Chapter 31

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None P.O.V. "Whooooa!" the soon-to-be Chiefs of New Berk yelled as they rode on their companions who come to visit them for a ride. "Eret II! Zephyr! It's time for your training as Co-Chiefs." the mother of Eret II and Aunt of Zephyr called the cousins about their training. "Awwww." Eret II mourned about still wanting to go for a ride. They came back to the ground for their training and their siblings ran off with their dragon companions for a ride around New Berk. "How come they get to go out?" Zephyr asked about her brother and Freya.

"They're younger than you two and they'll take up the position of Co-chief if one of you die. So, go to your grandmother and Hiccup." Runa said about everything. The cousins went to their grandmother and father/uncle for the training they needed to get. It took hours for them to go through since they were out for most of the morning. The cousins went to their grandmother and father/uncle for the training they needed to get. It took hours for them to go through since they were out for most of the morning. Day to day, the cousins would try and listen on to how to be chief and how to act well with other chiefs. They were taught how to fight with and without weapons and dragons. Zephyr and Eret II had their group of dragon riders as Freya and Nuffink had their group of dragon riders as well.

Five years later. Valka died in happiness and enjoyment. Mom had taken up the spot of Village elder after Gothi died years earlier. "May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla, and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of queens. For a great woman has fallen. A warrior. A Chieftess. A mother. A grandmother. A friend." Spitelout said as Hiccup, Astrid, Zephyr, Nuffink, Freya, Eret II and I all shot our arrows to mom's boat as other followed after. "Who's going to be the female elder now?" Freya asked about the elder female. "That goes to the oldest living Haddock female. Since Runa is the oldest living Haddock female and so she takes up the position as elder and as Co-Chieftess." Hiccup said about the elder position.

The elders agreed that it was in the best interest that Eret and Runa should give up the Co-chief and Chieftess positions so Hiccup and Astrid could rule as the royal ruling couple only. Hiccup had shut the idea down since their father left Berk to be lead by both himself and Runa with Astrid and Eret as well. Runa kept the Co-Chieftess position and had added responsibility of Village elder. Many of the elders and older Berk Vikings were dying and they were getting honorable ways to Valhalla. New Elders were being received and most of which were from Runa's group of dragon riders and Hiccup's group of dragon riders with Spitelout, and Agnut.

The kids of the dragon riders watched as their parents talked about what to do with the rest of the dragon trappers and where Viggo was in the Archipelago. "Heather said she was patrolling near your old base in the dragon graveyard that Viggo was there." Astrid said about Heather, Viggo and the dragon graveyard. "That place would be in ruins by now and for the other dragons to live comfortably until death." Nuff said about the Graveyard and the building Runa and the team built.

"We'll asked Heather to take a few berserkers to check it out until we go or else we'll be wasting to much resources going out there ourselves." Spitelout said about the resources and going out to see. "No, we'll send a few people out and have Heather and a few berserkers to be back up in case Viggo is there. We've been friends with the berserkers and the Defenders of the Wing. They ask for help and we give to which we ask for help and they will give. so , we need to check out the old graveyard base to see if Viggo is there." Runa said about going and helping the two island allies. "What! Why should we waste our resources on people who could still attack us." Spitelout asked about the Berserkers. "They would have done it by now, Spitlout. If they are waiting for the right time then they would have done it but they didn't. So we need to trust them until they betray us." Runa said deadly calm about the issue of the Berserkers and their strategy.

After the few days that the group were gone, Runa and Hiccup got word that there were some things missing like maps and some food like someone was there for a while. The four did not find Viggo there as there weren't many hiding spots to begin with and there was only one way in and out of the only mountain in the middle of the graveyard. It seemed to the group, Runa and Hiccup, that someone from a dragon trapper island or Berserker island had been helping Viggo.

Hiccup sent a letter to Dagur and Mala to discreetly question Heather and the Berserkers that were with her about Viggo. Runa sent a letter directly to Viggo to see if it would reach him and get a reply for a talk in the open. Both Hiccup and Runa got the reply letters from the party they sent to. "Eret, Boulout, Tyvarr, and the Nut brothers with me. I have a little talk with someone on an island north east of here." Runa called to the five people who'll join her and they nodded.

"Runa, Dagur said that Heather's third in command did help Viggo to and from the Graveyard but doesn't know where he is at the moment." Hiccup said about the issue with Heather's patrol group. "Don't worry, little brother. That's why I called him out of hiding to talk. He doesn't know where we are because it seems like no one told him what happened to Grimmel. It seems that Heather's little traitor didn't tell him everything." Runa said about the letter.

"Wait, you called him out of hiding. How?" Eret asked, confused and surprised. "Said as chiefs of our tribes, we need to talk personally about his actions after what happened between Hiccup, the riders and himself. He has been forced to tell me everything since I have an unbiased view on the matter and I needed to know what happened between you, the riders, the Defenders of the Wing and him. So he agreed to meet and talk about it with witnesses there as well." Runa said about the meeting and talking with Viggo.

"What if he has dragon venom or poisonous things that'll hurt dragons?" Astrid asked about the venom and flowers they encountered before. "The place we're meeting at has nothing on it but rocks and a beach. We'll be fine." Runa said about the meeting place as the small group packed for the journey to the island to talk with Viggo.

Years passed, the older generations of Berk passed and every new generation was told of the stories of Hiccup Haddock, his friends, older sister and her friends with dragons also. Every Viking on Berserker Island and every island told their kids about the stories of Old Berk and New Berk. The stories were considered myth when it reach the modern times and no one believed that dragons were real. Newer variations of the Berk dragons were showing with newer skills and newer abilities. The Legends of Hiccup and Runa were told to many people. The myths of Old Berk and New Berk were great and amazing to many kids who  want to have their own dragon companions.

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