Chapter 25

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None P.O.V. Grimmel runs out of his destroyed base in anger. One of his Deathgrippers flies down and lands with Hiccup unconscious in his claws. He smiles and pets the dragon's head. "Good." He sinisterly said as his dragon looked happy. Grimmel hears Fishmeat scream and looks up to watch the dragon riders flying away. But he didn't see Chieftess and the old dragon trapper until it was too late as the sound from a Night Fury-Deadly Nadder mix was heard. Grimmel's Deathgripper dropped Hiccup as a black figure of a Night Fury grabbed the unconscious male. Grimmel himself was thrown back and was stuck to a wall by Nadder tail spikes. 

"One thing you've forgotten about the Haddock line, Grimmel. Is that we protect our family?" Runa growled at Grimmel who laughed. "You would have done better as a dragon hunter, my dear girl. Your father did not take my offer to train you and now look where you are. Protecting dragons and your brother that kill many villagers." Grimmel told Runa about her father and brother along with many island villagers. "My father taught me many things, Grimmel. That includes protecting the family." Runa said as Ghostwing shot a warning shot at Grimmel and the Deathgripper's heads before leaving with Hiccup's body. Astrid paces back and forth, thinking of what to do with dealing with Grimmel. 

"Astrid, he'll be fine. Valka and Runa will help get Hiccup well." Gobber reassures the young Hofferman. "You don't know that. Grimmel could have done anything to Hiccup while Runa and Eret were looking for Hiccup." Astrid said about the siblings and Grimmel. "Don't worry Astrid. Runa will always look after and come back with Hiccup. Hey, remember the time Ruffnut got kidnapped by Dagur? We got her back. Right Ruffnut?" Tuffnut said as he turns to face Ruffnut but realizes she's not there. "Ruffnut?" Tuff calls for his sister. "Oh no..." Nuff and Kuff said as they thought about where their younger sister was. "Where is Ruffnut?" Eret asked about Ruffnut. "We left her behind!" Fishlegs panicked about where Ruffnut was. "How could you not notice she was missing? You ride a two-headed dragon like us!" Nuff said about Barf and Belch along with Ruffnut. "I try to avoid looking at her because she gives me acid reflux." Tuff said about trying to avoid looking at his twin. 

"Odin be spanked! This just gets better and better!" Gobber says sarcastically. "Look, I'll figure it out. We will get Ruffnut back. Don't worry. I'll be back, I just need to clear my mind." Astrid promises before walking into the forest. "Worry? If they're stuck with Ruffnut, I'm more worried about them." Tuffnut said laughing about how the dragon trappers had to deal with Ruffnut annoying them. Grimmel and the other dragon killers are making a plan to capture Toothless whilst Ruffnut was locked in a cell. Grimmel gets annoyed and sighs. Ruffnut sees him looking annoyed and smiles as a plan forms in her mind and walks up to the cell door. "Why the long face? I mean, mine's long, but yours is really long. All face and no brain, like you got stretched at birth. Do you have a twin, too? Tuffnut took up all the room in mom's belly. Otherwise, I'd have a rounder head and more brains, that's science. My braids are like little Zipplebacks, see." Ruffnut said as she starts playing with her braids, imitating her dragon. 

Grimmel and the dragon trappers were slowly getting annoyed by Ruffnut. "Even the mould spots look like eyes, so cute. They even have little horns and everything just like Barf and Belch. Except me and Barf can't stand Belch so they're really just Barfs. It's warm here and I know what you're thinking. You've never had a prisoner this hot. All the boys love me, except Eret, who totally lost his chance when he started to go after Runa. That ship has sailed, boys, sorry. And Hiccup is practically married to Astrid. But Snotlout and Fishlegs, they're basically in my hand." Ruff said, trying to annoy the living poop out of her captors. Grimmel's pencil snaps and he gets more annoyed with Ruffnut as she swings upside down in the cell. 

"Just can't choose, you know. Snotlout's a beefcake but almost too pretty, you know. Sometimes I think he's more in love with himself than me, there's only room for one beauty in this relationship. Fishlegs would keep me alive longer if I had to eat one of them. Stranded on some glacier somewhere but he never shuts up about dragons. Do you hate it when people never stop talking?" Ruff said before asking Grimmel about people non-stop talking. 

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