felix.
"hyunjin, are you okay?" he asked jumping from his seat.
"I am..." I replied " we should break up" I added.
"what? What happened?" he asked confused.
"I am leaving....yoh should move on with your life" I said leaving without waiting for an answer.
I spend three years in the US, they were the most painful and stressful year's that I have ever had....i ignored han's calls, I spoke with felix from time to time, he was confused about what happened too.
I learned that han, really had moved on. I was happy for him, but at the same time sad and disappointed.
I was too damaged from what I learned until I decided to come back home

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