Chapter 12

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"Some minds won't be changed, Hiccup. Berk is what you need to worry about. A chief protects his own and if you're going to be Co-chief with Runa. You need to learn it now." Dad informs Hiccup about what being chief is like. "SECURE THE STABLE! LATCH EVERY STALL!" Dad orders as Hiccup walks towards Toothless thinking of a plan. Astrid and I see the look on his face. Knowing what he's planning on doing, we try to stop him. "Hiccup, don't!" I said to him as I was trying to give him a look that we use when one of us knows what's going to happen. "I have to. Maybe he can be reasoned with." Hiccup said to me about Bludvist. "He can't, Hiccup. He killed almost all the Night Furies and any variations of the Night Furies. He's mad crazy and he won't stop until people are killed or all dragons are under his control. He can't be stopped unless there's a way." I said to him about everything I know about Bludvist and his ways. 

"THIS WAY! QUICKLY!" Dad continues ordering everyone as Toothless shoots blast flying towards the exit. "HICCUP!!" Dad yelled annoyed at his youngest child. "Come on bud!" Hiccup said to Toothless who dives through the gap in the door that's starting to close. "Hiccup!" He shouted at Hiccup in anger for disobeying him. Astrid gets on Stormfly and quickly flies past dad. "Astrid?!" Dad shouted after her as well. They quickly slip through the same door before it shuts, leaving dad fuming in anger. Dad looked at me for help about Hiccup and Astrid. "I know where they're going but I only need a few people to come with me." I said about my plan for getting Hiccup and Astrid. Dad nodded as he motioned me to choose who. "Tyvarr, Boulout, Snotlout, Ingenda, Fishlegs, Ruff, Tuff, Nuff and Kuff with me." I called them before we got on our dragons and raced out the Great Hall doors when they were opened. 

None P.O.V. Eret and the other dragon trappers are sailing through the ocean looking for dragons they can capture. "Keep your eyes peeled, lads! With this wind, we'll reach Drago by daybreak, so best we fill this ship up with dragons and quick! It's no time to be picky." Eret calls to his crew before he starts thinking about the older female Dragon rider that attacked him before two more came. "Uh...Eret?" One of the trappers calls Eret and the men see Toothless and Stormfly flying towards them. "HEADS! OFF THE PORT QUARTER! Net em, lads! Take em down!" Eret orders his crew about the dragon riders. "Up on the left!" A trapper informs. "You're not getting away this time. Fire!" Eret commands the people on nets. The trappers throw a net at the dragons but it misses. "Reload!" One yelled for a reload. "Come on, reload! Incoming!" Another called about incoming as Toothless and Stormfly land on the boat. "And here I was worried we might turn up empty-handed." Eret stated about going to Bludvist empty-handed. 

"Nope. It's your lucky day. We give up. That's one Night Fury, one Deadly Nadder and two of the four finest dragon riders west of luk tuk. That ought to make the boss happy, right? Excuse us." Hiccup said as he and Astrid walk towards a small cage at the bottom of the boat. "What are you doing?" Astrid asks, confused by Hiccup's actions. "Toothless, stay. The dragons don't really care for cramped spaces, so they'll just hang out with you. They won't be in any trouble." Hiccup instructs and assures everyone. The dragon trappers pull out their swords and weapons. Toothless starts to feel threatened and growls at them. "Unless you do that. Wooden boat, big ocean-How's your swimming?" Hiccup asks about their swimming. "Not good." One of the trappers replies, scared as Hiccup lights his inferno on fire and shows them it through the cage. "Oops. Almost forgot. Can't have armed prisoners." Hiccup said as he retracts the blade and offers it to them. 

One of the trappers cautiously takes it, looking at it in confusion. "How is this a plan?" Astrid whispered asked Hiccup about the plan. "Just what every Dragon Trapper needs. One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva." Hiccup explains as the bottom of his inferno starts to spill the Zippleback gas. The Dragon Trapper crew looks at it in confusion. "The other sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it takes is a spark and..." Hiccup started as a dragon trapper clicks the lighter, igniting the gas. Hiccup and Astrid quickly duck to avoid the explosion. "Oh, yeah, there you go! Once they see you as one of their own, even the testiest dragon can be trained, right, bud?" Hiccup asked Toothless about being trained. "Give me that!" Eret says grabbing the inferno and throwing it into the ocean. Stormfly chases after it when it is thrown. 

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