Chapter 9

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We disappeared into the dark clouds and the Red Death kept shooting where it thought we were. Toothless and I dived at the Red Death and shot a plasma shot at it. I look back at the tail that has been destroyed. The Red Death followed us down to the ground and I was waiting for it to shoot its fire breath. It started to open its mouth to fire at us but it wasn't going to get it. "Stay with me, buddy. We're good. Just a little bit longer." I said about hanging on some more. "Hold, Toothless... NOW!" I instruct turning around and Toothless fires the plasma-blast into the dragon's mouth. 

The dragon is about to fire back but the inside of it catches on fire causing its wings to tear. The dragon crashes into the ground causing it to go up in flames. I fly around the dragon trying to get out safely but the tail doesn't move. Whilst I was trying to adjust the destroyed tail, the Red Death's tail came crashing down on us knocking me off Toothless. "NO!" Hiccup and Stoick shouted once they saw the female Haddock falling. 

None P.O.V. Everything is scorched along with smoke everywhere and the ground is smoking from the terrible heat. Stoick desperately searched through the smoke to find his daughter and he couldn't lose her. "Runa! Runa!" He called before seeing a motionless silhouette of Toothless. "Runa." He whispers as he and Hiccup run to the dragon's side, he relaxes a little once he sees Toothless breathing. He then looks up at the empty saddle on his back. The saddle is scorched, making Stoick feel guilty. He falls to his knees overwhelmed by his loss. "Oh, Una... I did this." He whispered as Hiccup fell to his knees at seeing his dragon but not his sister. All the vikings are standing behind him at a distance. The dragons walk towards the vikings standing behind them, also keeping quiet. 

Ghostwing walked up behind Stoick and Hiccup, softly whining. Toothless stirs and groggily rolls his head towards Stoick and their eyes meet. "I'm so... I'm so sorry..." Stoick whispers as he rests his hand on top of Toothless' head while Hiccup puts his hand on Ghostwing's head. Toothless hears Stoick's apology and unfolds his wings revealing an unconscious Runa and Stoick's eyes widen. "Runa!" He exclaims as he scoops her into his arms and brushes the hair out of her face, he quickly listens to her heart. 

"Oh, she's alive!" He shouted as he laughed in sadness and happiness. "You brought her back alive!" Hiccup said softly to Toothless who huffed in agreement. The vikings cheer and the dragons smile, wedging themselves between the vikings. Ghostwing and the older siblings' dragons roared in cheerful roars. "Thank you... for saving my daughter" Stoick thanked Toothless, resting his hand on his head. Gobber walks over and eyes Runa up and down. "Well, you know... most of her." Gobber said as he saw Runa's foot and Stoick glanced at Gobber. Gobber shrugs and looks back at Runa. 

1 week later Stoick P.O.V. I sat on a chair next to Runa's bed holding her hand in his. Hiccup sat on the other side, sleeping with his head on the bed next to Runa's free hand, while Toothless and Ghostwing lay sleeping in the corner of the room or beside Runa's bed. I stared down at Runa and she had burns on half of her arms and face. "If I would have just listened to her, none of this would have happened." I whispered to myself. I used my free hand to stroke her cheek, tracing the scar over her eye. I closed my eyes, tears threatening to fall as I remembered the day she had got it. 

*FLASHBACK* Runa was on her bed with Hiccup when a dragon broke into the house. I immediately ran into the room and saw Hiccup crying in Runa's arms whilst Valka was standing next to the dragon with a sword in her hand. I threw my axe between them. "Valka, run!" He screamed as the dragon fired at me but I dodge it. I quickly ran over to Runa's bed and quickly picked her and Hiccup up, protecting them in my arms. I run towards Valka but I'm too late, the dragon picks her up and flies away with her. "Valka!" I shouted for her. "Stoick!" Valka shouted faintly as the dragon was far away. "Valka." I whisper sadly since Hiccup will be living without a mother. I look over at Hiccup. He has a scratch on his chin because of the dragon and begins crying even more. *FLASHBACK END* 

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