Chapter 22

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"We can fight and outsmart him, Runa. He's like every dragon trapper out there." Hiccup said not caring he'll die. "YOU CAN'T OUTSMART HIM, HICCUP. HE WILL KILL YOU AND TOOTHLESS LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO DAD!" I shouted at Hiccup causing others and mom to look at us. Hiccup looked at me in shock as to what it could be. "Dad didn't give his life for us to get killed by someone who he knows could, can and will kill anyone in his way like Drago would. What we need to do is to think of a counter attack and a big plan to fight the best we can. I can't lose another member of this family. Think of what could happen to mom if you were killed by Grimmel then I'll be the one to be forced to have heirs to continue the Haddock and Berkain Chief line." I growled about the problem that could happen to Berk. 

"Why are you so worried about what can't and won't happen?" Astrid asked about why I'm worrying. "Why am I worried? Because there's a group of dragon trappers that has a leader who will kill or something else with the last Night Fury in the Archipelago. What one chief goes through in their life before will tell the next about it and that's what dad did ." I said about the group of dragon trappers and what each old chief tells the new one. "We'll still defeat him." Snotlout said proudly about defeating Grimmel and we shook our heads. 

"Well when you see him then be sure that he doesn't have dragons or weapons because I have a feeling he will use both somehow." Eret said as he had some experience with Grimmel as well. Hiccup and the younger ones didn't listen to a word that we said because Tyvarr and I knew the looks on Astrid's and Hiccup's faces. "Don't do anything Hiccup or it'll cost you something that you dearly love." I said to him as the others and I passed him. Most of the Vikings of Berk went into the Great Hall to hear what I was planning on doing and everyone but Gobber, Hiccup and his crew agreed since they weren't here. 

Hiccup P.O.V. I was in the house, looking for some more information about the Hidden World in one of Stoick's books, whilst Toothless is sleeping in the corner of the room. "Alright. Alright, come on, give me a clue here. Please give me a clue, dad." I whispers as he's reading through the book he hears something and sees some dust fall from the roof. I looks around the house and takes out my inferno as I hears someone pour a drink into a cup. "Oh, I hope you don't mind if I help myself. This is quite good." He casually said, taking a sip of his drink. I light up inferno and sees someone standing with a cup in their hand. 

"That is impressive, but let me finish my drink." He said before takes out a crossbow and shoots a dart at Toothless. I realizes the dart is the same as the one we found in the forest and that Grimmel is the person. "Toothless! What did you do to him?!" Hiccup shouted at Grimmel as he ran towards Toothless in worry. "Nothing that he won't sleep off. Ahh. May I, Chief Hiccup? Do I say Chief Hiccup or do I just call you Hiccup? What do you prefer?" He asked about it as he was sitting in Stoick's chair. 

 I slowly walks closer to him with my inferno still in my hand. "You have no idea who I am, do you? Ha ha ha, well, your father knew of me. Now, that was a Chief. One of the greatest dragon hunters to have ever lived! What would he think of you? Your sister followed him in that aspect as well." He said, laughing about dad. I glared at him knowing that dad was better than him. "He did it right, you know, making it his mission to destroy the beasts so that you and your sister could grow up in a better world." Grimmel said about dad, Runa and I. 

"Well, he changed his mind." Hiccup snapped about his dad. "And look where that got him." Grimmel said smirking as he brought up dad's death. I clenches my fists in anger and tightens my grip on my inferno. "So, let's get to the point. I am the Night Fury killer, I've hunted every last one but yours. You are going to give me that dragon. Or I will-" Grimmel said about being the Night Fury killer. 

"I will never give him up!" I said, cutting Grimmel off. Grimmel stands up and makes his way towards Toothless. "You wish dragons to live free among us, like equals? A toxic notion, my boy. History has shown that we are the superior species. What if word of your misguided ideas were to spread? It would be the undoing of civilization as we know it." Grimmel said as he looked down at Toothless' tail and saw that something wasn't right. He kicks the tail causing Fishlegs to wake up, and he realizes that he was wearing a disguise. "Did we get him?" Fishlegs asked groggily from the drug. Whilst he's distracted, Hiccup uses his inferno to throw his crossbow away. 

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