Chapter 19

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The trapper then attacks Hiccup, who blocks the attack with his inferno, accidentally knocking over the lamp in the trapper's hand. The floor bursts into flames as Hiccup and Toothless come out of the fire unharmed. The trapper stares at them in shock. "Aah! You're a demon!" He screams in fear. "Shhh! Shh, shh, shh! No, no! I'm not a demon! I'm not a demon! See? Just a guy! Just a guy, here to rescue these dragons, so..." Hiccup said as he took off his mask revealing himself. "But you walked through fire!" the trapper said about Hiccup walking through the fire. 

"Dragon Scales! Dragons shed a lot." Hiccup explains gesturing to his suit as he looks at Toothless. "Ooh! I know a demon when I see one! No human legs are that skinny!" The trapper said as he pointed at Hiccup's legs. Snotlout lands with Hookfang who has covered himself in fire, behind the trapper. "Big action entrance! Get a load of me! Aah!" Snotlout said before his butt catches on fire and he runs away screaming. "Aaah! I knew it! More demons!" The trapper screams in fear from Snotlout. "Nah, that's really just a nitwit who forgot to fireproof his butt." Astrid said landing Stormfly besides Hiccup. "Hot! Hot, hot, hot!" Snotlout continues screaming and running around. "Guys! No! Not yet!" Snotlout said as he saw the twins on their dragon, nearing him. 

Barf and Belch create a little explosion, which knocks down Snotlout. The twins get off their dragon and begin to introduce themselves. "Behold, your worst nightmare..." Tuff said dramatically or more so than Snotlout. "Behold-" Ruff said, starting to introduce herself as well. "...along with his sister who insisted on coming." Tuff said about them coming as well. "That's my intro?" Ruff said in anger at Tuff. "Guys! Too soon. You always come in too soon!" Hiccup shouted annoyed. Fishlegs lands on his back in front of Astrid and Hiccup, slipping on the floor. "Sorry, I'm still getting the hang of my wings." He apologizes for getting up. 

"Fishlegs, again with the baby? This is a raid!" Hiccup snapped about the raid. "I couldn't find a sitter." He defends not getting a dragon sitter. The dragon trapper gets scared of the dragon riders in their armor and runs away screaming. "DEMONS EVERYWHERE! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!" the dragon trapper screamed about the group. I shot the trapper with pinpoint accuracy in the head putting him down for the count. "Good thing I wasn't at the end of that thing." Eret said shocked at seeing my bow and arrow skills. "You would've been." I said as the others laughed at Eret's shocked face. 

"Runa! I had him right where I wanted him." Hiccup shouted at us but since he forgot where we were looking in the direction he thought we were in. "And now he's right where I wanted him. Now get to work." I said before sighing. "Okay, we screwed that up. But, at least nobody else knows we're here." Astrid said as she tried to lighten the mood. Hiccup went to unlock one of the cages. "Easy, girl. It's okay. Shh! We're gonna get you out of here." He assures the dragon as he places his hand on its nose. Fishlegs opens a big cage and helps another dragon. "Ooh! A Crimson Goregutter! Ooooh, ooh, ooh!" He said as he cheered, getting excited.

Ruffnut looks at a dragon that's stuck in a cage and laughs. "Look at this weirdo. I bet it's super dumb. "Why can't I get this cage open?" She said as she tries to open the cage but she finds that she can't. "It slides." Astrid said before showing Ruffnut and opening the cage with ease. "Obviously." Ruffnut said as she still hung from the cage. A few dragon trappers run in to find the younger group freeing the trapped dragons. "Attack!" One of the trappers demands. "Get the rescued out of here!" Hiccup instructed the others. One of the trappers sees Toothless. "Get the Night Fury!" He ordered before Eret hit the trapper over the head. 

The dragon riders and trappers begin to fight. One of the trappers falls in front of Tuffnut and Tuffnut looks down at the trapper. "No running on the deck! It's slippery, You can fall." Tuffnut said laughing in hysteria. "Step aside! Let me handle the tough guy stuff!" Snotlout said as he started to fight one of the trappers. Hookfang flies down to help him and spits some fire at the trappers. "Ha ha! That's two for me!" Snotlout exclaims in excitement. Astrid and Hiccup fight against the trappers side by side. Toothless flies down and helps them. "Thank you. Now, go get the rest, bud!" Hiccup said to Toothless who stomped off to mom. 

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