Chapter 5

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"Okay, I've been stuck with you since birth and Kuff and Nuff would have seen it, and that was never there before." Ruff states about the mark. "Yes, it was. You've just never seen me from the left side until now." Tuff argues about it. "You never had it, brother." Nuff said about Tuff having it. After hearing that a downed dragon is a dead dragon, Hiccup leaves the others and heads to the forge. Astrid gets up and watches him leave. She is about to go after him but is stopped by Tyvarr and Runa before being pointed to go with the rest. 

"What are we going to do with him, Runa? He could mess up everything we've been working hard on." Tyvarr said about Hiccup ruining everything. "Let's hope he doesn't get picked for the final test we each had to do." I said of the last dragon training test. In the forge Hiccup stays up all night using various pieces of metal and other materials in order to make a prosthetic tail fin to help Toothless fly. He was the one that hurt him and he was going to be the one to help him. The next training Gobber was giving was how to fight a Hideous Zippleback. 

The arena was covered in green fog hiding the dragon and separating the teens. Gobber had put them into groups. Ruffnut and Astrid, Tuffnut, and Snotlout and finally, Fishlegs and Hiccup. "Today is about teamwork. Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other headlights it. Your job is to know which is which." Gobber informs the three teams of two. "Razor sharp, serrated teeth that inject venom for pre-digestion. Prefers ambush attack, by crushing its victims-" Fishlegs mutters, scaring Hiccup a bit. "Will you please stop that?!" Hiccup shouted at Fishlegs, cutting him off. "He has your dad's anger." Kuff said about dad's and Hiccup's anger. 

"If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna- there!" Snotlout shouts, throwing his bucket of water at it as Tuff and Hiccup follow his lead. "Hey! It's us, idiots!" Ruff screamed as she and Astrid came out of the fog. "Your butts are getting bigger. We thought you were a dragon." Tuff states about their butts. "Not that there's anything wrong with a dragon-esque figure." Snotlout says trying to make things better and Astrid punches Snotlout in the face. "Ow!" He screams as Ruffnut follows her lead and throws her bucket at Tuff, knocking him over. A few seconds later Tuff is dragged into the smoke, making Astrid and Ruffnut stop in their tracks. "Wait." Astrid whispers to Ruff. A dragon tail trips them over and Tuff comes out of the fog screaming. "OH, I'M HURT! I AM VERY MUCH HURT!" Tuff said about hurting. "Chances of survival are dwindling into single-digits now." Fishlegs whispers, panicking. 

One of The Zippleback's heads emerges from the green mist. Fishlegs throws his bucket of water on to the dragon head. This angers the dragon and causes it to spew out some green gas. "Oh. Wrong head." Fishlegs says nervously as the head sprays a large stream of green gas and Fishlegs runs off screaming in fear. "Fishlegs!" Gobber screams as the head turns its view towards Hiccup and the other head comes into view, spitting electric sparks. "Now Hiccup!" Gobber commands and Hiccup throws his bucket of water at the head but he misses causing all the water to fall to the ground. 

"Oh, come on!" Hiccup said, annoyed with himself and I shook my head. The Zippleback pounces, and both heads begin to snarl at him. "Hiccup!" Gobber warns Hiccup about going after the Zippleback without a bucket. "Back! Back! Back! BACK! Now, don't you make me tell you again! Yes, that's right! Back into your cage. Now think about what you've done." Hiccup demands the dragon as he throws the eel into the cage with the dragon. The Zippleback backs away into the corner in terror as he then closes the doors of the cage and turns around to see the others in shock, Fishlegs even drops his bucket. "That's not good whatsoever." Nuff said as we watched what Hiccup was doing from over the Zippleback cage. 

During their second training session with the Gronckle, the Gronckle charges at Hiccup but he holds up the dragon nip in front of him. The Gronckle stops and sniffs the dragon nip, instantly calming it down. Hiccup rubs the dragon nip against its nose causing it to relax on to the ground. "What was that? Some kind of trick?" Fishlegs asked as they walked over to the Great Hall. "How'd you do that?" Tuff is amazed at the two training days. "Hey, Hiccup, I've never seen a Gronckle do that before!" Snotlout said, impressed by the way Gronckle acted. "I left my axe back in the ring. You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you" Hiccup lies before leaving the group to where his Night Fury was. Gobber had brought the Nadder out but Hiccup wasn't scared and knew what to do. 

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