Chapter 15

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Runa P.O.V. Toothless and Ghostwing were sleeping when Toothless was suddenly awoken by baby Scuttleclaws. "Well, bud, we can't wait around for Drago to attack this place. We've gotta find him first." Hiccup said about Drago is Toothless gets up. "Don't go anywhere near Drago, Hiccup." I said about him still going after Drago. "Why can't I?" Hiccup asked about going. "Because we kept on saying that he's dangerous." I said about the danger level of Drago. What Hiccup and I didnt know was that someone was sneaking up behind us while we were arguing and grabbed us. "Easy now, you two." Dad said from behind us. "Are you kidding me? How did you get in here?" Hiccup questioned dad about being here. "The same way we're getting you out." Dad said about a 'we'. "We?" Hiccup asked, confused before hearing Gobber. "All clear!" Gobber informs us as he stands at the entrance with an axe and their dragons. 

"Toothless, Ghostwing. Come!" Dad instructs the pair of dragons. "Dad! There's something you need to know!" Hiccup said as he tried to tell him when I pushed him to talk about mom. "Yeah, yeah, tell me on the way." Dad said not listening to Hiccup at all. "This isn't an on the way kind of update, actually..." I said about the Bewilderbeast issue. "I've heard enough, Runa." Dad said as he looked around for any Dragon Trappers. "...more of the earth-shattering development variety." Hiccup informed dad and Gobber as he had added on to my comment. "Yeah, just add it to the pile." Dad said as he was more worried about our safety. 

"Dad, unlike most surprises I spring on you, this one you'll like. I promise! You just have to handle it delicately, so..." Hiccup said as Gobber tried to clue in as to why we're trying to give information. Gobber stops when he sees something. "Uh, you might want to take this one. Oh, boy." Gobber said as mom was watching from the shadows where Gobber saw her and dad brings out his sword. "Dad, can you put the sword away... please?" I said not wanting him to hurt mom. Dad walked forward and saw mom, dropping his sword in shock. Mom looks at him in the eyes. "I know what you're going to say, Stoick. How could I have done this? Stayed away all these years and why didn't I come back to you, to our children? Well, what sign did I have that you could change, Stoick, that anyone on Berk could?" Mom said about the dragon raids and the fighting. 

Dad continued to stare at mom in shock, moving closer to her. "I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting, to find another answer, but did any of you listen?" Mom continued as Gobber turned to Hiccup and I. "This is why I never married. This and one other reason." Gobber said about being married to someone. "I know that I left you to raise Hiccup and Runa alone, but I thought she'd be better off without me. And I was wrong, I see that now, but- Oh stop being so stoick, Stoick. Go on... shout, scream, say something!" Mom said scared that dad was having heart problems. Stoick traces Valka's cheek as she stares at him in fear. "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." Dad whispered about mom being beautiful. Valka slowly tears up and Stoick softly kisses her whilst Hiccup and I sigh in relief smiling.

None P.O.V. Back on Drago's ship the riders and Eret are about to walk the plank. "Could this day get any worse?" Snotlout questions annoyed that he was captured. "Uh, let me see. You'll jump into freezing cold water and then die from drowning." Tuffnut answered stupidly to Snotlout's comment. Eret looks down at the water and then turns to the riders. "Looks refreshing." Eret said as he had thought of a plan. "You are a steaming heap of dragon-" Astrid starts before Eret cuts her off. "Duck." Eret said as Astrid ducks and Eret knocks Drago's soldiers unconscious and unchains himself. 

"Don't do that to my sister, son of an idiot." Tyvarr said to Eret. "Warn the others!" One soldier said another about the escapees. "Get them, you son of an Eret!" Ruff exclaims happily. Eret knocks out the rest of the soldiers that come to attack them. "Okay, I love you again." Ruff and Kuff said happily. "So? Are we going to save your dragons and get out of here or not?" Eret asked the riders as the others looked to Tyvarr and Astrid who nodded. "Check every trap. They're here somewhere." Eret informs them about every trap. 

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