Chapter 21

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"Yep, and the more dragons we bring back here, the bigger of a target we become." I said about the dragons and being the biggest target for dragon hunters. My prosthetic leg falls onto Hiccup's lap and Hiccup groans in disgust before throwing it away again. "I just wish there was some way to make them leave us alone." Astrid said about the hunters and trappers leaving us alone and that's what gave Hiccup an idea. "There might be. Dad and mom used to talk about an old mariners' myth, of a secret land at the edge of the world, where dragons lived totally out of reach." Hiccup said about the hidden world of dragons. "Well, sailors are known for tall tales." Eret said about it being a tall tale of sailors. 

"True. But what if it's real? It could be the answer to all of our problems." Hiccup said about the hidden world of the dragons being an answer. "How? By moving the dragons there?" Eret said about moving the dragons to the hidden world. "Nuh uh. All of us." Hiccup said about us all going to the hidden world. "Seriously? And abandon our home of seven generations? The home dad left us to protect." I said about several generations and dad leaving Hiccup and I to protect Berk. "Yeah, I think we need a real solution. I mean we could just take Gobber's advice and tie the knot, that should fix everything. But, hey, if Astrid's having doubts about me, I'm pretty sure Snotlout's available." Hiccup said about taking Gobber's advice about marriage. "Eww. Nope. Never." Astrid said grossed out about marrying Snotlout. "You're right, he only has eyes for your mom." Eret said about Snotlout liking mom. 

"Oh! Playing dirty now, huh? The female Nuts seemed to want to marry you when they first met you." I said about the Nut Females wanting to marry him as Hiccup and Astrid laughed at Eret's face. "You asked for it. Looks like there might be a wedding after all." Eret said smirking about us getting married. "Oh, how dare you! That is a low blow. No, no, you are not getting away." I said as I pinned him down without my prosthetic leg. Eret then unexpectedly presses his lips to hers. "I hate you." I said laughing as I hit him in the shoulder as Astrid and Hiccup made gagging noises. "I love you too. And you two kiss all the time." He said smirking before directing his attention to the younger pair. I get off Eert and we both sit up. 

Toothless drops my prosthetic leg next to me before running to the edge of the cliff and gliding down to the forest to Stormfly, Skullcrusher and Ghostwing. "Uh, Toothless? Wha-? Yeah, sure, don't bother to wait for us." I said as I sighs and stares down into the forest. In the forest, Toothless and Ghostwing wander around looking for something. They walk further into the forest and stop when they see two things white and royal blue laying down. The white and royal blue dragons slowly open their eyes and turn around. 

When the dragons see Toothless and Ghostwing, they growls, making them a little scared. Toothless and Ghostwing walk closer to the dragons and they stare into each other's eyes until they hear a snap. The noise makes the dragons' eyes turn into slits and it shoots a plasma blast, destroying a tree. "Oh, my gods!" Hiccup whispered as we made our way out from behind another tree with Astrid and Eret behind us. The two dragons growled at us and we saw that the two were about to fire plasma blasts. The dragons shoot plasma blasts at us. Astrid quickly pushes Hiccup out of the way of the blast while Eret and I fall back to not be hit as well. 

The dragons were about to shoot plasma blasts but Toothless and Ghostwing growls, stopping it. "Yeah. We're, we're friends! No need to kill us." Hiccup assures the two new dragons. The dragons got scared and flew away from us. Toothless and Ghostwing try to follow the two but then the dragons fire plasma blasts and fly through it, turning invisible or blended in with the horizon. "Wow." Hiccup breathed about the dragons. "Another Night Fury and Night Nadder." Eret asked about Night Fury and Night Nadder. "No, not quite. It's more like a...Bright...Fury. or a Bright Nadder." Hiccup said about the two dragons being opposite to Toothless and Ghostwing. 

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