Chapter 16

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Runa P.O.V. "Yeah baby!" I cheered for Toothless and Ghostwing when we came around. "Take them down!" Drago's men command about us. "Heads up!" Gobber shouts flying towards the men. Grump uses his tail to knock the men unconscious as Gobber laughs. Drago looks up to see a Night Fury, Night Nadder and their riders fly past him. "Dragon Masters." Drago sneered at seeing them. I turned towards Eret with a smile. "Welcome aboard, Dragon Rider!" I said to him as he blushed when he saw me. "T-Thanks. I think." He stuttered causing Astrid to laugh. "Where have you been? I've been so worried!" Tyvarr demands answers from me. "Oh, you know. Catching up with Mom." I said as I pointed to mom and they saw mom who is dressed in battle armor and riding on Cloudjumper, calling the Alpha who breaks his way out of the Dragon Sanctuary and roars. 

"Whoa..." Eret breathes in shock. "That's your mother?!" Tyvarr asked, surprised at seeing her after 20 years. "Well, now you know where Hiccup and I got our dramatic flairs." I said as I flicked my helmet down and flew away to free some more trapped dragons. Drago sees the Alpha emerge from the water. "The Alpha! Now we fight!" He laughs sinisterly as the Alpha freezes some of Drago's soldiers and traps. I spot a trapped dragon and point to it. "There! Come on, Ghostwing! Show them what you got, bud." I said to Ghostwing about the Zippleback. Ghostwing fires and frees the trapped Zippleback.

"Thatta boy!" I cheered, patting Ghostwing's head. Drago's men fire a net and Valka and Cloudjumper are shot down crashing near Drago. "I've waited a long time for this!" Drago shouted before I started shooting at Drago with my bow and Ghostwing's spikes. "You cannot take our dragons! They are controlled by the Alpha!" Mom explains about the Alpha and dragons. "Then it's a good thing I brought a challenger." Drago screamed loudly, waving his bullhook around. A bigger Bewilderbeast, tied in shackles, emerges from the water. "Another one?" Hiccup asked me since this one looked younger than mom's when he came beside me. 

"I WAS WAY OFF! THAT IS A CLASS TEN! CLASS TEN!" Fishlegs scream in fear. "No." Mom said in a small voice. "Come on! Take down the Alpha!" Drago challenges. "No." Mom said louder. Mom uses her staff to attack Drago before Drago trips her and stands on her, about to kill her with his bull hook. Dad quickly shoves him out of the way, saving mom. "Thank you." Mom said, smiling at him. "For you, my dear... anything." Dad reminds her. The two Bewilderbeast roar loudly and strike their tusks together, starting their battle. "Val, you think you can stop them?" Dad asked mom about the alphas. "I'll do my best! Come on, Cloudjumper!" She said as she mounted Cloudjumper and took off. "Hiccup, go help mom." I said to him and he nodded before going after mom. "You.. I watched you burn with your daughter!" Drago said remembering the meeting of chieftains. 

"It takes more than a little fire to kill me and my daughter!" Dad said as I dropped down beside him and Drago looked between dad and I. He growled in anger at not killing us. The Bewilderbeast, Drago, dad and I begin to fight each other. Mom and Hiccup try to stop the Bewilderbeast but fail. Mom's Alpha stops, but Drago's Alpha continues to fight. Meanwhile Drago hits dad to the ground. Gobber flies past and passes dad his prosthetic mace. "Stoick!" Gobber called to him and dad caught the mace as he hit Drago. Drago's Bewilderbeast knocks over Valka's, and kills him after hitting him once more. "No!" Valka shouts in defeat. The new Alpha roars loudly and takes control of all the other dragons. 

"We've won. Now finish her!" Drago orders the Alpha. "No!" Dad screams as the Bewilderbeast starts shooting ice at mom, Hiccup, Toothless and Cloudjumper. "Hold on! Skullcrusher, go! Come on, Gobber!" He said as he raced to Hiccup and mom and I kept fighting Drago. "Right behind ya, Stoick!" Gobber assures. A dragon knocks mom off Cloudjumper and she struggles to hold on causing her to fall. Dad quickly jumps and catches her. Hiccup came with Toothless and landed beside me since Drago pushed me back. "STOP! STOP!" Hiccup orders landing near Drago. Drago looks over at us standing side by side with glares. 

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