Chapter 23

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"Ugh, it just keeps going." Snotlout groans, becoming tired of flying like some of the other vikings were. "That's because the world is actually round." Tuffnut tells him. I rolled my eyes and shook my head before Hiccup went back to looking through his spyglass. "The Sun is round, the moon is round." Nuff said about the sun and moon. Astrid and Tyvarr shake their heads and laugh. "Stars are round, even though they're small and stupid." Ruffnut said about the stars before laughing. "Right? Stars." Tuff said as he shook his head. Toothless and Ghostwing look around as they sense something near us. "What're you picking up on, bud?" I asked Ghostwing about what he and Toothless are picking up on. 

Toothless and Ghostwing roar as the Light Fury and Light Nadder reveal themselves through the clouds. "The Light Fury!" Hiccup said as he saw the Light Fury. "She's following us!" Astrid exclaimed about the Light Fury. "The Light Nadder's following us as well." I said as Eret and I saw it before us. The Light Fury and Light Nadder shoots a plasma blast and turns invisible. "Where did they go? Are they made of sky?!" Tuff asks surprised about the two dragons. Toothless quickly flies up to where the Light Fury turned invisible. "Woah! Slow down bud!" Hiccup cried to Toothless who looked around for the Light Fury. I look behind Hiccup and see the Light Fury going for Hiccup. 

"Ghostwing, baby Hiccup." I said as Ghostwing flew between the Light Fury, Hiccup and Toothless before shooting at the Light Fury. The Light Fury had dodged to the side as the Light Nadder aggressively grabbed me from Ghostwing's saddle. The Light Nadder throws me and I fall down towards the water. Ghostwing gives the Light Nadder a roar of confusion and flies down to save me. Ghostwing grabs me and flies back with the others. "Not a word." I growled at the two groups. Toothless and Ghostwing look around, trying to find the Light Fury and Light Nadder again but they're gone. "Potty break!" Fishlegs calls as he sees a new island in sight. The Berkians arrive at the new island and land. "Alright, looks like we're camping here for tonight, everyone." I informed everyone about camping here. "Well, thank Thor for that!" Gobber breathed as he and Grump landed on the ground. "Yes, my own place! I plan to build a hut only for the bearded! Ruffnut, you gotta stay out! Chin whiskers don't count!" Tuff screams about his hut. 

"I see a tower of manliness in the shape of me. It's gonna be taller than Eret with bigger muscles." Snotlout said, imagining his house. "You should have brains because you don't have any." I said as I flicked his forehead. "Hey! Get out of my house!" Snotlout orders as Eret stands where Snotlout's house would be. "Hey, is there a problem here?" Eret asked, confused as he looked at me about Snotlout. "Yeah, there's a problem." Snotlout said as he stepped onto a wooden box in an attempt to look bigger than Eret. "Ever since you showed up, you've been trying to upstage me. You're just so jealous! Delusional!" Snotlout said as he stood on a barrel making himself look bigger. 

"Oh, delusion is a good word for it." Eret agrees, referring to Snotlout. "Listen, son of Eret! When Hiccup blows it as chief, I'm next in line, number two. Because I'm clearly Valka's favourite. So, you better start showing me respect!" Snotlout says putting up three fingers. Eret stops listening and walks away confused. "Strange little man." Eret mumbles as he walks past Gobber. "Ah, don't mind him, it's not your fault you have the body of a Norse God. I, myself, have the same problem." Gobber said about his past. "Really Gobber, I don't see you having that issue in your youth." I said about it when I walked up. "Well good to know I can trust your bluntness, Runa. you get that from Valka for sure or your father." Gobber said about my bluntness. "Blacksmith stall goes right here." Gobber said as he picked up one of his tools and placed it into the ground. 

He looked down and saw several groups of Hobgobblers. "Ahhhh! One, two, three, four, five." Gobber said as he backed away, scared of them. "Oh, okay, hold on, gang. We said, "Make camp", not build a new village." I said about making camp and not a new village. "Who died and made you chief?" Snotlout asked Hiccup and I about it. Gothi flies past Snotlout and smacks him with her stick. "Ow!" Snotlout whined about being hit. "Granted this place is very nice, but it's not the hidden world." I said about the place and the Hidden World. "We don't even know if this hidden world exists!" One of the vikings said that the Hidden World existed. "Yeah. And this place is real!" Another agrees with the first. Hiccup sighs as mom walks up to us to talk about the vikings. 

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