Chapter 30

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"Greetings, magnificent creature, will you allow Stoick to tame you with his gentle touch?" Gobber said as he closed his eyes and looked away, stretching out his hand, just like Hiccupdid when he first met Toothless. Toothless closes his eyes and earns Gobber's trust placing his nose on to his hand. Toothless' family, Eret II, Freya, Zephyr, and Nuffink watch with interest. "Let man and dragon be forever bonded in trust and love." Gobber said as the audience clapped and cheered as Tuffnut, Gobber and Toothless bow. "Thank you, thank you very much." Tuffnut said with smugness in his voice. 

"That was amazing, so exciting I could fly." Nuffink said as he outstretched his arms and jumped out of his seat trying to fly and ended up face planting onto the ground and Zephyr helped him up. "It's just a show Nuffink, it's just dad in a suit." Zephyr said about Hiccup being in a suit without realizing that their aunt wasn't with them. "Way to go, dad." Nuffink calls Hiccup but Zephyr goes backstage looking for her father and aunt with Eret II. "Hey, dad? Aunt Runa/mom?" Zephyr and Eret II call but they sees something in the smoke and see Toothless walking towards her with Ghostwing. 

Toothless and Ghostwing quietly growls and Zephyr quickly grabs her stick putting it in front of her but Eret II stands in front of his younger cousin in protectiveness. Zephyr loses her grip on her stick as Ghostwing and Toothless look into the cousins' eyes, seeing that they're exactly like their rider's eyes. Toothless gives Zephyr a gummy smile and Zephyr smiles back, no longer afraid while Ghostwing gives Eret II a small chirping noise. "Hi." Zephyr said softly as Eret II waves. "Uhh... a little help here? Gobber? Runa? Anyone?" Hiccup calls which causes Ghostwing and Toothless to look up and see their families flying away. They give the cousins one last smile before flying off after their family. 

Runa was still helping her little brother out of his Toothless costume and thanking Thor that she didn't need to be in the pageant. After the pageant Astrid, Hiccup, Zephyr, and Nuffink walk home while in front of them, Runa, Eret, Freya and Eret II were on their way home as well. "I love dragons and I love Toothless, he's beautiful. Why didn't you tell me you were really going to bring him here?" Zephyr asked about Toothless as she ran around with her arms extended like a dragon. "I have literally no idea what she's talking about. This whole thing was not what I expected." Hiccup said confused about his daughter's actions and words now as they pass by Stoick's statue, Gobber smiles seeing the children of Berk decorating it instead of throwing stuff at it. Nuffink puts his helmet on his head pretending to be his grandfather. "I'm Stoick the Vast." Nuffink said, trying to imitate Stoick's voice. 

"And I'm Toothless, let's be friends." Zephyr said as she smiled and placed her head on Nuffink's hand. "You were right. It was exactly what everyone needed. For the kids, and for the memory of my father." Hiccup said about the pageant that Astrid suggested. "Gobber, you have well honoured Hiccup's father and your friend." Astrid said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "It was my deepest privilege to do so. Thank you Hiccup." He said before he stopped and sadly turned around to look at Stoick's statue. "You're welcome Gobber. You can continue to write the script for the pageant from now on." Hiccup said about the script. 

"Well, guess I'll be heading home, alone, all the best Snoggletog I spent in solitary, cavernous, silence." Gobber said about how he spends Snoggletog. Hiccup and Astrid look at each other shaking their heads laughing. "Gobber? f you are free tonight-" Hiccup started to say but Gobber cut him off. "I'd love to." He said as he smiles hugging the two of them. They walk back to the house and Zephyr quickly stops them going inside. "Gobber, wait." Zephyr said as she grabs Nuffink's helmet and throws it in front of the door. A mace swings by, hitting the helmet while firing two arrows and Gobber's eyes widen. "Oh, that's clever." He compliments the young Haddock girl. 

"Okay, we're good." she said as she walked towards the door while Hiccup and Astrid laughed. They open the door and walk inside seeing a green crystal glowing on the fireplace but they didn't know where it came from. Hiccup and Astrid hear two familiar roars before running outside seeing Toothless and Ghostwing flying away with smiles. Gobber pulls them all into a tight hug as they continue to watch Toothless and his family fly away. "Maybe it's our turn to visit them." Gobber said about visiting the Hidden World next time. Runa, Eret, their kids and Valka walked over to Hiccup's house because they knew that they probably didn't have any stew left for them by Toothless and his family. 

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